Hoya: proper fit and proper care (photo). Amazingly beautiful hoya: how to grow, care for and make bloom


Surely most plant lovers have heard of such a shrub as hoya.

Sometimes in everyday life it is also called wax ivy.

However, not everyone knows what peerless flowers it can bloom and decorate our apartment.

Hoya: home care - types, planting (photo)

Hoya is an easy-to-grow plant that is suitable even for amateur gardeners.

It refers to the type of evergreen shrubs and vines. The name was given in honor of the gardener Thomas Hoy, who devoted his whole life to the cultivation of tropical plants. In length can reach 10 meters. A green stalk with leaves and flowers of white or pink color, collected in umbrellas located on stem branches. Hoya blooms all summer and even mid-autumn. The peak of flowering occurs in the first months of these seasons.

Depending on how the hoya grows, it is divided into types:

Types of Hoya

ampelous. Beautiful Hoya is a branching shrub whose leaves resemble small white stars, linear Hoya - leaves are similar to bean pods

ivy. The fleshy hoya curls with thin stems. Hoya multiflora, royal or magnificent hoya, Kerry hoya, the leaves of which resemble hearts and are especially popular as a gift for Valentine's Day.

Hoya Kerry

The most unpretentious is the Hoya Lakunoza, which has leaflets of a light color with a dark green edging. From the flowers there is a light and pleasant aroma. These plants are creepers.

erect. Hoya concave, pitted, Hoya Emglore.

The soil for the hoya must be airtight. If you are a supporter of self-preparation of the soil, then you will need to use 3 parts of leaf soil, 2 parts of sod land and humus and 1 part of sand. If this is not possible, then add sand to the soil.

Hoya propagates very easily - in a vegetative way. To do this, separate the apical stem from the mother plant at the end of winter. It should have at least a few kidneys. After the root dries slightly, plant in the prepared soil. Pre-process the appendix with root so that it is better taken. On top of the pot can be covered with polyethylene. You may not need to create greenhouse conditions, but try to ensure a warm temperature regime, adequate lighting and regular watering in the first weeks. Other methods of reproduction are leaves with axillary buds or air layers, which must be rooted with the mother plant, and then transplanted.

Hoya landing

The greatest number of problems with this plant in flower growers occurs during transplantation, to which the hoya is very sensitive. It is recommended to be carried out once every two to three years. This must be done with extreme caution, since with the slightest damage to the root system, the flower may no longer recover and die. Try to transplant with a near-root layer of earth.

The features of this plant include:

• better blooms in tight pots;

• do not remove already faded stems; new flowers will appear in their place. Cut only damaged leaves or only those sprouts where there were no flowers;

• It is better not to move the plant when the buds appear. They may just fall away.

Hoya: home care - lighting, temperature (photo)

Lighting for this plant will fit a bright but not hot sun. That is, the southwest or southeast window will be a great place. If, nevertheless, the conditions do not allow you to rearrange this flower to a new place, then simply spray it more often or carefully wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Keep in mind that direct sunlight can leave burns on the plant, weaken it and lead to death.

If you choose a northern window for a flower, then a lack of sun can cause the flower to stop growing and not bloom at all. Often such plants are placed in the halls of institutions. The main thing here is to choose a lighted, ventilated place and enjoy flowering. Some species even have a sweetish aroma. Also try not to disturb the hoyu and not rearrange it from place to place. This is especially true for the ripening period of buds, which simply can fall.

The temperature regime must be provided the same as for many other indoor plants. It is different for summer and winter. In summer, the optimum temperature will be 23-25ºС, in winter it can be reduced to 14-16ºС. He does not like drafts. If the frosts are too big in winter, then the plant should be removed from the windowsill and put in a bright place away from heating appliances.

The flower does not require active moisture, but to preserve the freshness of the leaves, you can periodically spray it. Only direct water flows to the stem and leaves, excluding flowers and buds.

Hoya: home care (photo) - watering and feeding

Watering such a houseplant should be as the soil dries. Allowed even 2-3 cm of dried soil. Summer is enough to water once a week, and in winter it’s enough 2 times a month. It is better to spray it more often, without getting on the flowers. This plant loves high humidity. And, of course, try to use standing room temperature water. When using cold water, the root system will not die, but you can not count on lush and abundant flowering.

It is very useful for the hoya to conduct a procedure such as swimming. For this, twice a year before the flowering period, the flower pot is completely lowered into a bucket of water for 5-7 minutes. Water should be warm, even slightly warmed up. After such a bath, the plant will feel excellent. It will bloom profusely and much better tolerate changing weather conditions. Also, this procedure can be used to stimulate the flowering process.

Fertilizer may be the most common. Liquid dressing is also suitable, which must be used during the growing season. Be sure to dilute such a liquid with water according to the instructions. On average, twice.

Hoya: home care - pests and diseases (photo)

Unfortunately, hoya is susceptible to pest damage, like all other plants. The set is standard:

• mealybugs - when white plaque appears, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room;

• spider mite - appears if the plant is kept at high temperature and dry air;

• root rot - may occur with excessive watering;

• shields - it is recommended to clean them with a sponge moistened with soapy water or alcohol. With severe damage, the plant must be disconnected from other flowers and treated with a solution of kalbofos.

The lack of nitrogen will be indicated by pale leaves and slow plant growth.

If the hoya does not bloom, then check that you have correctly provided the watering, location and fertilizer of the flower.

Diseases to which hoya can be exposed:

Hoya's disease

1. Bacterial diseases. The trunk and plants become soft, and a sticky liquid with an unpleasant odor is released from some places. Copper-containing preparations will help in the fight.

2. Viral diseases. Stains and thickenings appear on the leaves. Fighting these diseases is very difficult. The plant, first of all, must be isolated from other flowers and try to get rid of the carriers of the disease.

3. Fungal diseases. The plant may stop growing, the roots will begin to rot, powdery mildew may appear. In this case, transplanting the plant into another pot and observing the basic rules of care will help.

4. Noncommunicable diseases. These are diseases caused, as a rule, by non-compliance with the rules of plant maintenance. With excessive moisture in the soil, the leaves turn yellow, and the roots rot. Burns and brown spots on the leaves indicate an excess of light. And if it is too dry and hot, then the leaves curl and dry. The decorative appearance of the hoya also changes when the shoots are excessively stretched from a lack of light.

From hypothermia, new young shoots may develop poorly and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow.

Do not overdo it and with top dressing. Excessive consumption can lead to discoloration of leaves and flowers. Observe the basic rules: do not process weakened plants in hot weather.

Beautiful Hoya is a flower for the soul and mood! With proper care, he will answer you with lush flowering and interior decoration.


Watch the video: A Houseplant That Grows In Water: Lucky Bamboo Care Tips Joy Us Garden (June 2024).