Mistress on the horizon: how to live and what to do?


How often are you jealous of your husband? Are you scared that he might leave for another woman? Some wives experience baseless jealousy, others know that their beloved husband walks to the left. What if you think he is cheating? How to live with it? Is it worth it to seek the truth?

Step one. A heart-to-heart conversation ... with myself

Before deciding anything, you have to decide if you really want to know the truth? What will you do if fears are confirmed? Many women act too emotionally. They do not listen to the voice of reason and lose everything. When it comes to a rival, a cold mind is a must.

If you really worry and think that your husband was out on a walk - give yourself a few days of rest. Most likely, if this is true, then he began to change not yesterday. One or two days will not solve anything. Relax with friends, take a walk in some beautiful place, stay alone to make the right decisions and think about everything.

If a man does not really cheat?

  • How will your suspicions affect his attitude towards you?
  • Will he forgive you for your speculation?
  • Won't you spoil your relationship with jealousy?
  • What is your man's character? Would he want to spite you? There are those who are willing to change in revenge.

If your man is actually cheating

  • Do you want to get your man back?
  • Are you ready to forgive him? This must be clarified in advance in order to think out a plan of behavior!
  • Will you leave him right after your suspicions are confirmed?

Most important question

  • Is truth so important to you?

Perhaps your relationship has become obsolete, and you are slowly but surely moving towards parting? Perhaps this act can be perceived as the last nail driven into the coffin of your marriage? Is it worth it then to spoil your nerves, is not it better to spit on everything, save your nerves and scatter? Think about it.

And if you want to return him and agree to be with him no matter what, can confidence in adultery negatively affect your relationship? Sometimes it’s not so bad to look like a complete fool. He will not think that you can be treated in any way, and you will not have to forgive. How can you calmly look into his eyes, just knowing that he was hugging another woman?

Maybe you don’t need this truth, why ruin the relationship, when you can start all over again. Sometimes, a crisis is a new opportunity, smart people get maximum benefits from the most deplorable situation.

How to find out the truth?

Ask yourself a few more times, do you need truth? Only a few women live on Earth for whom physical adultery is a betrayal. For us, the emotional components are more important, if a man is in love with another, then yes, but if he wants to marry and quit - well, okay.

In short, if treason is important, and when you find out the truth, you are guaranteed to leave it. Then listen. But remember, he should not know anything. If he realizes that you are spying, then your relationship will be difficult to restore.

Unfortunately, you have no other way but to behave like a tracker detective, however, by doing this you will definitely destroy all the good that was between you. He cannot calmly forgive you if the accusations are unfounded. Such behavior will offend any man, as, in principle, a woman.

You will never know the truth from him. You can cry, scream and run amok. Put 1000 needles under his nails, but if he does not want to, he will never reveal the truth.

You need to include Sherlock: checking the phone at night, a detailed study of transfers from a bank account, a full inspection of the car and clothing for foreign objects. If someone is calling, stand next to him and pretend that you are doing your own thing.

The surest way is snooping. By the way, this can be fun. Buy wigs with your girlfriend, hire a taxi, or take a car from someone of your friends so that the “client” doesn’t guess. Sometimes you have to take a weekend at work, suddenly he does not meet with her today.

Of course, it’s easier not to bother and hire a private investigator, but it costs money. The price of the service is from 30 thousand, depending on the ambitions of the detective and the complexity of the situation.

5 important DO NOT if you do not want to ruin your relationship with your husband

  • Do not ask questions if you do not know what to do with the answers.

Well, he will tell you what is cheating, and what to do? Have you somehow prepared for this? Will you scream, fight in hysterics and cry? And if he leaves, will you persuade him to stay? Right on the day when he said he was cheating? And if it turns out that he is not just cheating, but is doing it with a man! And if he is embarrassed to admit that he goes to ballet and therefore disappears at work? Before asking questions - think over his answers and plan a reaction.

  • Do not ask questions if in any case you do not get truthful answers

Why ask questions when he is guaranteed not to tell the truth? Do not lose your temper just like that. Suppose he was late at work, and when you arrived, you found a trace of lipstick on his shirt. You can wait for a truthful answer for two, three, four hours, and only hear: "I won’t know where it could come from." Perhaps he is telling the truth, perhaps not. Well, what to do?

One of my ex one evening went for a walk with friends, and returned at 11 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s clear that I spent a lot of nerves, but I won’t say what's the point, even if I cheated. It was summer, and on that day he proposed a trip to the river, although he did not recognize Russian beaches, and was afraid of germs like fire. Strange, agree. They left the house, and I inadvertently asked: “Where were you somewhere?” Were there no women with you? ” Well, of course not, how could I have thought otherwise, stupid woman! I asked these questions with a frequency of several hours. With a smile, nothing portends trouble. Just interest.

Either he was upset by the lack of scandal, or my behavior completely broke the pattern, but in the end he was eager to tell me what happened yesterday: “And we,” he says, were lying with one friend at night yesterday and looked at this church. So beautiful". Yeah, he was lying with a friend, and I see how two huge drunken hairy men are lying on a soft lawn and reading each other's poems by Lermontov to the sound of church bells. The young man did not give up and hinted to me in every conceivable way that he was spending time with another woman.

What to do with this information I did not know. Have a tantrum? It seemed to me that he would not get away from me anyway, and if he wanted to leave, he was too healthy to stop him. Swear for prevention? It’s the same as writing on packs “Smoking kills”, otherwise he’s so stupid and doesn’t know that changing is bad. I decided to think about it tomorrow. By the way, that evening, it so happened that he was returning from friends, and I was walking from the store. I do not like to scream on the street, so I just walked behind. His phone rang, and he rather apologetically began to apologize to someone and asked him not to call again. Apparently, it was her.

  • Do not scandal with your husband
  • Do not commit rash acts
  • Behave like a fool as if you don’t understand anything until you decide on a strategy for behavior.

How to return a husband

It is very important to understand that by screaming you won’t achieve anything. If he cheated, it means he really wanted to. Read about the male psychology of betrayal, and you will understand. You need to make him want only you again. And for this, remember how you fell in love with him. Act wisely, act like an intelligent woman. Become the most ideal for him, and do not care at all. This is the only way to keep your beloved man next to you.


Nadia 11/09/2016
Throw such a husband and all. Since he ran to the left, that means he will always do so and not hold him back. So do you need one?


Watch the video: Dissection - Mistress of the Bleeding Sorrow live 1994' (July 2024).