The legendary Chinese Puer tea: beneficial properties. The true value of puer tea and contraindications


Very often, real tea experts put puer tea, whose name appeared back in the distant third century. n e., along with luxury drinks such as brandy or whiskey. The explanation for this lies in the fact that over the years the taste of the drink reveals itself better and better, the aroma becomes more saturated, and the beneficial qualities acquire versatility. Exposure and a special way of processing make the black drink truly unique and useful, and the variety of varieties is attractive to the most picky gourmets.

Features of the production of puer tea and the beneficial properties of a perennial drink

Familiar to everyone ordinary black tea, which anyone encounters in life almost daily, is actually considered red in China. But real black tea, which is obtained by special preparation and non-standard brewing, is proudly called puer. The name of the tea comes from the place in which the very leaves of the bushes were discovered. To this day they are brewed around the world.

Unlike other types of cooking methods, puer tea leaves become fully fermented as a result of careful processing. First, the leaves are collected from the bushes, then the raw materials are laid out in heaps and periodically irrigated with water. When the leaves dry out a little, they are laid out in a uniform thin layer and left for a period of 1.5-2 months for natural fermentation. Tea can be prepared artificially, but with the loss of some properties and aroma. Tea harvesting in a natural way takes about 7-8 years. During this exposure time, global changes occur not only in taste and smell, but also in composition. This tea is called "Shen", it has a dark color. Artificial drying takes much less time, as a result, after a year, tea called “shu” will be ready, the shade of which is an order of magnitude lighter than that of “Shen”.

More benefits for the body will, of course, be in tea with a ten-year aging. But this does not mean at all that artificial puerh is not useful in itself. Varieties of healing drink today, there are about 120 pieces, and each of them is useful in its own way. They differ in taste, aroma, color. The production technology itself unites all the varieties, but otherwise you can please any taste. A quite popular type of tea today is one that is made from a mixture of young leaves and old with many years of aging.

Elite Puer Tea: beneficial properties, compositional characteristics and calorie content

The composition of this black puerh includes exclusively tea leaves without impurities and artificial flavors. The chemical composition of the drink is as follows:

• Kakhetins, anthocyanins and phenolic acids, which are a group of phenolic compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties;

• amino acids, on which all the characteristics of the drink depend, starting with quality and ending with color;

• alkaloids, including thein, theobromine and theophylline give tea a tonic effect. The drink improves brain activity, dilates blood vessels, accelerates the transport of oxygen through the cells of the body and increases tone;

• saccharides, due to which puer has a sweetish flavor;

• vitamins C, A, E, P;

• zinc, chromium, potassium, manganese, fluorine and other minerals;

• statins, they are formed by the processes of fermentation of trace elements in the body. Thanks to statins, cholesterol levels in the body are reduced, stroke is prevented, and susceptibility to coronary heart disease is reduced.

For 100 g of black puerh, there are 151.8 kcal. For 1 cup, 1 tsp is enough. dry raw materials, in which it contains 2 g, which weighs only 3 kcal.

What useful properties are contained in tea puer

Black classic puer is impossible to compare with any other similar drinks. The unique composition is literally filled with unique qualities. No wonder the popularity of puer in the world is increasing every day. Among the useful qualities of puer are:

• improvement of digestion processes;

• stabilization of blood sugar;

• fight against constipation;

• reduced chances of a heart attack or stroke;

• cleansing the body of toxins of various kinds, removing toxins, poisons and heavy metals;

• prolongation of youthful skin;

• improvement of the liver, its gradual cleansing and restoration;

• decrease in the level of harmful cholesterol in the body;

• promoting weight loss in a regimen sparing for the body;

• concentration of attention and increased physical activity due to the tonic effect.

Puer tea with its useful properties is considered not only a cure for some ailments, but also a means of prevention. It is a potent agent with a wide range of effects. Tea is able to cleanse the blood, liver, intestines. Puer does this effectively, which earned him a worthy place in the menu of popular diets. The drink has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving and evening its color. A vitamin-rich composition is reflected in improving the appearance of hair and nails. And pectin in the composition prevents the development of oncology by blocking the Gal3 protein producer of such cells.

Does puer tea have contraindications? Who should not get involved in an elite drink

The benefits of the drink are huge and obvious, but pu-erh tea has contraindications, like any medicine. First of all, this includes individual intolerance to the product. People in old age or with chronic diseases should also not get involved in historical drinking. Puer drink itself is quite strong, and its properties are clearly manifested even with slight brewing. Therefore, experimentation and strong brewing of tea should not be.

There are also some circumstances in which you should forget about the elite drink. Puer tea has contraindications, among which:

• an increased degree of body temperature - heavy drinking of puerh will provoke an even greater increase in it;

• the invigorating effect and tonic effect will not let you fall asleep for a long time, so drinking tea before bedtime is strictly not recommended. In the best case, the consequences may be disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, and in the worst, stress on the nervous system;

• For pregnant women, like most other products, Puer tea is not recommended;

• during breastfeeding for women, only one cup of weakly brewed drink per day is permissible, no more;

• young children under 3 years old should not be given an adult drink;

• in case of hypertension, the elixir should be discarded so as not to increase the pressure even more;

• An exacerbation of the diuretic from puerh may be fraught for people with urolithiasis. The drink is able to activate the movement of kidney stones, which causes piercing and acute pain;

• people who do not know how to brew tea correctly can feel both slight malaise after drinking it, and symptoms of poisoning, up to vomiting.

All contraindications can easily be adjusted by the strength of the drink or by limiting the number of cups drunk daily.


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