The right breakfast for weight loss: what should it be. Breakfast for weight loss: recipes for optimal morning snacks


The right balanced breakfast is the best start to the day. There is no such diet in which the morning meal would be skipped.

The only exception is severe starvation, but this diet is strongly not recommended. When a person decides to start losing weight, he makes a lot of mistakes in organizing his diet.

Namely, skips the morning meal.

You can’t do this, because the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, which will lead to extra snacks.

What should be a slimming breakfast? Light, low-calorie, but nutritious.

Erroneous opinion about breakfast

1. In the morning you can not eat. When a person sleeps, his body also rests. This means that metabolism and metabolism are slowing down. If you do not eat after awakening, during the whole day a person will feel weakness, depression, lethargy. Skipping breakfast will lead to the fact that the brain will be deprived of nutrients, all body systems will not work properly. Morning meal is very important. It is important to saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients that stimulate metabolic processes.

2. Small portions. The right slimming breakfast should be light, but at the same time nutritious. If you reduce the portion, this will lead to the fact that soon the person will again feel hunger and have to have a bite.

3. Unbalanced portion. Breakfast cannot consist only of proteins, or only of carbohydrates. Morning meal should be balanced, only then it will benefit the body.

Breakfast for weight loss: what should it be

Overweight most often occurs due to malnutrition. Breakfast plays a very important role here. As a person begins his morning, he will feel throughout the rest of the day. If you want to lose a few pounds, you need to start with the proper organization of breakfast. Hard diets should not be resorted to. They are effective, but the result is not long-term, the body will begin to require more calories, as a result, the weight will return.

Nutritionists recommend starting the process of weight loss with the right breakfast for weight loss. It should contain a moderate amount of calories, give a feeling of satiety for several hours.

What should be a breakfast for weight loss: the main points

1. Nourishing, but at the same time easy for the digestive system. It is impossible to load the stomach with “heavy food” in the morning.

2. Fast. The modern rhythm of life leaves a person little time for cooking. It is necessary to think over such a recipe for a morning snack, which is prepared quickly.

3. Natural, so that the body can get the necessary supply of vitamins and other nutrients. This is important for brain activity, digestive system, metabolism and the work of all organs of the digestive tract.

4. Tasty - you need to eat for pleasure. Breakfast should be such that a person wants to repeat it again and again, otherwise all the efforts of proper nutrition will come to naught.

It is not difficult to adhere to the presented nutritional advice, they are very simple. In addition, the result will not be long in coming. Proper nutrition contributes to natural weight loss and overall health improvement. After the first week of following such a technique, a person will feel much better.

Morning Taboo Food List

The morning menu should be compiled correctly, not all products are allowed to be included in it.

What should not be in the right breakfast for weight loss:

• instant cereals and granola, they contain too much sugar and chemical components;

• store juices, to lose weight, you need to drink only natural drinks;

• fried foods and fatty meat are not suitable for a morning snack - this is too “heavy” food;

• you should forget about a piece of cake in the morning, sweets and other confectionery.

Calculating a serving of breakfast for weight loss is very simple. It is necessary to squeeze a hand into a fist - its volume will be equal to the volume of the stomach. A serving of food should be a little smaller. This will be enough to start the metabolism and the digestive system, without loading the stomach.

What can be included in the morning menu

How to understand what to cook for yourself in the morning in order to get enough and at the same time not to gain excess weight? There is a list of foods that are best for breakfast. Making a menu of them, a person will be able to saturate his body with useful substances and a charge of energy for a long period of time.

1. Porridge

Porridge is very healthy and tasty. The composition of cereals contains a huge amount of complex carbohydrates and other nutritional components. The best breakfast for weight loss is regular oatmeal. It can be cooked not only in water, but also in low-fat milk, kefir. Also in the morning you can cook buckwheat, it has a lot of protein and carbohydrates. It is recommended to cook cereal in milk - it turns out very tasty, such a dish gives a feeling of fullness for the whole day. For a change, in the morning you can also cook brown rice, corn porridge. The only rule is that sugar is not recommended in dishes. It will be better to chop the fruit finely to give the porridge more flavor and utility.

2. Dairy products

Milk breakfast normalizes digestion and metabolism, regulates the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Best for a morning meal is suitable low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt. Such a snack to saturate the body with protein and important vitamins will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

3. Salad - another option for the right breakfast for weight loss

In addition, this is a great opportunity to diversify the diet. In the morning, you can prepare a salad of fresh fruits or vegetables. Such a breakfast is recommended to drink a glass of low fat kefir in order to normalize the work of the digestive tract and intestinal motility.

4. Smoothies and cocktails

The use of such drinks for breakfast has many advantages:

• they are very tasty;

• prepare as quickly as possible;

• give a surge of energy, while they have a low calorie content;

• look appetizing;

• contain a maximum of vitamins, especially if you make a cocktail based on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Smoothies and smoothies are good because they can be constantly diversified. You can prepare drinks based on fruits, vegetables, dairy products and cereals. It is also useful to add flax seeds, cinnamon - these components accelerate metabolic processes.

Breakfast for weight loss: recipes for low-calorie and easily digestible dishes

Oatmeal with fruit


• frozen or fresh fruits, berries (2 tablespoons);

• 3 tablespoons of oatmeal (not instant cooking);

• 500 ml of water.

The water is brought to a boil, then oatmeal is added there. The porridge is boiled for 10 minutes, then finely chopped fruit can be added to it. For taste, the dish is sprinkled with a small amount of chopped nuts.

Curd Smoothie


• low-fat cottage cheese (3 tablespoons);

• chopped dill (2 tablespoons);

• boiled egg;

• natural yogurt without sweeteners (2 tablespoons).

Cottage cheese mixes well with chopped greens, an egg and yogurt are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly crushed using a blender, adding salt is not recommended. The resulting milk smoothie perfectly removes hunger in the morning, starts the stomach and saturates the body with energy.

Low Calorie Smoothie Mix


• pear, apple (1 fruit each);

• cucumber (1 piece);

• celery stalk (1 piece);

• 1 medium grapefruit;

• cereal flakes (2 tablespoons);

• 250 ml of water.

Fruits and vegetables are peeled, all ingredients are folded into a blender and chopped until a uniform consistency is formed. The cocktail turns out to be very satisfying and healthy - this is an excellent option for a slimming breakfast. The drink contains many vitamins and nutritional components, while it has a low calorie content.

Now no one will have questions about how to cook the right breakfast for weight loss. The recipes above are great for a morning snack. They are satisfying, healthy, low-calorie, easily absorbed by the stomach. If you want to get rid of excess weight, it is important to remember the main rule - only the correct measured nutrition will allow you to lose kilograms so that they do not return back.


Watch the video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (May 2024).