What awaits you on April 5 + astrological "luck index" for all the signs of the zodiac


On April 5, the famous Ice Battle took place a long time ago. The troops of the Russian prince were lucky then, but the Livonian knights were not. Cases of bygone days, this, of course, is interesting. But much more interesting is what awaits us in the present, April 5, 2019.

Aries: Today it will be very difficult for you to resist the temptations. There will be a desire to replay something to change, get rid of past troubles in his personal life.

But, do not rush to reconciliation. It’s better to plan for the weekend, so as not to immerse yourself in the memories. Dinner with the family is not the best solution. Everyone will have their own affairs, everyone will want to relax in their own way. Do not insist on a hike somewhere. You really need it, and loved ones just want to relax.

Taurus: Today is the day of romance and pleasant, successful communication. This day is definitely yours.

If you decide to arrange a holiday, it will be grandiose. Today, you can both hear declarations of love and say them yourself many times. Pleasant little things will decorate your evening, you can plan a dinner by candlelight, or offer your soulmate a rest in a new place. If you still spend this day alone, make it bright and cheerful.

Twins: Do not do justice from today. Otherwise, your personal life will become an endless showdown.

Step back today and do not keep resentment in yourself. Nothing terrible happened, you simply could not find a common language with the opposite sex, but this does not mean that everything is terrible. Just take care of what you have long dreamed of and take a break from the ups and downs of love.

Crayfish: Do not be so nervous and look for excuses. Why do you need this? Leave the past alone, let it no longer affect you.

If you really really want to break off relations, wait a couple of days, cool down and make an informed decision. You yourself will not understand why you are so furious and what you are offended by. But remember - actions committed today will affect your life for a long time.

A lion: This day is complicated by total employment. You will constantly be in thought, traveling, in search of the meaning of everything that happens.

It will not work to relax in the arms of a loved one, therefore - create a holiday for yourself. At the end of the day, please yourself with pleasant trifles. If you really want to see your sweetheart, offer her online communication, or an online walk in the night city.

Virgo: Expect a great weekend, especially if you have already planned something. While you are waiting, do not forget to call your family and friends, give your loved one attention, otherwise a scandal may break out.

You spend a lot of time listening to your partner, and almost never ask him the same thing. Therefore, your grievances on this day can guide you. Do not dive into them.

Libra: Your day in the morning will be bright and festive. Even if you don’t have a soulmate - on this day you can have a good time and please yourself with wonderful communication.

It’s not worth planning anything, all the same, the plans will dissolve into a routine, and you will simply spend a good, warm day in the circle of loved ones. All day you will not leave the desire to change something, move to a new level.

Scorpio: If you expected defeats from this day, then you will have to enjoy victories. Your fears will not be justified. It will be a normal, calm day.

For those who did not expect anything negative - the day will pass under the sign "everything is decided." Indeed, you can learn a lot for yourself in relationships with the opposite sex. You can even make peace with those who seem impregnable to you. If you quarreled with your soulmate for a long time - today will be a calm and right day.

Sagittarius: Who said you can't dream today? Who said today is not your day? Even if in the morning, communication with your beloved did not work out - do not be discouraged.

Your vital positivism, your unfading energy will help to establish relationships. The day is not easy, but nothing terrible will happen today. There will be much more joy in the afternoon, expect it.

Capricorn: This day is a day of doubt. You will be afraid of everything and avoid much. Do not worry, most likely, you just temporarily find yourself in stagnation.

Your relationship on this day will crack. Know how to find a solution to the accumulated problems, know how to find the strength in yourself to make the right decision. And do not forget that this day will end and there will be a new, more positive day. Better give yourself the freedom of choice, unleash your imagination and spend the day exactly as you want.

Aquarius: You decided to play a trick on your soulmate? Or are you starting a fraud?

Today you can afford it, but remember - the secret becomes apparent too quickly, so - do not think that everything will get away with you. It’s better to take care of what you promised your soulmate long ago. If you really don’t want to do anything, watch a movie together and discuss it.

Fish: This day will be a day of self-deception. Perhaps you are tired of everyday life and stupid things and just want a holiday.

Create it for yourself, others will not be too positive about your idea to spend this day cheerfully, because you have so many unsolved problems, when will you be in time? If you really want to enjoy life and give love - do it.

"Luck indices" of all the signs of the zodiac on Friday April 5, 2019


1-2 points: the day will not bring you luck, you can even be disappointed in many, many things, but will open your eyes to the facts.

3 points: Do not take risks today, it is better to postpone important matters and making difficult decisions to another day.

4-5 points: quite a good day, at the end of it you can experience the indescribable pleasure of your labors.

Your mark:

Aries: 3.5

Taurus: 3.2

Gemini: 4.0

Cancer: 3.7

Leo: 4.1

Virgo: 4.4

Libra: 3.9

Scorpio: 4.0

Sagittarius: 4.5

Capricorn: 4.2

Aquarius: 4.5

Pisces: 2.2


In general, the day will bring luck and joy to many signs of the zodiac. Pisces on this day should be more restrained in emotions. Taurus is not worth the risk, even if you really want to. But Aquarius and Sagittarius - it's time for new plans and achievements.


Watch the video: March Astrology & Numerology Forecast - Miracles await you! (June 2024).