Fashionable shoes maim female legs


Women who mindlessly follow fashion and prefer to wear high-heeled shoes risk their health. Orthopedists warn: such shoes make women get used to constant pain and discomfort.

As the study showed, in order for pain to occur, it is enough to walk in high-heeled shoes for only one hour and six minutes. Every fifth woman feels discomfort and pain after ten minutes. Doctors also found that 9 out of 10 women are dealing with similar problems, and 20% of ladies are embarrassed. Specialists at the College of Foot Diseases, based on the results of the survey, noticed that one third of women opted for high-heeled shoes that didn’t fit in size, but liked the look.

Doctors warn: if you constantly wear shoes of the wrong size, arthritis and fractures may appear due to tearing of joints and soft tissues, and this is a direct route to steroid injections or even surgery. Orthopedists called the most common consequences that result in wearing high-heeled shoes. These are: ingrown nails and corns. If the toes are pressed one to one very closely, then moisture accumulates between them, which causes the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

Moreover, these troubles fade against the background of curvature of the spine, which is often found among lovers of high-heeled shoes due to inadequate load distribution. There is also a direct link between chronic headache and constant walking in high-heeled shoes. Due to the additional load on the cervical vertebrae and the entire spine, the nerve endings in the neck are excited, which inevitably leads to headaches. We must not forget about deep vein thrombosis, which often develops into severe thrombophlebitis.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a fifth of women have to periodically take off their shoes on the street or in the club, because they can no longer bear the pain. Wearing shoes with high heels leads to a significant shortening of the Achilles tendon. That is why, putting on ballet shoes instead of shoes, women suffer from severe pain. In view of this, doctors strongly recommend that the fair sex refuse shoes that have heels exceeding 5 centimeters.

Experts noted another interesting pattern: the younger the woman, the higher the heel of the shoes is higher. At the same time, many women (20%) do not want to go to the doctor because of problems with their legs, considering them trifles. Men, on the other hand, suffer from corns, bumps and cracks in the heels two times less.


Watch the video: Woman with the longest legs - Meet the Record Breakers (June 2024).