Potted beans - a champion dish! Recipes of different beans in pots: with meat, vegetables, mushrooms


In pots, everything tastes better! Even simple beans can make amazing dishes. Such as eating real champions. This mega healthy product should be on the table. Let's cook it with dignity! Here are the coolest beans recipes in pots with meat, vegetables, mushrooms and many others.

Potted Beans - General Cooking Principles

Beans can be different: white, red, black, bean or leguminous. The product may also be dry, boiled, canned or frozen. And all these types of beans can be prepared in pots. The dish will be hearty, flavorful and always will be different! It all depends on the selected additional ingredients.

What are beans prepared with:

• meat products, poultry;

• mushrooms;

• vegetables.

These ingredients can immediately be stacked in pots with prepared beans or pre-fried in a pan. As fill use broths, hot water, tomato juice or sauce, sour cream. You can add cheese to the pots, which in the process will melt, fry and cover the dish with a wonderful crust.

Prepare pots only in the oven. The optimum temperature is 180-200 degrees. The time depends on the ingredients in the dish. The dishes with beef and pork are cooked the longest. The fastest are vegetable pots, with chicken, liver.

Red beans in pots with meat

For this dish in pots you will need boiled red beans. The weight of beans already cooked is indicated.


• 300 g of boiled beans;

• 400 g of pork or veal;

• 150 g of onion;

• 2 large carrots;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 50 ml of oil;

• pepper;

• 250 ml of water or broth;

• 1 tbsp. l tomato paste.


1. Onions need to be cleaned, cut into half rings. Put in a frying pan with heated oil.

2. After a minute, add the chopped meat to the onion. Sauté together at the highest heat.

3. Peel the carrots, cut into thin circles.

4. Put in a bowl beans, fried meat with onions, add raw carrots.

5. Salt, pepper, squeeze out all the cloves of garlic and add the tomato paste. Stir well.

6. Put the beans and meat in pots. Add hot water or broth to each. The thinner you want to get the dish, the more pour in the liquid.

7. Put the pots in the oven, cook 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

String beans in pots with chicken (diet dish)

For this dish, you need frozen green beans, you do not need to thaw it in advance. The dish is prepared very quickly and simply. White chicken meat is used. You can take a turkey.


• 300 g of asparagus beans;

• 300 g chicken;

• 60 ml of sour cream 10%;

• 1 clove of garlic

• 1 carrot;

• spices;

• onion head.


1. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes, sprinkle with spices, set aside for now.

2. Onion shred in half rings, carrots with straws, also lightly sprinkle with spices, mix together.

3. Squeeze garlic into sour cream, add spices, you can chop a small sprig of dill.

4. We collect in pots in layers: beans, onions with carrots, chicken. We repeat one more time.

5. On top of all the pots put sour cream sauce. We cover. Liquid is unnecessary to add, there will be enough juice from frozen beans.

6. Put in the oven, cook at 200 degrees for forty minutes.

Beans in pots with meat and eggplant

The recipe for a delicious bean dish in pots with meat, eggplant and other vegetables. Beans are used boiled.


• 300 g of boiled beans;

• 2 eggplants;

• 1 onion head;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 250 g of meat (any);

• 1 carrot;

• 40 ml of oil;

• 150 ml sour cream;

• spices, garlic.


1. Cut the eggplants into cubes, but not very finely, pour them with salt. Leave the vegetable for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse pieces of salt, wring out.

2. Fry eggplant in a pan with a small amount of oil, the fire must be set to maximum.

3. We take out the eggplant, add some more oil, fry the chopped onion in this pan.

4. Cut the tomatoes or rub, add to the onion. Stew a couple of minutes. Fill the gravy with sour cream, spices, stir and turn off.

5. We cut the meat into cubes, carrots in circles. Mix with beans. If there is, then add the Bulgarian pepper. Slightly add the mixture.

6. Put the mixture of meat and beans in the pots.

7. Put fried eggplant on top. Sprinkle them with chopped garlic.

8. Finish collecting the pots with a mixture of tomato and sour cream from a pan. Distribute evenly between all pots.

9. Cover, put in the oven for 70 minutes. Such beans are prepared at 180 degrees.

Beans in pots with potatoes and stew

A variant of a hearty dish with potatoes and stew. Beans can be used canned or boiled, red beans are better suited.


• 5 potatoes;

• 1 cup beans;

• can of stew;

• 1 onion;

• 1 carrot;

• 300 ml of water or broth.


1. Open the stew. Remove the upper fat, transfer it to the pan. We put on the stove. If suddenly there is no fat or little (which happens, but rarely), then you can pour a little vegetable oil.

2. Once the fat has warmed up, add the chopped onion head.

3. Next we throw the grated carrot. Passing a couple of minutes.

4. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, the size of beans.

5. We put in pots potatoes, beans, fried vegetables and stew in any order. Season the dish with spices, add a little water or broth. The liquid should not exceed half the height of the pot.

6. Send the dish to the oven. We set and cook at 180 degrees 35-40 minutes. Check the potato readiness.

Beans in pots with meat and mushrooms (pork)

The recipe for a hearty pork dish with beans in pots. You will also need fresh champignons. Beans are used white or red.


• 500 g of pork;

• 100 g of dry beans;

• 300 g of champignons;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 tomatoes;

• spices, oil.


1. Soak beans in advance, you can the day before. Boiled beans cook until tender. Drain the broth.

2. Cut the onions into cubes, put them in a large frying pan with oil, fry a little, one minute is enough.

3. Rinse and wipe a piece of pork, cut into cubes up to three centimeters, spread to the onion, fry until the pieces are brightened on all sides.

4. Mushrooms cut into quarters. If the champignons are small, then you can halves. Spread to the meat. We fry together for another ten minutes, we do not reduce the fire.

5. Remove the pan from the heat.

6. Tomatoes cut into cubes, Bulgarian pepper as well. Combine with the meat mass, season with spices, stir.

7. Put a little meat mass in the pots, about a third.

8. Then comes a layer of boiled beans, and cover it with a meat mass with mushrooms.

9. Close the pots, put in the oven for one hour.

Beans in pots with cabbage

A recipe for a wonderful potted cabbage bean. The dish is lean, will appeal to vegetarians. Beans are canned.


• a glass of beans;

• 500 g of cabbage;

• 100 g of onion;

• 100 g carrots;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 40 ml of spice oil.


1. We chop the carrots with straws, cut the peeled onion heads with similar pieces. We spread in the heated oil, fry.

2. Shred the cabbage, transfer to a pan, and fry together with vegetables to reduce the volume. Turn off.

3. Mix the beans with cabbage. Pour spices and salt.

4. We shift the cabbage mass into pots, but not to the very top, leave a couple of centimeters.

5. Grate the tomatoes, spread the tomato mass on top.

6. Put in the oven for 40 minutes. Cooking pots at 180 degrees.

String beans in pots with meat (beef)

Another recipe with green beans. Beef diversifies its taste, you need a little pulp.


• 300 g of beef;

• 400 g of beans;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 glass of tomato juice;

• 30 ml of oil;

• spices.


1. Cut the beef into strips approximately equal in thickness to the beans.

2. In a frying pan, heat the oil, spread the meat, fry over the biggest fire until golden brown.

3. Add soy sauce to the meat, stir and turn off.

4. Beans are removed in advance if it is frozen. Drain the water, add meat, spices, stir.

5. Put the mixture in pots.

6. Add tomato juice. If you want to get a liquid dish, you can pour it more or add broth, water.

7. Put the pots in the oven, cook an hour at 180 degrees.

Potted Beans - Tips & Tricks

• To make the beans cook faster, it is recommended to add 1 tablespoon of cold water to it every 10-15 minutes after boiling. You need to salt the beans at the very end, otherwise the beans will be stiff. It is better to add spices when laying the ingredients in the pot.

• The water in which the beans were soaked must be drained and pure liquid added for cooking. Otherwise, the dish will have a specific aftertaste of raw beans.

• Bean dish will be tastier if the meat and vegetables are fried in butter or ghee.

• If canned beans are used in their juice, then the slimy marinade should be drained, the product should be put in a colander and rinsed. If the beans are in tomato sauce, then you can add the beans to the dish along with the fill.

• To make the beans taste soft, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the pan when cooking.

• Do not rush to pour boiled beans with cold water, this technique is suitable only for vegetables. Beans, on the other hand, are cracked by the temperature difference; upon further cooking, they will fall apart.


Watch the video: Nick Massie: Sumo Stew (June 2024).