What dreams of water - the value of dreams about water


Water is one of the oldest symbols — companions of man; therefore, in dreams it appears quite often. In this dream, there are variations of elements, it can be crystal-clear, unbearably dirty, flow a river or be in a cloudy glass.

All these cases denote different things; the article contains different interpretations from popular dream books.

Dreaming of water in a dream what is it

Dream interpretation insists that:

  • pure blue fluid is a passport to a joyful happy future; to drink it is to have good luck in fulfilling daring dreams, splashing it is to get love success;
  • a lot of her - A long struggle for their own interests awaits them;
  • dirty promises unpleasant situations with a bad outcome of the case;
  • walk on it foreshadows to become happy immensely soon;
  • rough waterfall warns of a possible error;
  • dream roberti connects such a dream with the imminent childbearing, both physically and spiritually.

What dreams of water in a dream for women and men

  • Bathe in the interpretation of the dream book means to get rid of annoying old problems.
  • For women foreshadows soon become pregnant, or the initial dates of an interesting situation.
  • Clear liquid in sleep for man means collateral success, and muddy promises complications in business.
  • Man join the stream water foreshadows a new romantic intimate relationship.
  • AT mountain river join - be surprised at the event associated with the partner.
  • If a dream of water, it promises for a woman good health, including reproductive.
  • Swim in clear water for the patient to complete recovery, healthy woman - to the carefree fate.
  • In dirty - soon get sick or become an object of blame.
  • In clothes swim - to trouble, disease and unfair charges.
  • Fall into her, according to the dream book, to a certain misfortune.

If you had a dirty and muddy water

  • More often dirty in different ways dreams to the dark stripThe trouble, although there are nuances:
  • muddy, but with a calm current in the river, is anxiety, with a rapid - to difficult situations, out of control;
  • a woman such a vision prophesies a conflict, a man - longing;
  • muddy she in the sea foreshadows troubles in the working team, it is worth being alert, the enemies intensified;
  • to the girl the dirty sea is a harbinger of a life deadlock;
  • fall into the sea means a quick future recovery or the dreamer's strongest health;
  • swim in it - soon become the object of envy and evil gossip;

If dream clear and transparent

A good sign for the dreamer is a vision in which he dreams pure water. Dream interpretation distinguish the main nuances:

  • pure joy to see in a vision a calm, transparent sea that foreshadows well-being, and money will fall asleep;
  • clean in the pool marks the successful overcoming of long-standing obstacles with the support of relatives, women, this vision promises loyalty companion of life;
  • well, filled with an ideal liquid, guarantees tremendous opportunities, which can be obtained with the assistance of relatives;
  • swim in any such reservoirs for the girl and to a young woman is soon to be pregnant;
  • pregnant bath promises an easy course of her condition;
  • woman swim with a friend means to be highly appreciated.

If dream about swimming in water

To swim at night in visions is one of the safe signs sent by fate.

  1. If a woman dreams about swimming in the poolthen soon she will meet the wealthy betrothed.
  2. Man This situation promises a bright love affair.
  3. If a woman dreamed of swimming in the sea, soon she will be pregnant, a man - to an unexpected serious sum of money.
  4. If you had a dream dolphins - This is a sign that life must be filled with interesting events; a man swim with a dolphin - to a bright passion; pregnant women often dream of a happy outcome of childbirth.

Flood in a dream what is it

According to the dream books, a flood is dreamed of victory over the difficulties and the onset of the peaceful stage of measured existence.

  • Die from flood predicts a loss.
  • Violent flood to the early maturing of children and old age ahead of time.
  • Big square floods to prosperity.
  • Sharply flowing water to the woman foreshadows pregnancy.

Dream of a ship on the water

  1. It's time to take a break, insists the dream book, analyzing a vision in which dream of a boat.
  2. Sinking holey boat is to success, the whole - on the contrary.
  3. Ghost boat help get away from danger.
  4. Seen the ship promises a fun pastime.
  5. Ship in the storm foreshadows the inability to cope with the circumstances.
  6. Warship - to parting with loved ones.

What dreams of turtle, whale and crocodiles in the water

It is not easy to give a description to all sea animals, but most often in night dreams there are such values:

  • Eastern Dream Book promises longevity to a turtle in a pond;
  • married women the turtle is to pregnancy, to young girls to new connections;
  • catch a turtle - look for yourself in an unusual case;
  • White whale in the dream books - to great luck;
  • whalesin general, to a lot of meaningful acquaintances;
  • but crocodile appears as a sign of a deceiver among loved ones;
  • many crocodiles - to problems, troubles.

If you dream of drowning in water

  1. Drowned appears before getting rid of some kind of trouble.
  2. Reviving drowned man marks the transition to the next stage of life.
  3. If a dreamed a male drowned man, in reality there will be a pleasant occurrence woman - to changes on the romantic front of love.

Dream of drinking water or seeing it on the floor

Drink liquid means coping with beginnings.

A man dreams to drink muddy water - warning of unsuccessful marriage soon.

Drink soda - to wealth.

On the eve of the discovery of psychic abilities often occur in dreams walk on water.

Analyzing the vision where you saw the liquid in the apartment on the floorit is worth remembering what it was and where exactly: in the bedroom - to pregnancy in the kitchen - to feast, in the bath - to the loss of money.


Watch the video: Top 60 Dreams And Meanings (June 2024).