Mirror protection of a person and a house from evil eye and damage: how to conduct a ritual on your own


Mirror is an ancient magic item used in various magic rituals. The mirrors are credited with mystical properties, it is believed that they can open the veil in the twilight world, help see the future, bring damage, bewitch and much more. With the help of a mirror, you can take away the evil eye, spoilage, evil intentions, envy from yourself and your home. There are certain rituals that can be performed independently.

Protective magic mirrors

Mirrors have powerful energy potential. This property has been known since antiquity, when mirrors only appeared. Among other things, mirrors were actively used for protective rituals and ceremonies. Each of them has its own characteristics, result and consequences.

Mirror Protection Options:

  • The mirror with which the ritual was performed dispels the negative impact exerted on the person or his house. It turns out that the bad message simply does not reach its goal, is scattered in space without a trace.
  • Another variant of events is that a charmed mirror not only removes evil from the owner, but also returns everything back to the one who sent the curse or damage. The ill-wisher will be dealt a magic blow, equivalent to what he himself sent to a person under the protection of a mirror.
  • You can conduct a ritual on a mirror so that the negative magical effect is not only reflected from the owner, but also caused three times harm to the ill-wisher. This technique is used by those who want not only to protect themselves, but also to punish and teach a lesson to a detractor who encroached on energy security.
  • This option is the most difficult. Corruption directed at a person returns back to his creator, even if he, too, has put on himself a magical defense. The negative magical effect created by the ill-wisher always leaves its mark in its energy field. Even if there is protection, damage or evil eye pierces it, causes harm. However, such a ritual is very complex, not every magician will cope with it.

Conducting any magic rituals is not a joke. This is especially true not just defensive magic, but reflective. Also very important is the timing of the protection..

How long does mirror protection last?

Carrying out a protective ritual with a mirror and obtaining the result takes about a day, both among ordinary amateurs and professional magicians. However, the spent time and energy pays for itself completely.

If everything is done correctly, you can expect that the mirror will protect you for up to five years.

Professional magicians, sorcerers and witches strongly recommend that you periodically carefully examine the condition of the protective mirror. It takes on all the energy strikes aimed at the owner, gradually thinning its resources. When the defense is over, you need to conduct a new ritual, you can use the same mirror.

The Consequences of the Mirror Protection Ritual

Any magical effect has its consequences, depending on the ritual itself, its purpose and energy expended.

It is very important to understand all responsibility for your actions.

It is necessary to carefully study the sequence of the ritual, not to make mistakes, in any case not to show negligence or neglect.

Otherwise, there may be negative consequences:

  • depression and depression;
  • irritability;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • increased emotionality;
  • favorite activities do not bring joy;
  • worsening of well-being.

If after the ritual you feel something like this, you need to remove the protection from the mirror and put it back on, observing all the steps carefully. Or you can contact a professional.

Still, you need to figure out how you can independently put the protection on the mirror from the evil eye and damage.

Two-mirror ritual

To conduct the ceremony, it is best to choose the right day. The most successful: baptism, birthday, name day.

You will also need two mirrors, not ordinary small ones, but large tall ones, so that the security officer can see in full height. Mirrors are set opposite each other at a distance of two meters.

Then you need to stand between them, turning to face the reflection of any of them. The performer of the ritual sees many repeated reflections of himself.

Now you need to try to look into the eyes of each reflection and say the following:

Then you need to stay between the two mirrors and try to listen to your feelings, feel some peace and tranquility. Now you can exit the space between the two mirrors.

Seven Mirror Ritual

This time, you will also need mirrors that reflect a person to his full height. Yes, such is not easy to find. However, this ritual is very strong, giving powerful protection to the performer.

Closer to midnight, it is necessary to arrange all the mirrors in a circle so that they are reflected in each other.

Then the space around the mirrors must be outlined with ordinary white chalk. A candle is lit and placed in front of each mirror.

The performer stands in the center, closes his eyes and concentrates on the most positive events of his life, emotions and memories.

After about twenty minutes, you can open, then the mirrors turn counterclockwise in turn. As soon as the mirror turned in the other direction, the candle goes out and the words are pronounced:

When all the mirrors are turned, the candles are extinguished - all the attributes of the ritual are removed to the most secluded place so that no one finds them.

Such a ritual is quite complex, it requires a large return of energy forces. If the contractor does not have experience in such matters, he can feel the negative consequences that were mentioned above, literally two days later.

Pocket Mirror Ritual

This method is one of the most affordable, made easier than the previous ones, does not require such efforts. You will need an ordinary small pocket mirror. Dissolve a little salt in water, then lower the mirror into the solution for about fifteen minutes. Then you need to thoroughly rinse it in running water and wipe it with a towel.

Now you need to light a candle, bring it close to the mirror, looking in your reflection to repeat the plot ten times:

You should always carry a charmed mirror with you, do not tell anyone about the ritual, and in no case show the mirror. It acts as a powerful mirror protection.

Mirror protection at home

With the help of a mirror you can protect not only yourself, but also your home, your whole family. Count the number of openings in the house, buy as many small mirrors.

When the next new moon comes, put a mirror on each door and window.

In this case, after each, you need to read special words looking in your reflection, right in the eye:

When carrying out such rituals, it is important to realize that they are powerful magical actions.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to start, so as not to harm yourself.

Magic does not tolerate errors and self-doubt. However, if you feel that you can do it, do everything as indicated, you may be able to put a powerful mirror protection.


Watch the video: Put Salt in the Corners of Your House, and See What Happens (June 2024).