Pumpkin Cupcake - Useful Pastries! A selection of recipes for muffins with pumpkin and raisins, candied fruit, cereal, chocolate, nuts


Are you tired of pumpkin pies? Pumpkin Cupcake - Baking with sunny color and great benefit.

It has a lot of variations. Pumpkin muffins can be supplemented with a wide variety of products, add magical aromas and every day delight the family with new desserts.

Pumpkin Cupcake - General Cooking Principles

Pumpkin for a cupcake can be used boiled, usually in the form of mashed potatoes. But there are recipes with raw vegetables. In this case, it is usually rubbed with chips. In any case, the product is mixed with the rest of the dough ingredients.

What are the muffins kneading on:

• eggs;

• butter;

• sugar;

• flour;

• rippers.

Sometimes oatmeal, sour cream, semolina are added to the dough. To improve the taste and variety, they put raisins and other dried fruits, nuts and seeds, candied fruits and fresh fruits. For the flavor add zest, cinnamon, vanilla. Pumpkin muffins are baked immediately after kneading the dough in the oven or in the slow cooker. Readiness is determined with a stick.

Pumpkin cupcake with white chocolate (in a slow cooker)

The recipe for an incredibly simple but tasty pumpkin cake. Features recipe adds white chocolate, but similarly you can take a dark or milk bar. Dough with vegetable oil.


• 80 ml of water;

• 350 g pumpkin;

• 50 g of white chocolate;

• 350 g of millet flour .;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 100 ml p. oils;

• 2 eggs;

• 1.5 tsp cultivator.


1. For a cupcake you will need pumpkin puree. We will also cook it in a slow cooker. We cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it in a bowl, pour prescription water (80 ml), close it. Put the stew for half an hour.

2. Puree the finished vegetable along with the juice, cool. Wash the multicooker with a cup of oil.

3. Beat eggs and granulated sugar, pour vegetable oil to them, add the cooled pumpkin puree and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly. For flavor, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla in any quantity is allowed.

4. Pour into the dough a mixture of wheat flour and a baking cultivator, stir.

5. Add white chocolate, which you need to chop into pieces with a knife. Each size is about a twist.

6. Pour the dough for the cake into the already prepared cup from the multicooker pan.

7. Level the top with a spatula, close, cook in the baking mode for 60 minutes.

8. Take out the cupcake, decorate to your liking, you can pour the second part of the melted chocolate, which was not useful in the dough.

Pumpkin Cupcake with Apples

This recipe for pumpkin cupcake is convenient in that you can cook one large product or portioned cupcakes. Use sour apples, they will dilute the sweet taste of the dough.


• 2 eggs;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 0.5 cup mashed pumpkin;

• 3 apples;

• 120 ml of oil;

• 1 tbsp. l cultivator;

• 80 ml of milk;

• flour 2 tbsp .;

• 2 tablespoons of almond flakes


1. Pumpkin puree can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Be sure to cool. If the mass turns out to be liquid, let the juice settle, gently drain all excess.

2. Eggs with sugar are beaten until lush foam, milk with vegetable oil is added, a small pinch of salt. Everything is neatly mixed.

3. Pumpkin puree is introduced, a cultivator and flour are poured. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. Apples are peeled, the pulp is cut into cubes, added to the dough. The mass needs to be stirred again.

5. Place the dough in cupcake tins. Fill them no more than 2/3 of the height.

6. Either pour the dough into one large mold.

7. Sprinkle almond leaves on top.

8. Bake at 180 degrees. Small cupcakes will take about half an hour. Baking a large product can take up to an hour, depending on its height.

Greek Pumpkin Cupcake with Nuts

An easy-to-cook cupcake with a wonderful walnut flavor. However, they do not need very much. You can replace part with peanuts, hazelnuts or peeled seeds, the taste will be even richer.


• 300 g flour;

• approximately 500 g of pumpkin;

• 100 g nuts;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 100 ml of oil;

• eggs 2 pcs.;

• a small lemon;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• 0.2 tsp nutmeg.


1. Cook the pumpkin. You can cut it into a pan, add 0.5 cups of water, boil on the stove. Or put in a microwave oven, add some liquid, cook at maximum power until soft.

2. Drain the liquid from the pumpkin, grind the pulp with a blender or simply rub it well. For the test you need 250 grams.

3. Remove the zest from the lemon, also chop. Squeeze juice out of half. The second part of citrus we do not need.

4. Flour should be mixed with zest, add nutmeg and cultivator.

5. Add chopped nuts. As mentioned in the recipe, several types can be used. Set aside the aromatic mixture.

6. Beat eggs and sugar, add cooled mashed potatoes, pour in vegetable oil, stir.

7. Add the flour mixture with nuts and spices to the bulk, stir.

8. Pour the kneaded mass into a cake pan or into any other container, for example, into a greased pan.

9. Bake the cake until dry sticks for about an hour. We set at 180 degrees.

Pumpkin cupcake with dried fruits "Fairytale"

Another recipe with walnuts, but other dried fruits are also added to this pumpkin cupcake: raisins, dried apricots, prunes. You can take part of candied fruits, but the total amount should not exceed the specified rate in the list of ingredients.


• 50 g of raisins;

• 50 g of nuts;

• a glass of flour;

• 4 spoons with a mountain of pumpkin puree;

• 50 g of prunes;

• eggs 2 pieces;

• 50 g dried apricots;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 1 tsp oil grows;

• 1 tsp honey;

• 5 spoons of sour cream;

• 80 g of sugar.


1. All dried fruits are washed, cut in any way, nuts are also crushed. You do not need to fry the kernels in advance.

2. Eggs are broken into a bowl, sugar and a teaspoon of honey are added to them. It will give the dough a pleasant aroma and give softness. All must be thoroughly mixed to dissolve the grains.

3. Now sour cream is added to the dough. It is advisable to use a fatty product of 20% and above.

4. Next, pumpkin puree is added, it is still well mixed.

5. Now you can pour out flour, dried fruits, a baking cultivator.

6. The dough is thoroughly mixed, moved to a greased form.

7. Set the cupcake to bake at 190 degrees. The approximate time is 45-50 minutes, but it depends on the height of the dough layer and the diameter of the mold.

Pumpkin Cupcake with Semolina

A peculiar mannik is prepared with raw pumpkin. This further simplifies the formulation, does not require cooking and cooling the mashed potatoes, as was the case in previous recipes.


• a glass of semolina;

• a glass of kefir;

• 300 g pumpkin;

• 100 g of softened oil;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• 2 eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 lemon;

• 2 tablespoons of powder;

• 50 g of raisins;

• a glass of flour;

• vanilla.


1. Kefir, like butter, is preferably removed from the refrigerator in advance. You can take yogurt.

2. Mix the cereal with kefir, leave for thirty minutes to swell.

3. Also pour raisins with warm water, let it stand too. Then squeeze, dry the grapes.

4. During this time, grate the peeled pumpkin pulp, sprinkle with lemon juice. You can add a little zest, but not necessarily.

5. Flour should be mixed together with steamed raisins, add a cultivator.

6. Beat eggs and sugar, mix with semolina. Add the grated pumpkin, flour.

7. Fill the dough with softened butter. If it does not have time to soften, then you can melt, but not to a hot state.

8. Thoroughly mixed dough, transfer to any mold.

9. Bake pumpkin cake for 45 minutes. The temperature of cooking in the oven is 180. In a slow cooker, you can also cook such a cupcake; it will take an hour in the baking mode.

Pumpkin Cupcake with Oatmeal and Candied Fruit

Another recipe for a very healthy, but easy-to-cook, raw pumpkin cake. Candied fruits can be used any. Replace with dried fruit if necessary.


• 150 g pumpkin;

• 150 g flour;

• 80 g oatmeal;

• 100 g sugar;

• 100 g candied fruits (raisins);

• 50 g sour cream;

• 2 eggs;

• 50 g of vegetable oil .;

• 1 tsp soda;

• lemon or vinegar;

• cinnamon, nutmeg.


1. Oatmeal should be mixed with flour, candied fruit (or washed raisins), add a pinch of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

2. In another bowl, the eggs are mixed with sour cream and butter, sugar is added. All this must be beaten well with a whisk. You can use a mixer.

3. Pour liquid mixture into the dry mixture, stir, leave to swell the flakes. About thirty minutes.

4. Put out baking soda with diluted lemon or table vinegar. Pour into the dough.

5. Grate the pumpkin finely, stir.

6. At this point, the oven should already have warmed up to 180 degrees.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. You can sprinkle on top with special crumbs. To prepare, mix in a spoonful of flour, cereal, sugar and grind with a piece of butter.

9. Bake a cake until cooked for about 55 minutes. It cools before serving.

Pumpkin Cupcake - Tips & Tricks

• To make the taste of pumpkin cake more interesting, you can replace part of the grated vegetable with an apple. Or add a little chopped fruit to the vegetable puree.

• Often raisins or candied fruits are added to cupcakes. But no less interesting pastries are obtained with dried cranberries, cherries, lingonberries and other sour berries.

• In almost any recipe, you can replace pumpkin puree with carrot or any other. You will get a similar baking, but with a completely different taste and aroma.

• Butter and vegetable oil can be replaced with each other in the cake dough. Baking on a creamy product is tastier, more aromatic. In vegetable oil, muffins are softer, softer, not stale for a long time.

• To prevent muffins from storing for a long time, you can replace part of the flour with starch or ground nuts.


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