Slavic sauce: sour cream from milk - recipes at home. Useful facts about milk sour cream, a natural product recipe


So many names have appeared in the assortment of sour cream that you can stand at the window with the product for an hour, but you still can’t figure out which producer to rate “excellent”, even if you already know what the difference is between sour cream and “sour cream”, “sour cream "and other one-root creation, hiding the composition of the product with an affectionate and respectful inscription on the package.

What does sour cream consist of? In fact, half a century ago it would not have occurred to anyone to ask such a question.

Sour cream - from the word "sweep". It’s clear what and why to sweep away - milk cream. But after technological progress has made a leap forward in the dairy industry, sour cream is not only swept away, but extracted and even composed.

When they compose from dairy products - it’s not so bad, but when the secret components of non-dairy origin are present in it it becomes uncomfortable - deception is always unpleasant, generates a huge mistrust and causes a protective reaction.

That's why people are looking for sour cream from milk - a recipe at home. Do what they are looking for right.

There is a big difference between sour cream and sour cream product stored in a display case for more than 72 hours. Even if the sour cream product has a pleasant taste and a thick consistency, you can’t call this taste milk, and even if you blindfold a person and don’t say what he tastes, he won’t find the smell of cream.

Sour cream from milk - a recipe at home with the basic technological principles of preparation

Let's first count and compare a little to come to the correct conclusion about the economic feasibility of self-cooking sour cream from milk. About recipes for home conditions - a little later.

950 ml of pasteurized natural milk (3.7%) from a good, well-known producer costs 86.00 rubles. A jar of sour cream (25%), weighing 330 g, from the same manufacturer in the retail network costs 90.00 rubles. Total - 176.00 rubles. But this is only 950 ml of good milk and 330 g of sour cream.

We choose milk in the market. In a bottle with a volume of 3 liters, there should be at least 350-400 ml of cream. Only you need to choose milk correctly. In a glass jar, aged for at least 8 hours, after evening milking, the line of separation of milk and cream is very clearly visible: the cream (the fatty part of the milk) floats up and their color is cream, but the milk remains below, it is white. 350-400 ml of cream is about 1/5 of the bottle. In very good milk, especially in winter, the cream is noticeably larger and in the same glass dish they occupy 1/3 part, up to 700 ml.

A liter of homemade milk costs an average of 60.00 rubles, respectively, 3 liters - 180.00 rubles. That is, for almost the same money you can get more than two liters of good, whole milk, with a fat content of at least 10%, which, if desired, any housewife can dilute with water on her own, and not pay money for it. For two liters of milk, as a bonus, 700 ml of cream is added, with a fat content of at least 25% - this practically amounts to 2 jars of sour cream of 330 g each, at a retail price made by a good producer of dairy products. And yet: even this good producer does not indicate the composition of sour cream on the packaging, and how much natural milk is sealed in a plastic bottle with a beautiful label, you can only blindly trust, especially if the buyer has long lost the habit of tasting natural, non-powdered dairy products, or even does not remember him.

Well how? Does it make sense to cook sour cream from milk on your own? The recipe at home is very simple. Perhaps someone remembers, from childhood in the village, how a grandmother collects with a spoon from a can of milk the cream that was collected after settling on the surface of the milk. Then these creams will turn sour, by themselves, and they will be added to the borsch or served with pancakes with cottage cheese.

Later, manual separators appeared, then mechanical ones. Yes, it is impossible to make real sour cream without cream. This is the main difficulty of her home cooking.

But, remembering the comparative cost of sour cream from milk, a homemade recipe immediately seems like a saving straw from the cost of packaging, advertising, transportation and so on. On this occasion, you can even spend money on a household separator that pays off for the counted months, especially if the family loves sour cream, cream, homemade butter and cheese. By the way, with the help of a separator, you can adjust the cream fat, and make sour cream with fat content of 15%, 20%, 25% and up to 48%.

If now there is no money to buy a separator, then start saving with the old grandfather, or rather grandmother’s method. A little troublesome, but, except for a spoon, with a handle bent at an angle of 90 degrees, no devices will be required. Just remove the settled cream with a spoon and transfer it to another jar, clean and dry.

You can, of course, argue that it is not safe to consume home-made milk, which, in addition to beneficial bacteria and vitamins, is full of pathogenic microorganisms. Yes, if you are not sure about the purchase, then milk should be pasteurized, especially if it is intended for children. But is pasteurization really worth as much as the product itself, or is there no pot in the house to pasteurize it yourself. Many housewives now use multicookers. This is an ideal way to pasteurize milk. It is only necessary to set the timer for 5-7 minutes and the temperature to 70 ° C. You do not need to warm up any more, because beneficial bacteria will die, and nothing will remain from vitamins.

On the Internet you can find many tips on how to make sour cream from milk, the fat content of which is 3.2%. But sour cream should have a sweet and sour creamy taste, and only good yogurt can be obtained from milk, almost fat-free. At least, if you make sour cream from milk, then the fat content should be at least 15%. Therefore, we will leave the yogurt recipes until the next time, and how to make sour cream from milk, in recipes for the house we read below.

1. Sour cream from milk - a recipe. At home, make sour cream in a rustic way (first method)


  • Cow's milk (evening) 3.0 L

  • Sourdough - sour cream 6 tbsp. l


We collect cream from a bottle with fresh, not pasteurized milk. If possible, then put a jar of cream in a slow cooker, after pouring a little water into it, laying a rug. Warm up at 35 ° C. We get a jar and introduce the leaven, based on each glass of collected cream - two tablespoons of previously prepared sour cream. If you are making your sour cream for the first time, then buy a can of sour cream in the market, along with milk. It will be spent on it only once. In the future, leave a few tablespoons of sour cream to ferment the next portion.

Thoroughly mix the added sour cream with cream. It is advisable to mix the mass with a mixer for several seconds, at low speeds, in order to well break up the fat globules and achieve a uniform, lush consistency. In the production process, the cream is homogenized, increasing the heating temperature to 60 ° C for 20-30 seconds. We take good technology with pleasure. Just do not overdo it, so as not to get butter instead of sour cream. After 24 hours exposure at a temperature of 18-23 ° C (the ripening time also depends on the amount and activity of the starter culture), transfer the sour cream to a sterile jar with a tight-fitting lid and put in the refrigerator. You can keep it for a week if you don’t eat during this time.

2. Sour cream from milk - a recipe. At home, we make sour cream in a rustic way (second method)

Raw Material:

  • Milk, whole homemade 3 l

Operating procedure:

The easiest way to cook rustic sour cream does not require any cooking. In a bottle with fresh milk, in which the border between milk and cream has already been identified, put 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream, to speed up the ripening. Preheat milk with a jar in a water bath. Put the jar in a warm place, near the stove, battery, boiler. Wrap with something warm and wait for souring. The jar should be kept slightly ajar to ensure free access of air to sour-milk bacteria (they also breathe). As soon as you notice that a dense clot has formed at the bottom and the separation of whey has begun, take a spoon, a clean jar of sour cream and collect the sour cream from the surface of the yogurt.

3. Sour cream from milk - a recipe. At home, we are preparing a dietary product

Raw Material:

  • Skimmed milk (10%) 1 l

  • Special fermentation (mesophilic) 5 g

  • Dry cream (15%) 200 g

Preparation method:

The milk is pasteurized by heating to 70 ° C, cooled to 40 ° C and dry cream is added, with active stirring. Leave the obtained normalized milk for 2-3 hours to swell the dry matter, heat it again to 60 ° C, stirring with a mixer at low speeds: the centrifugal force creates pressure, as a result of which the fat globules are destroyed while heating and this contributes to the formation of a uniform texture. Cool milk to 20-23 ° C and add mesophilic yeast. Stir again. Pour milk into cans, close them and after 5-6 hours, put the milk in the refrigerator.

4. Sour cream from milk - a recipe. At home, we make goat milk sour cream

Raw Material:

  • Homemade goat milk


First, a small introduction. If cow's milk is a valuable product, then goat's is a healing product. It is perfectly absorbed by humans, because the composition is suitable for enzymes that are involved in digestion. Goat milk contains antibiotics.

Its fats are smaller than the fats of cow's milk. But precisely because of the structure of proteins and fats, it is impossible to separate cream from goat milk without a separator. Therefore, for oily sour cream from goat milk, you must have this technique.

Separating the cream, they are heated to 45 ° C, then incubated for a day at 23 ° C and cooled in the refrigerator.

The second way: To obtain sour cream from 2 liters of goat’s milk, use homemade sour cream from cow’s milk (100 g) or thermophilic yeast (5% of the total volume). The milk is heated to 30-35 ° C, the yeast is introduced and kept until thickened at room temperature, and then stored at 0 -6 ° C.

Sour cream from milk - a recipe for the home: useful tips and tricks

  • If you add a little fresh milk to sour cream, then it will not clot. This can be successfully used when serving as a sauce for hot dishes.

  • If you need to beat sour cream, for example, to prepare a cream, add egg white to it so that it becomes thick and acquires a stable consistency.


Watch the video: Fruit Cream Recipe. Dessert Recipes. Fruit Cream Salad (June 2024).