Scientists: waist size - an indicator of human longevity


Scientists from the United States found that the optimal body mass index is not a marker of good health at all. According to the data obtained, a large waist size is responsible for the risk of developing various types of respiratory, oncological and heart diseases.

In the study, more than half a million people from all over the world took part. It turned out that men with a waist size of 100 cm. Are 50% higher risk of death. After forty years, such men live, as a rule, three years less than those with a waist size of less than 89 cm. Women with a waist size of 93 cm are 80% more likely to die than those who have no more than 68 5 cm

In other words, an increase in waist size of five centimeters increases the risk of death by 7% in men and by 9% in women. The body mass index does not matter because it does not separate muscle and fat mass, and also does not provide information on the location of excess fat deposits.


Watch the video: 10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly (June 2024).