The kitten does not go to the tray: why and what to do. Simple rules for teaching a kitten to a tray, the choice of filler


Is there a new pet in your house? A small, fluffy, mewing animal, which also never sits in place.

Cats are considered the most popular pets. After all, this is an inexhaustible spring of good mood, positive emotions and peace in the family. But how well your relationship with your pet will work out depends on the kitten’s accustoming to the tray

Does your kitten go to the tray? Possible reasons:

· He is still too small and does not know how to do this;

· He was taken from his mother and old owners, and he was confused;

· He does not like the tray itself, the filling material or the place where the cat's toilet is located;

· The tray is not clean enough;

· Your pet is nervous;

· He is offended by you and thus shows his protest;

· he is ill.

Choosing a tray, filler and the place where the kitten will go to the tray

Even before the appearance of the kitten in the house, it is necessary to determine the place for feeding and the toilet. The bowl and tray cannot be near. Cats do not relieve where they eat.


Choose trays for kittens with a low side (about 5 - 8 cm), otherwise it will be difficult for a small pet to climb there. Filler will spill out from very low trays. To use a tray with a grid or not, you will decide later on the preferences of your pet.

After selecting the tray, you should determine the filler.

Fillers are:

· Silica gel - made of silica gel beads with great absorbent properties;

· Wood - consist of pressed wood sawdust (100% natural material);

· Mineral - is made from minerals and various types of bentonite clay;

Detailed information on the choice of filler can be found by watching the video

Do not use silica gel filler for small kittens, they can swallow it and poison.

In addition, some owners prefer to accustom a kitten to an empty tray without filler or to use small pieces of paper or sand from a children's sandbox.

The place where the tray is located should be free for the animal around the clock. In the first months, make sure that the door to the room with the cat toilet is always open. Later, when the kitten gets used to it, he will be able to open the closed door himself or meow to give you a signal: "I have to go to the tray!".

Place the tray in a secluded place. The toilet is too intimate for cats. They do not like to relieve themselves in front of everyone.

How to teach a little kitten to go to the tray

1. Show the kitten where the tray is;

2. Before going out of necessity, kittens often begin to fuss, attach themselves in different places, try to row the floor. In such moments, quickly pick up the kitten and send it to the tray. If the animal runs away, do it again;

3. Suddenly you found a cat on a "hot" in the wrong place, take it to the tray, let him continue there;

4. Do not scold or poke a cat’s nose in its excrement, this will cause a negative reaction. The animal will be offended and will not understand what they want from it. And next time it will do to you in spite;

5. Be sure to praise the little kitten if he did everything right. You can even give him a treat. So he will quickly understand that you like his behavior;

6. Dip a piece of paper or cloth in a puddle and place it in the tray. Place the toilet in the wrong place with a solution of vinegar. Spray with a special spray. You can try to decompose the dried citrus peels, cats do not like their smell;

7. Make inaccessible "favorite" places of the cat. Move the cabinet, cover the slots under the sofa with sheets of plywood, plastic bottles or something else;

8. For the first time, limit the cat's living space to one room or bath. If uvas is a big cage, you can leave the kitten there for the time of your absence. So he will quickly get used to going to the tray;

9. Take the kitten to the tray after a hearty dinner or breakfast. Scrape yourself there. You might be lucky. In no case do not play with the animal in the tray or near it, otherwise the pet will think that the tray is a game room.

Be patient, try and you will succeed. Do not put off learning to the tray in the long drawer. Retraining will be much harder.

You can learn about one of the ways to teach a kitten to a tray from the video

If the kitten does not go to the tray due to its psychological state. What to do?

There are times when a kitten is already accustomed to the toilet, but for some reason has stopped going there. Sometimes the cat goes to the toilet and somewhere else in the "dark" corner. And he visits this place when you are not at home. And you do not know about the "spare" pot for a while, until it starts to smell strongly. You feed the cat, caress, and he ... Why?

Perhaps he does not like the filler in the tray or he scares the animal with his bang. Or the tray is not so often cleaned. Seals are very clean. Some of them like to meet different needs in different "pots". Someone has little space in the tray "for the most part." Try different options, watch the animal.


Do not wash the tray with strongly corrosive or smelling detergents, chlorine solutions. Cats are very sensitive to smells and will hear everything that you don’t hear.

Some animals attract attention by this behavior. Caress your pet more often, massage your tummy. And maybe things will change for the better. An animal can be punished only if it was "caught at the crime scene." Otherwise, the pet will not understand what is the matter, but revenge will be MANDATORY!

Changes in the body of the animal can occur during puberty or "feline spring". Then the cat will have to be neutered, and the cat should be sterilized.

If simple measures did not help, you should contact your veterinarian. This may be a sign of some kind of disease.

In any case, if the kitten does not go to the tray, look at its behavior. It will tell you the correct answer in each individual case.

Love your pets! And let them bring you only positive emotions.


Watch the video: Youre Setting Up Your Litter Box All Wrong! (June 2024).