November 27: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The creation of the fleet entailed the formation of the first regiment of naval soldiers. The first units of the Marine Corps were formed on the ship "Eagle". In 1705, Peter 1 issues a decree on this. Almost immediately, an entire regiment was created, which had to take the first exam in the confrontation with the Swedes. Marines with marines are fighting on their own or in command with other troops, defending the coast or naval bases. Today's marines have serious weapons. These are anti-aircraft installations, artillery, tanks, small arms.

This completely new position was entered in the register of professions only in 1996. Property valuation experts appeared at the start of privatization. For 10 years, the number of appraisers in Russia has reached 20 thousand people. The main activity of the appraisers is the analysis of assets, that is, the property of the investor's profitable property or the common property of an entrepreneurial company. Appraisers determine the value of objects at the present time and predict its changes for the future.

Also on this day

Memorial Day for Havana Students Shot by Government Order in 1871

Medical students fell out of favor with the government for desecrating the grave of a high-ranking official. The accusation was erroneous, but evidence for this was received only 10 years after the execution. Every resident of Liberty Island remembers the names of students by heart, they are revered by national fighters for the ideals of the revolution.

Memory of St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Solunsky

Gregory lived in Asia Minor in the 13th century, early orphaned and brought up by the ruler Andronicus II Paleologist. However, Gregory decided to become a monk, and achieve high spiritual perfection. He spent 8 years in prayers, then engaged in spiritual concentration in a hermit monastery. Hesychasm (peace, silence), or in other words, clever work, was mastered by many hermit monks at that time. Gregory received the rank of priest, fulfilled his duties, and in his free time from sermons led an ascetic life.

(November 14, Old Style) - Filippovka, The Proclamation

In memory of St. Philip, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, the Feast of Filippovka is celebrated. After this day, a strict Christmas post will begin, which is also called Filippovsky. The Gospel preacher Philip was able to work miracles, he is credited with the resurrection of a baby in the hands of an inconsolable mother, he brought life back to a man whom they were about to bury. The saint ended on the cross - he was executed by unbelievers.

Filippovsky post is dedicated to work. But in the evening, girls can guess at Filippovka, trying to call and guess the bridegroom. To do this, put a piece of meat under the pillow, and called on young people to “conspire”. The main activity during the fasting was needlework: "The plow feeds, spins clothes." On Philip they take food to the yard to feed the spirits. Signs on this day: hoarfrost predicts the harvest of oats, if it rains - you should wait for the harvest of wheat. A croaking raven could predict a thaw, and snow could predict May frosts.

November 27, 1730 - the beginning of street lighting in Moscow by decree of the Senate

The face of Moscow changed significantly in 1730. The fact is that in the areas of the Kremlin, Kitay-Gorod, Bely, Zemlyanoy and in the German settlement, the first lights were installed. Keep the lights in good condition and daily light them was prescribed by the residents themselves. Where they have not yet been installed, residents were required to put out 2 or 4 lighted candles. It took two years to fully equip the indicated streets with lanterns. At that time, there were 600 daily-lit lamps in the country, almost 10 times their number increased until the end of the century. On the day of the coronation of Alexander 3 around the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1880, electric lights were already burning. 30 years later, the first power station in Moscow was opened on Raushskaya embankment.

November 27, 1895 - Alfred Nobel signed his last will

Explosive inventor Alfred Nobel decided to establish annual prizes for inventors. For this, he left most of his fortune to organize a special fund of Alfred Nobel. The most outstanding discoveries in favor of the world in the field of physiology, physics, chemistry, medicine, as well as literature were marked by prizes from this fund. Sweden and Norway were chosen for the presentation ceremony. The presentation of prizes began after Nobel’s relatives refused claims. The King of Sweden has signed the award guidelines developed by the Swedish government. This is the most prestigious world prize; it was first awarded in 1901. In the 200 century, 600 people received it.

November 27, 1922 - the circulation of the Russian chervonets

The strengthening of the Russian currency began in 1922-24. The bank ticket was backed up by the gold fund and assets of the State Bank of Russia. After two denominations, chervonets come into circulation, on which the content was recorded: 1 spool 78.24 shares (8.6 grams) of gold. Coins - gold pieces of gold were issued with 900 breakdowns, they were used mainly for foreign trade operations. Metal chervonets with the emblem of the USSR did not last long - after the strengthening of the currency in the world market, the need for metal money disappeared.

Anders Celsius (1701 - 1744) - great scientist, physicist, researcher, astronomer

During his short life, Anders Celsius made many discoveries in the study of the northern lights, magnetic field fluctuations. He proved the ellipsoidal shape of the Earth, measured the meridian in Lapland. Having organized an observatory at his institute, he measures the brightness of stars. His most famous achievement is the 100-degree Celsius temperature scale. The mineral "Celsian" is also named after him.

Boris Grebenshchikov (1953), singer, songwriter, head of the Aquarium group

The first fame for the young Grebenshchikov brought the album of the group "Aquarium": "All brothers are sisters."
After a scandalous participation in the Tbilisi rock festival, he was expelled from the Komsomol, and the Aquarium was banned. Until perestroika, the group worked underground. Grebenshchikov wrote music for several films, released several solo discs and received several awards: "FUZZ", "Pobo Roll", "Triumph" and others.

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov (1801-1848), Russian chamber vocalist

Russian domestic romance performed by Alexander Varlamov ascended to the very tops. His art was influenced by folk origins and urban song culture. A wide range of images in Varlamov’s romances did not leave the public indifferent in many cities. He also founded a vocal school and a music magazine, developed a technique for teaching singing and wrote more than 200 romances. Not everyone knows that Alexander Varlamov is the author of the folk song "A snowstorm sweeps along the street." Thanks to his romances, a new direction in art appeared - lubok, illustrating folk songs.

Vladimir Mashkov (1963), Russian actor and director

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School with Oleg Tabakov, Mashkov works at the Snuffbox. The first film roles bring him dizzying success and several awards - "Nick", "Kinoshok". He is called the Russian sex symbol. He later makes several films as a director, which did not go unnoticed by the public. He moves to America and starred in several films there. Vivid works: "Idiot", "American Rhapsody", "Behind Enemy Lines", etc.

Konosuke Matsushita (1894 - 1989), founder of Japanese corporations Panasonic, Philips

The founder of Matsushita Electric Industrial, on the basis of which Panasonic and Philips were created, is a cult figure in world business. He applied his own business development products to his companies. From a small company, his company turned into a global brand, with 50 branches around the world producing all types of consumer electronics.

Chaim Atzriel Weizman (1874 - 1952), President of the World Zionist Organization, the first President of Israel

Haim Weizman is a prominent Israeli politician who made a great contribution to the formation of the borders of the Jewish state when it was divided into the Arab and Jewish parts. He held several important government posts, and after dividing the country into two parts, for which he fought for 10 years, he became the first president of Israel. The institute where he worked was renamed the Weizmann Institute; he himself is buried according to his will in the garden of the house at the institute.

Galina of Poland (1939), Russian and Soviet actress

Favorite folk actress in her debut in the movie "Wild Dog Dingo", while still a teenager, attracted the attention of many directors. The film was noted at the Venice Festival, where the famous Fellini praised her play. Galina Polskikh worked in many genres, the most prominent roles: “Journalist”, “Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman”, “Shadows disappear at noon”, “Fidelity”, “For family reasons” and many others. She began to play roles in the theater much later. Today she is the People’s Artist of Russia, Knight of the Order for Merit to the Fatherland

Bruce Lee (1940 - 1973), martial artist, actor

Bruce Lee (Li Zhenfan) became interested in martial arts as an adult. A capable student has learned basic movements in just three days and not in a few weeks. He developed his own Kung Fu style: Jeet Kung-Do, which is also called the leading fist. In television series, he demonstrated martial arts, opened his own sports school. The first film "Big Boss" was a huge success. Numerous films followed, the filmography includes more than 30 paintings. Bruce Lee died while working on the film. Quite by accident, a pill for a headache provoked cerebral edema. The funeral gathered a huge number of admirers of his talent and grew into a national and pan-Asian mourning. A few films have been made about the life and work of the great actor.

Name day holders of such names celebrate this day: Alexander, Alexei, Anna, Aristarchus, Gregory, Sergey, Philip, Vasily, Gabriel, Dmitry, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (June 2024).