Masks for acne: recommendations and indications for use. The best recipes for homemade acne masks


Acne is a common dermatological disease that can occur at any age and regardless of skin type. To get rid of them, you need to find the cause of the internal dysfunctions of the body, supplementing the treatment with effective cosmetic procedures.

Blackhead masks with natural ingredients help relieve foci of inflammation and improve the appearance of the skin.

Indications and contraindications for the use of masks

Facial treatments are used for the mild form of focal skin lesions and can facilitate the course of the acute stage of the disease. Masks have the following effects on acne-affected skin:

• anti-inflammatory;

• cleansing;

• matting;

• wound healing;

• disinfectant;

• normalize the activity of sebaceous glands;

• narrow the enlarged pores;

• eliminate comedones - "black dots".

Contraindications to the use of therapeutic masks:

• inflammatory processes associated with dysfunction of internal organs, hormonal changes in the body, malfunctions of the endocrine system;

• pronounced allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of therapeutic agents;

• strong foci of inflammation on the face: large pustules and papules filled with pus;

• Acne lesion area occupies most of the face.

How to prepare the skin for applying a healing mask for acne: rules and recommendations

Before applying masks, it is important to carry out preliminary work with the skin so that the effect is the most complete. There are basic rules for preparing for a home procedure against dermatological imperfections:

1. Ensure the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the product. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to the wrist or bend of the elbow and leave for 10-15 minutes. If in this place the skin does not redden, there is no itching, burning, pain, then the mask can be used as intended.

2. Cleanse the skin of the face from dirt, dust, residues of decorative cosmetics and dead cells with micellar water, a gentle foam or milk.

3. Open the pores of the epidermis by steaming over a steam bath of decoctions of herbs. Such a procedure will enhance the positive effect of subsequent manipulations.

It is important to use only fresh products for the preparation of masks and mix them strictly before use - storage, even in the refrigerator, will nullify the entire effectiveness of the procedure.

Cosmetic masks are applied and removed only with clean hands using cool running water or a cooled infusion of medicinal herbs.

The mask is not recommended to be applied to the eyelids, around the eyes and mouth. Before applying the mask, you can lubricate the eyebrows with a nourishing cream to prevent pain when removing. After washing off the product, the skin should be wiped with an alcohol-free lotion or natural hydrolyte of medicinal plants.

How to enhance the effectiveness of masks for problem skin

Course cosmetic procedures should be combined with a whole range of measures to maintain skin health. The positive effect of the use of acne masks will increase if:

• carry out the procedure systematically, without interruption;

• comply with the treatment protocol for the care of problem skin recommended by a dermatologist or cosmetologist;

• refuse to visit the solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun without funds with a UV filter;

• increase daily consumption of clean drinking water;

• refuse to use decorative cosmetics, which clogs pores and has comedogenic properties;

• switch to a balanced diet with a predominance of seasonal vegetables, fruits, low-fat fish, poultry;

• abandon habits detrimental to the skin: smoking, drinking alcohol;

• reduce the amount of caffeine consumed;

• establish a sleep and wakefulness regime and devote time to moderate physical activity.

What components should be part of effective acne masks

Acne masks based on natural ingredients are considered the most effective. Persistent, visible result gives the use of:

• decoctions and extracts of herbs;

• natural vegetable and berry juices (lemon, tomato, cranberry) and mashed potatoes (chopped beets, pumpkin, cucumber);

• egg white;

• gelatin;

• yeast;

• baking soda;

• sea salt;

• honey and dairy products;

• seasonings and spices (turmeric, coriander, cinnamon);

• natural healing clay (black, green, blue);

• corn, rice flour, semolina, oatmeal;

• natural apple cider vinegar.

Recovery of damaged skin is also achieved as a result of the use of masks based on absorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel and Polysorb preparations), synthetic vitamins in ampoules (retinol, tocopherol, group B nutrients) and pharmacological agents (aspirin, hydrogen peroxide).

Best Home Recipes

Honey antibacterial

Mix 3 tbsp. l buckwheat honey with the same amount of olive oil and 1 yolk of a chicken egg. Apply to skin and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Nutritious with Banana

Acne-prone skin needs additional nourishment, which fruit purees can provide to epidermal cells. Mash one ripe banana with a fork, add 20 ml of nutritious cream and 10 ml of olive oil. Apply with a thick layer and remove the remaining mask after 20 minutes.

Body wash cleanser

This mask will not only soothe inflammation, but also help gently cleanse clogged pores and restore a healthy complexion. It is necessary to mix 20 g bodyagi, 10 g blue clay and 50 ml of chilled decoction of pharmacy chamomile. Apply the mass to the skin and wash off after the clay has completely dried on the face.

Matting with rice flour

Oily skin and enlarged pores are frequent companions of acne. A mask with the effect of matting and narrowing of pores will help to cope with this problem. It is necessary to mix 2 tbsp. l rice flour, the same amount of white clay powder, a pinch of turmeric and diluted in kefir to the consistency of thick sour cream. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

Gelatin Film Mask

Dilute 7 g. fast-acting edible gelatin in 1 tbsp. l water, leave to swell for 7-10 minutes. Then dissolve the mass in a water bath until a gel state. Apply evenly on face, avoiding eye area and around mouth. Shoot half an hour after the gelatin is completely dry as a film upward from the chin to the forehead.

Oatmeal Antiseptic

Such a mask has a bactericidal effect and can dry out foci of inflammation. For its preparation, you need to grind 2 tbsp. l oatmeal to a powder, add 1 protein of a large chicken egg, mix thoroughly and apply on face. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory with baking soda

The proven effectiveness of the soda mask along with the availability of ingredients makes this mask one of the most popular in the treatment of acne at home. Need to mix 1 tsp. funds from 2 tbsp. l water, stir until gruel and apply to the foci of inflammation and the T-zone. You can rinse off after 10 minutes.

Disinfectant with Aspirin

Salicylic acid in aspirin has a disinfecting effect and helps to cope with foci of inflammation. To prepare 2 tablets of the drug, crush into powder and mix in 2 tbsp. l natural yogurt or fat sour cream, add a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Remove mask residues after 12-15 minutes.

Masks from blackheads - an effective and affordable cosmetic procedure for everyone, aimed at improving the appearance and restoring the health of the skin. However, you need to understand that this is not a panacea, but only an addition to a set of measures to eliminate the internal causes of acne, which can be established by specialized doctors.


Watch the video: Face mask for Acne and blemishes (June 2024).