Laxative for weight loss - use or not? Can laxatives for weight loss help and how to use them correctly.


Applying only a laxative to weight loss is the height of irresponsibility towards your health. Ladies that just do not go, for the sake of weight loss and strict dietary restrictions, notorious diets, as well as training to exhaustion - are at least more or less safe ways.

Someone once decided that by taking a pill of a potent laxative, you can quickly lose those extra pounds while sitting on the couch and not bothering with proper nutrition and exercise. If you also hold a similar opinion, we hasten to dispel common myths and show the feasibility of using a laxative for weight loss.

What are laxatives?

Suppose you visited an event or a banquet where your bowels were overloaded. The severity and flatulence accompany you for several days and you only think about one thing: how to “lose ballast” as soon as possible, that is, to get rid of the contents of the intestine. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a laxative. Having taken only one or two pills, you will feel an unprecedented ease, and the indicators on the scales will change in the smaller direction. Of course, this is not surprising, since about 3-5 kg ​​of fecal masses can be “stored” in a person’s intestines, and even more so for people with frequent constipation.

Do not rush to run to the first-aid kit. Weight loss on the background of the release of the intestines - this is just an illusion that will disappear without a trace in a couple of days. Diuretics have a similar effect, which removes excess fluid from the body and the number of kilograms decreases in the same way. However, the level of fat and muscle mass at the same time will absolutely not change, because you can lose this "good" only through active training, proper nutrition and a specially designed diet. A laxative is a remedy that helps to improve intestinal motility, helps with constipation, and also “promotes” the contents in the case when the patient cannot empty it on his own.

Let's see what the illiterate and uncontrolled use of a laxative can lead to:

1. First, your intestines will refuse to work independently. That is, you can only empty it with a laxative. What will come of this as a result? Nothing good: the strongest constipation, which can be cured only by gastroenterologists.

2. Secondly, in addition to unnecessary accumulations of feces, the laxative literally washes away from the gastrointestinal tract all the beneficial microflora. What is the result? Pain, cramps, dysbiosis and long-term recovery through pre- and probiotics.

3. Thirdly, a laxative can cause severe enough diarrhea, so you get complete dehydration. This is fraught with strong weakness, apathy, a decrease in pressure and body temperature, which can result in a hospital bed and droppers.

4. And finally, laxative pills significantly worsen the condition of hair and nails, as the body loses all the beneficial trace elements and vitamins. The skin becomes dull, acne and acne appear, hair falls out and nails exfoliate. With frequent use, even haircuts can appear.

Indications and contraindications of laxatives

Usually, there is only one indication for prescribing a laxative, constipation, chronic or one-time. It is extremely difficult to live with constipation, because besides the feeling of heaviness, bowel overflow and spasms, a woman can also feel nauseous, dizzy and headache, and even an allergy in the form of itchy rashes can occur. In order to minimize these symptoms, the doctor prescribes a laxative.

The situation is worse when the young ladies themselves prescribe laxative tablets, capsules or drops. For example, a laxative is strictly not recommended for use:

• In pregnant girls and lactating mothers,

• During recovery from a serious illness or during the recovery and rehabilitation period after surgery,

• If there are serious pathologies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, small and large intestines,

• During the treatment of cardiovascular diseases,

• As well as patients with hematopoietic problems.

There are several types of popular laxatives that are often confused with weight loss drugs:

• Weight loss teas. They often contain herbs and roots (senna, buckthorn, ginger, etc.), which actually have a laxative effect. On the one hand, there is nothing terrible in them, because natural ingredients can not bring harm to the body, except for an allergic reaction. On the other hand, you may not notice a particular result from weight loss.

• Tablets, drops and capsules. Accepting them, you will certainly feel the power of the effect very quickly. Along with this, such drugs as, for example, Bisacodil, cause severe intestinal upset, spasms and pain, which only doctors will help to remove.

• Various powders and dietary supplements containing fiber. Perhaps the only safe laxative for health, which has practically nothing to do with losing weight.

• Oils (castor, flax, vaseline). They soften feces and gently remove them from the intestines. No effect on the process of weight loss do not have.

How to use laxatives for weight loss

The only useful measure that you can well apply for losing weight is to prepare for a diet through the use of a laxative. For example, for 1-2 weeks it is allowed to use laxatives in order to clean the intestines and prepare all the organs for the start of the diet. It should be remembered that it is impossible to overeat, since there is one important rule: all simple and complex carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed by your body long before you have time to take a laxative pill. In fact, you remove only undigested food residues from the intestines, so this method contributes little to slimming.

Laxative capsules will help well for those who suffer from frequent and chronic constipation. However, remember the dangers of addiction. Due to the regular intake of capsules, the intestines will no longer be emptied independently. Do not use a laxative for longer than 5-7 days. It is better to replace the chemical substances in tablets or drops with herbal preparations or oils that are considered the safest.

Folk laxatives for weight loss

In complex weight loss is to adhere to certain rules:

1. Be sure to follow the daily diet, limit the consumption of fatty meats, flour products and sweets.

2. Regularly visit the gym and do not neglect physical activity.

3. Eat foods rich in fiber and magnesium: bananas, apples, bran, legumes and dried fruits.

To avoid side effects like diarrhea, stomach pain or nausea, you can take a variety of herbal remedies. This may be decoctions of herbs and herbal teas, cooked at home.

For example, it is allowed to drink a decoction of ginger or oats during weight loss. The first has, besides a laxative, also a choleretic effect. The second is reminiscent of jelly, it is generally quite pleasant to drink it. It will gently envelop the walls of the intestine and stomach, remove the waste products of the body without difficulty.

Broths of nettle, buckthorn, St. John's wort, and hops can also help during the weight loss phase. In addition, if you are not allergic to herbs, they will help replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, normalize stools and calm the appetite.

For example, try to independently prepare a decoction of herbs for weight loss:

• Nettle - 3 tsp.

• Birch leaves - 2 tsp.

• Mint - 2 tsp.

• Seeds of fennel or dill - 1 tsp.

All components of the broth mix, pour 1 liter of water and set to boil in a water bath. After boiling, reduce the heat and boil for 1 minute. Now you should give the broth time to insist and you can use it for half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Remember: laxative can not be selected as the only method for effective weight loss. Thus, you not only lose weight, but also can significantly undermine health. Use it only in exceptional cases and consult a doctor before you use it.


Watch the video: The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight (June 2024).