Puff and yeast rosette buns are an easy way to feed your family. Rosette recipes with sugar, cottage cheese, apples, sausage


The ability to make not only tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful homemade pastries distinguishes an experienced hostess from a beginner. Having mastered the production of "Rosette" buns, you can please your home with wonderful sweet and unsweetened pastries from yeast, cottage cheese and puff pastry.

Rosette Muffins - General Cooking Principles

The dough for buns "Roses" is most often used yeast. Homemade muffin is cooked in milk, eggs, butter and sugar. It doesn't matter which yeast you use - raw or dry. The main thing is that they are not spoiled, fresh. If the recipe uses live yeast, and you only have dry yeast, then divide the indicated amount by three. This is the standard proportion for replacement.

You can make puff pastry yourself or buy it ready. Frozen food should be left at room temperature for natural defrosting.

Sweet and unsweetened products are put in the filling for the Rosette buns: sugar, cottage cheese, jam, fresh apples, sausage, ham.

Buns are baked in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 180 to 200 ° C. If the pastry is made from yeast text, it is usually ready in 25 minutes. Much less baked products and puff pastry - 15 minutes.

Yeast buns "Rosettes" with sugar

Soft, airy buns on milk are not very easy to make. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but the result will be fantastically delicious pastries. Be sure to try baking the Rosette buns according to the classic recipe.


• fifty grams of live yeast (you can take two teaspoons of dry);

• four glasses of flour (half a glass for rolling the dough and forming buns, the rest into the dough);

• three eggs;

• a glass of milk;

• two hundred grams of butter;

• a glass of sugar in an oil filling, a tablespoon - in the dough;

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Remove eggs, milk, butter from the refrigerator in advance. They should warm to room temperature.

Heat the milk to 35-37 ° C, stir the yeast in it, add a spoonful of sugar and flour, mix everything thoroughly.

Let the dough stand for about fifteen minutes. She should get up well.

Beat eggs with salt.

Pour the egg mixture into a dough, add vegetable oil, mix.

Sift flour.

Pour a glass of flour into a liquid base and start kneading the dough.

Gradually add the remaining flour, knead a homogeneous, without lumps, dough.

You can’t make it too cool. The dough should be left behind, but it should seem a little liquid.

Transfer the dough into a deep cup, cover with a towel and let it roam for two hours. Periodically knead the rising dough (usually 3 times), make sure that it does not run away.

The result is an airy dough that easily lags behind the walls of the cup.

In a separate container, mix sugar with soft butter, rub well.

Divide the dough into two pieces, both roll into rectangles.

Lubricate each layer with sweet oil, leaving the edges clean.

Roll up the dough rolls.

Cut them into pieces about 3 cm thick.

Pulling the top “petals” down a bit, pinch the bottom of future buns. This must be done carefully so that the oil filling does not leak.

Dip the top of the Rosette buns in sugar.

Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, lay out the buns and leave to proof for 15-20 minutes.

Send the approached buns to the preheated oven, bake until cooked.

Cinnamon buns "Rosettes"

This recipe is suitable for beginner cooks. Yeast dough turns out to be pleasant and convenient to work, it is easy to shape and bake them. Remarkably delicious, fragrant, airy rosette rolls can be served with milk, tea and coffee.


• twenty grams of fresh yeast, half a glass of milk (150 ml);

• two glasses of flour (350 grams);

• two eggs;

• fifty grams of butter;

• one hundred grams of sugar;

• a tablespoon of ground cinnamon;

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Heat the milk until warm.

Dissolve the yeast in it.

Prepare the dough, adding half the sugar and two tablespoons of flour to the yeast water.

Stir and let the yeast work for about ten minutes.

Melt the butter.

Pour the butter into the dough, beat one egg, mix everything.

Knead the soft dough.

Leave in a warm place for proofing for an hour.

Sprinkle flour on the table.

Separate a piece of dough, roll into a layer with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm.

With a wide glass (diameter 6 cm), cut out circles from the dough.

Form a “strip” by laying out eight laps in a row.

Twist a tight roll, wrapping a "strip".

Cut the roll in the center - you get two buns in the shape of a rose.

Form buns in the same way, put on a baking sheet and leave for ten minutes.

Combine the remaining sugar with cinnamon.

Beat the second egg with a fork or whisk.

Grease the “Rosette” buns with an egg, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake until cooked.

Buns "Roses" with cottage cheese

Peerless buns made from yeast dough with cottage cheese - this is what can truly surprise households and guests. If the child refuses to eat cottage cheese, offer him such baked goods, he will definitely eat and ask for supplements. Very tasty and beautiful!


• two teaspoons of dried yeast;

• four glasses of flour (about 700 grams);

• three eggs;

• one raw yolk;

• a glass of milk (250 ml);

• two hundred grams of sugar (half in the dough, half in the filling);

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• one hundred grams of raisins (optional);

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

If you like raisins and add it to the dough, then steam it with boiling water.

Prepare the dough, dissolving the yeast in milk heated to 37-40 ° C and adding one hundred grams of sugar and a glass of sifted flour.

The dough should double.

Cook the baking: melt the butter, cool, beat in two eggs, add salt and mix everything thoroughly.

When the dough comes up, pour in the baking and knead the dough.

The dough should be pretty cool.

Leave the dough warm for 1.5 hours.

Prepare the filling: mix the cottage cheese with the remaining sugar, vanilla sugar, egg and swollen raisins.

Mash the dough and divide it into small pieces (it should turn out 22-24 pieces).

Roll each piece of dough into a cake, make three diagonal cuts of the same length. To get used to it, form the first rosette bun and you will understand that you need to correct it.

Put a spoonful of cottage cheese in the center of the cut cake.

Now form a rosette: in the smallest part, wrap the curd, stick to the base. Now take the second part of the tortilla, a little more, wrap the resulting "bud". The last part of the test, wrap the "rosette", carefully fasten.

Let the buns come up, grease with a mixture of yolk and milk and bake.

Curd buns "Roses" with apples

From cottage cheese, you can cook not only the filling, but also a wonderful dough - tender, soft, airy. Be sure to cook, it is very tasty.


• two hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese;

• four hundred grams of flour;

• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• two yolks;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• a pinch of salt;

• vanillin;

• three medium apples;

• a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;

• A tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve

Let the oil soften at room temperature.

Combine cottage cheese, butter, a glass of sugar and vanilla.

Mix flour with baking powder and knead the dough.

Wrap the dough ball in cling film and let it rest for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Cut the apples into thin slices, cutting the core.

Boil water and blanch apples for two minutes, drain into a colander.

Roll out the rest of the dough with a thin, no more than 0.5 cm, flat cake.

Cut this cake into strips three to four centimeters wide.

Spread apple slices with a slight overlap along the entire length of the strip so that they protrude slightly on one side of the dough strip.

Sprinkle apples with sugar.

Tightly, but gently roll the strip roll.

The bottom edge of the dough - the one where the apples do not protrude - pinch carefully.

Put the “roses” on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Bake until cooked.

Sprinkle the finished buns with powdered sugar.

Puff pastry buns with apples

Lovely puff pastry rolls are Sunday breakfast options. Cooking them for a short while is simple, and the taste is incomparable.


• a pound of yeast-free puff pastry;

• a little flour (1-2 tablespoons);

• three large apples;

• half a glass of sugar;

• glass of water;

• a tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out thawed dough with a thin plate 0.3 cm thick.

Cut the dough into strips four centimeters thick

Cut apples into translucent slices.

Boil the water by adding sugar to it.

When the sugar has dissolved, carefully lower the apples and cook for three minutes.

Remove slices from syrup with slotted spoon.

Lay apple slices on dough strips, roll up a straw.

Pinch the bottom edge of the "rosette".

Bake until cooked.

Garnish with powdered sugar.

Puff pastry rolls with ham

To replace traditional morning sandwiches, you can use original buns made of puff pastry and ham. Such a dish can be prepared with boiled sausage or bacon - it will also turn out very tasty.


• a pound of puff pastry;

• two to three tablespoons of any sauce to taste;

• three hundred grams of fresh ham;

• two tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method:

Sprinkle flour on the table and roll the dough with a very thin plate.

Cut the dough into strips three centimeters wide.

Grease the strips with the sauce.

Cut the ham very thinly.

Lay the ham on strips of dough.

Roll each strip into a roll.

On one side, pinch the "rose" - this will be the bottom.

Bake rolls until cooked.

Rosette Muffins - Tips and Tricks

When proofing the yeast dough, make sure that there are no drafts. The dough is good if you put it over a container of hot water.

Buns need to be baked over medium heat, the oven door cannot be opened.

Yeast buns should "breathe" a little after baking to become softer.

So that the jam that you use for the filling does not flow out and does not burn, add a little starch to it.

To decorate the buns beautifully and evenly with powdered sugar, do it through a strainer.


Watch the video: Midwestern cuisine. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).