How is Ukrainian borsch different from Russian?


Culinary experts claim that Russian borsch does not exist, however, like French pilaf or Chinese wanderers. This is a national Ukrainian dish, but it quickly migrated to the Russian table. Often called cabbage soup, sometimes these soups do not distinguish at all. Is there a difference between them?

Pampushka around the head!

Ukrainian borsch without a donut, like an apple tree without apples. Miniature buns have long replaced bread. Traditionally they are cooked with garlic. And it is not necessary to add it to the dough. More often, ready-made hot donuts are doused with a special mixture. And you can make them from any yeast dough in milk or water. If time is short, then it is kneaded on kefir with soda. You can even fry small pieces of dough in a dry pan, and then mix with dressing.

What do refueling do:

  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spice;
  • dill or other greens.

It is important to water hot baking, it will reveal the aroma of dressing. In addition, this mixture softens the crust; very tender donuts are obtained that do not stale for a long time.

Fat and Garlic

It is customary to season Russian cabbage soup and borscht with sour cream, now mayonnaise is often used instead. The Ukrainian dish is eaten with lard and garlic. Very often it is cooked with cracklings. These are fried pieces of bacon. But they also use a special mass for refueling. It is added immediately to the pot or to the plate, sometimes served separately, used as a spread.

What make the aromatic mass:

  • fat;
  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • pepper.

All these ingredients are chopped and triturated with each other until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Now quickly and easily cook it with a blender. Salo can be used salted, smoked, boiled in onions or just in brine. The dressing is universal, it can also be served with other soups.

Important! If the borsch is cooked for several days, then garlic with bacon is better not to add to the pan, when boiled again, the taste worsens. It is better to put the aromatic additive directly on the plates.

So different beets

Borsch is different from beetroot in the presence of beets; this is no secret to anyone. It is stewed, pickled, fried and then added to the dish. Sometimes whole root vegetables are cooked together with meat, this method also has a right to exist.

Unlike Russian borsch, in which beets are a minor ingredient, there are many Ukrainian dishes in it.

Beetroot, that is what the vegetable is called, is introduced not only for color. He gives his taste. Often it is shaded and enhanced with acid (vinegar, lemon juice), it also helps to preserve color.

Up to 2-3 pieces of beets can be laid on a 5 liter borscht pan, it all depends on its size. You can’t spoil Ukrainian borsch with this vegetable.

Potato and cabbage: yes or no

Ukrainian borsch is often cooked without cabbage.

In Russia, this is an obligatory ingredient, the amount of which sometimes exceeds the mass of all other vegetables. Moreover, in some regions of the country, borscht is cooked only with sour (sauerkraut) cabbage, sometimes two types of this vegetable are mixed.

As for potatoes, it is almost always in the recipes, the method of bookmarking can only differ.

In Ukraine, several whole potatoes are cooked, they are laid before other ingredients.

After cooking, they take out and chop, return to the pan. This technique allows you to get a rich and nutritious broth. No translucent borschs served in Russian canteens can be compared to such a dish in nutritional value. Often there is a spoon in it, in the most direct meaning of this expression.

Bouillon: the basis of any borsch

Real Ukrainian borsch is cooked in a rich and heavy broth. On average, a liter goes from 200 grams of meat. Used pork or beef on the bone. Rarely replaced by a bird. This dish is far from easy for the stomach. Boil the meat with the addition of carrots, onions. After cooking, the broth is filtered, the meat is stripped from the bones, returned to the borsch.

Russian borsch is often cooked even on the water; lean and dietary options are very popular among the population.

There are also recipes with fish and chicken broth. Rarely, but also have the right to exist borsch with mushrooms, beans, sprats in tomato. In national Ukrainian cuisine, they do not occur.

How to cook borsch in Ukraine

Russian cabbage soup is a simple filling soup. It is prepared according to the classical technology: the broth is cooked, vegetables are thrown, at the end a red passer is introduced. The Ukrainian national dish has a slightly different technology.


  • 500 g of beets;
  • 400 g of cabbage;
  • 400 g of potatoes (4 pieces);
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 2.5-3 liters of broth with meat;
  • 100 g of fresh bacon;
  • 50 g of salted fat;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 10 g of yeast;
  • 320 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. We make a rich meat broth with roots and onions, filter, cut the meat into pieces. We put the broth on the stove, bring to a boil, throw two peeled potatoes whole. Cooking ten minutes.
  2. The remaining potatoes are cut into pieces, add next. Cut the beets into strips. We heat half the vegetable oil and add the vegetable. Lightly fry, add tomato and soup ladle from the pan. Cover, simmer until tender.
  3. Fresh fat is cut into small cubes, fry. We throw out the greaves. Pour chopped onion, carrot, pepper. Just fry the vegetables, then mix with beets. Stew together for 15 minutes.
  4. We shred cabbage, we fall asleep to potatoes. We take out whole root vegetables from the pan, chop, return. Add borsch.
  5. We give the cabbage to boil until soft, lay all the sautéed vegetables. Cook over low heat for another 15 minutes.
  6. Rub the lard and half the head of garlic, put into the pan, stir, return the meat and turn off the stove after boiling. Let the borscht brew. Greens, laurel to taste.
  7. For donuts in a glass of warm milk, dilute the yeast with sugar, salt and knead the dough with flour. As soon as it rises well, after about an hour and a half, roll the balls. Let them rise on a baking sheet, bake in the oven.
  8. Mix half the head of garlic with two tablespoons of oil and the same amount of broth. Grind. Pour hot donuts, cover with a towel.

If the borsch has turned out to be tasty and satisfying, the aroma goes around the head, what difference does it make? Both in Ukraine and in Russia, the housewives know how to cook this dish so that saliva flows.


Watch the video: Borscht Borsch Russian and Ukrainian Beet Soup Recipe (June 2024).