Menopause in men: true or fiction? Symptoms of menopause in men: how to recognize a serious problem, how to treat it


Menopause is the condition of the body, which develops along with age-related changes. It is justified by a decrease in the production of certain human hormones.

Not everyone knows that menopause occurs not only in women, but also in men. So what is accompanied by menopause in men, the truth or fiction is all this - further in the article.

Causes of menopause in men: truth or fiction

If we consider this condition from a medical point of view, then the menopause is a completely normal physiological condition that develops along with the aging of the body.

It is worth noting that with female menopause, the representatives of the fair sex stop the production of eggs, because of which they lose the possibility of having children.

As for the male menopause, everything here is a little different. In this condition, the man does not lose the opportunity to conceive children, but he significantly decreases the production of the hormone testosterone.

According to scientists, a man’s body is able to conceive children until old age. The menopause period, of course, affects this function, but not as critical as in women. For this reason, one should not regard the male menopause as impotence or even infertility, since it has not been scientifically proven anywhere and has absolutely no evidence.

Despite this, one should know that impotence is a disease that can be treated, and menopause is a condition that, unfortunately, is impossible to prevent.

There are three main varieties of male menopause:

1. An early menopause that develops in men with an age younger than forty years.

2. Late menopause (observed in men over the age of sixty).

3. The pathological form of menopause in men can occur against a background of cardiac and urogenital diseases. Also, neurological disorders and stresses contribute to its development.

As already noted above, menopause in men occurs due to a violation of the production of the sex hormone testosterone. However, the following factors can contribute to its early development:

1. Bad habits - smoking and frequent drinking are extremely negatively displayed on the work of all body systems, including sexual. Moreover, it is proved that smokers are many times more prone to infertility and impotence than those men who do not have such a addiction.

2. The use of narcotic substances can not only lead to menopause, but also to heart diseases and many sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Previously transferred oncological pathologies of the genital organs.

4. Various toxic lesions of the body can also lead to impaired testosterone production.

5. The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system.

6. Violation of blood circulation.

7. Improper diet (poorly balanced diet).

8. Frequent emotional overstrain, stress and anxiety.

9. The lack of sports loads on the body and a sedentary lifestyle.

10. Frequent change of sexual partners.

11. Long abstinence from intimacy.

According to statistics, most men testosterone is produced at the age of thirty. After that, its amount gradually begins to decline.

Symptoms of menopause in men: truth or fiction

Menopause in men can manifest itself in completely different signs. Failures in human behavior may be the first symptoms of this condition. It can be suspicious, irritable, lethargic. Neuroses and depressions also quite often develop.

The general well-being of a person can also worsen. Against the background of a decrease in testosterone, a person may have frequent headaches, increased fatigue, drowsiness (insomnia), and shortness of breath. Moreover, heart problems often occur (heart rate, chest pain, arrhythmia).

In addition, the following characteristic signs that a man has menopause are distinguished:

1. Depressed state and lack of any mood.

2. Decrease in sexual desire.

3. Increased sweating.

4. Frequent mood swings and aggressiveness.

5. Frequent jumps in blood pressure.

6. Violation of sexual functions (reduction of time of sexual intercourse, worsening of erection).

7. Dizziness.

8. Memory impairment.

9. Frequent migraine, which is not eliminated by conventional analgesics.

10. Flabbiness of muscle mass.

In addition, in this state, a man’s body can undergo serious changes. His stomach can grow, gynecomastia can occur (a condition in which the breast enlarges).

Also, the figure of a man can acquire female features due to the deposition of fat on the hips. Often there is baldness and a decrease in muscle mass.

It should be noted that all the above signs can indicate not only menopause in men, but also a number of other conditions and diseases. For this reason, when they occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and conduct a diagnosis to identify the root cause of the disease.

Menopause treatment in men: true or fiction

With the development of signs of menopause, a man does not need to panic, as this happens to everyone. Instead, it is recommended that you choose the right treatment tactics to improve your condition. At the same time, therapy should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating various symptoms (anxiety, sleep disturbances, problems in the reproductive system, etc.).

In this condition, doctors recommend that men enrich their diet with foods that increase testosterone. At the same time, you should refuse food that directly contributes to its reduction - beer and other alcoholic beverages, fatty foods, fried meat, etc.

With obvious signs of depression, a person is recommended to change their occupation, go on vacation or start a new interesting hobby. Physical activity also plays a significant role. They, like no one else, will improve the emotional well-being of a person, as well as help strengthen muscle mass. Moreover, active sport will be favorably displayed on the weight of a man and the work of his heart.

Traditional drug therapy for menopause in men involves the following:

1. The purpose of vitamin preparations.

2. The appointment of antidepressants and sedatives.

3. The appointment of hormone therapy with low testosterone.

4. The use of analgesics for headaches.

Prevention of menopause in men: true or fiction

In most cases, menopause in men is observed between the ages of forty and fifty years. To help himself in this difficult period, a man should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Refuse bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, even in small quantities).

2. Engage in active sports. In principle, it can be any sport. The main thing is that it forces a person to exert pressure on his body.

3. Regularly make long walks in the fresh air.

4. To be socially active and not to shut yourself up. In such a period, it is useful to make new friends, an interesting hobby so as not to get depressed.

5. It is important to eat right and refuse to eat harmful foods (fatty, fried, salty, etc.). The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and cereals. It is also useful to eat nuts, dried fruits and dairy products.

You should know that with a well-balanced diet, the man’s body will receive all the necessary nutrients. This in turn will make it easier to endure the period of decline in hormone production.

6. Spend more time communicating with children and loved ones.

Due to physiological changes, every man will sooner or later go through a menopause. Surviving him will be much easier for him if a person clearly understands what is happening to him and how to act. The main thing in this case is not to despair and not to become depressed.

Moreover, the attitude and support of a woman plays a huge role in the favorable course of menopause in men. Her love and understanding will help a person adapt to a new lifestyle and pass this difficult period successfully.

Otherwise, the man may switch to another woman and seek support from her. For this reason, after about twenty years of a happy marriage, many families are experiencing a crisis of relations, and even divorce.


Watch the video: Libido, Hormones & Your Health. Mary Caire. TEDxTurtleCreekWomen (July 2024).