Why does a polar bear dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Nostradamus and Freud say, and others. Interpretation of Polar Bear Dreams


Often, the images that each of us sees in a dream can be not only snippets from our subconscious, but also be a kind of warning signs.

The most important thing here is to correctly understand and interpret them, since many images can have more than one explanation, or the case may be in small details, which also need to be remembered as accurately as possible.

For example, a polar bear is a very beautiful creature in itself, but on the other hand, few would want to meet it.

So, we will try to figure out why a polar bear is dreaming, and that such a dream can promise a person.

What if I dreamed of a polar bear?

The image of a polar bear is interpreted by most dream books as a symbol of positive changes, events or pleasant surprises. Also, such a dream can be foreshadowed by the fact that very soon you will be able to get some profit, and it will come to you completely from an unexpected place. In addition, the polar bear is a symbol of success and rapid advancement in the career ladder, as well as soon marriage.

Despite the fact that such a dream is generally positive, naturally, not all dreams in which this animal is present can be interpreted as a good sign. Try to recall the situation in which you saw a polar bear, how he was attuned to you, what was the general atmosphere of sleep, and so on, the general interpretation of the dream will depend on this.

1. To see a white bear in a dream is a sign that you are not deprived of the love of other people. This animal also symbolizes imminent positive changes in personal life, a wedding is very likely, which will bring a lot of love, good luck and happy moments, of course, if you are not yet engaged.

2. If a polar bear came to you in a dream - this means that the person who has already helped you earlier will provide support this time.

3. The dream in which you saw a polar bear may be a sign that someone wants to trick you into reality. Therefore, you need to be very vigilant, otherwise this deception can lead you to a big mistake, as a result of which you can get serious problems or lose your job. If you are on the alert, then you will be able to avoid the tricks of ill-wishers, which, in turn, will allow you to achieve recognition and success in your career.

4. If you saw in the dream the skin of a polar bear - this is a sign that you are able to independently solve all your problems in reality and defeat all your ill-wishers.

5. If a woman saw this animal in a dream, this is a sign that next to her is the very man who truly loves and appreciates her.

Activities with a polar bear in a dream

1) If a white bear attacked you in a dream - this is a sign that in reality you should be more careful with people who are unkind to you and try to conflict with them as little as possible;

2) if you saw a bear swimming on an ice floe - this is a sign that someone wants to cheat or rob you;

3) if you see yourself in a dream hunting for this animal - this means that in real life you will be able to achieve the location of the person you need, but your interest in him will quickly fade;

4) if you are struggling with a bear in a dream - this is a sign of your great feelings for your soulmate. You need to talk with the person for the final identification of the loyalty of your partner;

5) if you see a bear eating a seal - this means that you should quickly abandon your bad habits, otherwise they promise you and your family a lot of problems and troubles;

6) if you managed to kill a polar bear in a dream - this is a very good sign that promises you an early resolution of all your problems and a way out of a difficult life situation, which until then seemed hopeless.

Why is a polar bear dreaming of Miller’s dream book

  • To see a white bear in a dream is a sign that very soon you will need to decide on an important decision on which your future family life or career will depend;

  • if you see in a dream how a polar bear attacked you - this means that you need to be extremely vigilant, because your ill-wishers have taken up arms against you, try to contact them less for any reason, and even more so quarrel;

  • to see a white animal floating on an ice floe is a warning sign that fraudulent actions against you are likely;

  • to see how a white bear eats a seal is a harbinger of the fact that you should give up bad habits, otherwise it threatens big troubles for you and your relatives;

  • if you see yourself lying on the skin of a dead animal - this is a good sign that states that in reality you can easily solve all your problems;

  • to see a polar bear in a dream is a good sign that promises you an early marriage and good profit. Also, this dream informs that soon you will meet a person who will help you a lot in some business.

What is the dream of a polar bear in the dream book of Nostradamus

The famous astrologer Nostradamus believes that the polar bear in the dream of a woman is an image of a strong man. For a man, such a dream means that he will fight with himself, his strengths and weaknesses.

What is the dream of a polar bear in Vanga’s dream book

Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets such a dream negatively. In her understanding, the appearance of a polar bear is an embodiment of anger, negative qualities, therefore, a dream with him cannot bring anything good to the dreamer.

  • If you are attacked by a polar bear - this is a sign that in real life you have ill-wishers who strive to deceive or compromise you in the eyes of other people;
  • if you kill this animal in a dream - this is a sign that you will be able to take revenge on your enemy, but for you this will not pass without a trace and you will have to pay for it in the future.

What does a polar bear dream about in Freud’s dream book

  • Hunting a white bear in a dream is a sign that you will be able to win over an important person, but your interest in it will quickly fade. Also, such a dream means that you need to try to control your emotions and get rid of aggressive moods;

  • if you fight with this animal - a sign that your love for the second half brings you only sadness and disappointment. Try to find a person with whom you will again feel like a happy person;

  • running away from a polar bear in a dream is a sign of intimacy in some kind of extreme environment.

Interpretation of Loff's Dream Book

According to D. Loff's dream book, a polar bear in a dream is a sign that you are very dismissive of those who are weaker towards you;

  • Seeing a few small cubs in a dream is a sign that you are faced with a difficult choice in your life and you can’t decide what to do. You will need to make a difficult choice - your own safety or well-being of those close to you;
  • to meet a white bear in a dream and several cubs with her is a sign that you really lack confidence in your abilities, you do not have your own opinion and follow the lead of more confident people. You need to learn how to become more proactive and self-confident, to gain independence in your thoughts and actions.

Polar bear from Hasse's dream book

Miss Hasse believes that:

  • the appearance of a polar bear in a dream promises you great luck, you can win in a game or lottery;

  • if you fell into the hands of this animal - expect serious losses;

  • eating bear meat in a dream is a sign of an upcoming wedding in your family;

  • if you kill a bear in a dream, it means that soon you will find the only right solution from a difficult situation;

  •  seeing the skin of a polar bear is a good sign that promises you a solution to all problems and timely exposure of all ill-wishers;

  • to see the polar bear itself is a bad omen, a sign of deception, great grief, which at first seems good. Your enemies will pretend to be friends, and while you are in the dark, they will try to deal with you by any means. However, if you remain vigilant, this will be avoided.


Watch the video: Polar Bear Dreams (June 2024).