How to take activated charcoal and how it helps. Therapeutic properties and unusual uses of activated carbon


This tool is well known in official and traditional medicine, cosmetology and everyday life - a special form of coal has many useful properties. But in terms of health - knowing how to use it - is especially valuable.

From what and how taking activated carbon, its benefits

Activated carbon is a unique substance obtained in the process of special processing from special raw materials of organic origin with a high carbon content, for example, from charcoal.

Activated carbon has a significant specific surface area per unit weight, and the diversity of its porous structure makes it a universal “absorbing” agent, which actually underlies its beneficial properties.

It is a unique adsorbent:

• equally binds substances of both organic and chemical origin, but does not react with them, which means that the possibility of new forms from them with certain harmful properties is excluded;

• equally well absorbs all forms of substances (including gases and liquids).

At the same time, the product practically does not irritate the mucous membranes, is not absorbed at all, and no matter how much activated carbon was taken, it is completely excreted from the body naturally, through the intestines, within 24-48 hours after administration.

Release the drug without a prescription. The release format is tablets (excipient - potato starch) or powder (more recently in the form of capsules with a gelatinous shell).

And it’s useful to know that pills swallowed whole act more slowly - because they still need time to decay (crush) naturally.

Storage conditions for the drug for 3 years with a standard shelf life are simple:

• up to 25 ° C heat;

• in a dry place protected from penetration of foreign odors.

How activated carbon is taken in various cases

The most widespread practice is the use of activated carbon for various poisonings, whether it is poor-quality food, excess alcohol, medications, carbon monoxide (and the consequences developing in the body with severe, extensive burns), chemical compounds.

As already mentioned - coal is universal. Its action begins almost instantly, and, removing toxic substances, it also instantly blocks their detrimental effect on the body.

The properties of coal to clean from harmful substances and slag are also widely used to improve the condition when:

• allergic reactions;

• diarrhea (mainly when it is caused by poisoning);

• salmonellosis;

• dysentery;

• hepatitis of various origins.

In addition, activated carbon is used for the following purposes:

• reduction of gas formation, and it is worth separately emphasizing the importance of this in preparing the patient for x-ray and ultrasound examinations;

• treatment of helminthic invasion (not only the removal of parasites, but also the prevention of their repeated reproduction);

• relieving hangover (you can still drink coal immediately before the feast, which will reduce and slow down intoxication);

• treatment of bronchial asthma;

• treatment of heartburn and gastritis, especially if they are accompanied by excessive secretion of gastric juice and its increased acidity;

• normalization of stool with constipation;

• for insect bites - in the form of compresses to relieve itching, inflammation and redness;

• treatment of a number of skin diseases;

• To accelerate the healing of wounds and treat inflamed lesions of external tissues, there are special plasters with charcoal (naturally also protecting against infection).

They also drink activated carbon for weight loss, but strictly as an adjunct to dietary nutrition and physical activity - it purifies the blood, reduces the concentration of harmful lipid compounds in it, which helps to normalize fat metabolism.

And of course, the plus is the way activated charcoal is able to cleanse the body as a whole. How much to drink it depends on overweight, but usually a course of 10 days is repeated 1-2 more times at ten-day intervals.

Activated carbon whitens teeth well - acting as an abrasive substance, it instantly removes dark plaque resulting from the use of coffee, tea, eating coloring berries and sauces, smoking.

To do this, just connect a small amount of its powder with a pea of ​​toothpaste and use a toothbrush as usual. Or clean only with powder.

Plus, this procedure will help to temporarily reduce bad breath.

But dentists warn that such an aggressive effect on enamel is permissible no more than 2 times a week and only in the absence of more sparing alternatives.

Regular intake of activated carbon inside for any purpose has a positive effect on the condition of the skin - it becomes cleaner and younger, the oily sheen disappears and black spots decrease. But still often women prepare face masks with coal powder, combining it, for example, with dairy products, clays, decoctions of herbs, gelatin.

Activated carbon - how much and how to drink

Activated charcoal in tablets and capsules must be washed down with plenty of water and only it - green tea, milk and juices are not suitable. Sometimes tablets are chewed and washed down with water. Coal in powder - just bred in it.

Nutrition significantly affects how to take activated charcoal - no later than 1 hour before a meal and no earlier than 2 hours after it.

The fact is that mixing with food will reduce the effectiveness of coal itself, plus it will complicate the digestibility of nutrients from food.

The maximum daily dose for an adult is 8 g, and the average is about 1-3 g.

How much activated carbon you need to take is directly influenced not only by the person’s weight, but also by his age, individual health characteristics and, of course, a variation of a particular case that requires the use of a drug.

As a rule, the more serious it is - the more dosages increase, and in case of poisoning, coal is often used twice - a solution is prepared for washing the stomach and after it has been cleansed of harmful masses - they take a means for the final withdrawal of toxic substances.

In other cases, for example, with allergies and heartburn, coal is taken gradually and for a long time - from 3 days to several weeks (although this is associated with certain risks, which will be discussed below).

If the amount, how much activated carbon needs to be taken per day, can be divided into portions sufficient for its effectiveness, in many cases it is prescribed 2-6 times a day, moreover, the time of day does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

When using activated charcoal for a period of more than 1 week, then it is recommended to include in the diet products with probiotics and prebiotics (or drink them with an additive) - to restore good microflora of the digestive tract.

How to take activated charcoal without harm to health

Continuous intake of activated carbon in any dose is not recommended to continue for more than 2 weeks. The fact is that the absorbent property of the drug extends not only to harmful substances, but also to beneficial ones. Thus, its excess in the body gradually contributes to the formation of a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

A logical continuation may be a decrease in immunity, disorders in the nervous system, problems with the hormonal background, and much more.

Therefore, often in parallel with the course of taking activated carbon, multivitamin preparations and dietary supplements are prescribed.

The way they take activated charcoal is affected by the medication intake - first, they are separated by an interval of at least 2 hours, and secondly, in some cases it is advisable to evaluate the use of which is of higher priority.

Activated carbon has other side effects:

• in order to avoid constipation and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, with a long intake of it, a full, balanced diet and drink of a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 1.5 liters per day;

• Frequent intake of coal immediately after or immediately before a meal can cause dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Against this background, the possible staining of feces in black seems the most harmless effect, which really should not bother.

It is also important to know cases in which the receipt of funds is impossible:

• gastrointestinal ulcer;

• intestinal atony;

• gastric and intestinal bleeding (and even suspicion of them);

• taking antitoxic drugs, the effect of which begins after absorption through the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Despite the fact that, in general, pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindicated, during these periods each intake of activated charcoal requires special care.

And finally, it should be noted that independent diagnostics of the state of health and the choice of a treatment method are always a big risk, even when using such a relatively simple and safe means as activated carbon.

Perhaps, only its use in cosmetology and everyday life (and it is present in many filters for cleaning water and air) can be treated freely.

But on the question of how to take activated charcoal, you always need an opinion, specialist advice or, as for any over-the-counter products, a careful acquaintance with its instructions.


Watch the video: Benefits of Activated Charcoal. Dr. Josh Axe (June 2024).