Chicken in French (step by step) - the sophistication of French cuisine. French Chicken: Step by Step Cooking


French cuisine is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication. Chicken in French is a hearty, tasty and affordable dish. It looks very presentable. At the same time, even an inexperienced mistress can cook it.

French Chicken (step by step) - the basic principles of cooking

Chicken is a tender meat in which there is practically no fat. Therefore, it is considered dietary, and is recommended for those who adhere to a diet or the principles of a healthy diet.

To cook chicken in French step by step, you must first select chicken breast or high quality fillet. The meat should have a pale pink color. When pressed with a finger, the dent disappears quickly. This suggests that the chicken was not frozen. It is advisable to use only fresh or chilled meat. Only in this case the dish will turn out tasty, juicy and aromatic.

You can use any cheese. Hard, soft creamy and even high-quality fused. However, it is worth remembering that hard cheese will melt much longer.

Use tomatoes of any grades. The main thing is that the fruits are fleshy and juicy.

Mayonnaise may be bold or light, depending on the result you want. With fatty sauce, the dish will turn out to be satisfying, and a light one will suit those who count calories. If you want to use a natural product, prepare the sauce yourself from chicken yolks and refined oil.

For a change, mushrooms, prunes and vegetables can be added to the dish.

Chicken breast or filet is washed. With the help of a sharp knife, films and excess fat are cut off. If the breast is on the bone, it is also removed. The meat is dried with paper towels. Each piece is cut lengthwise in half. Chunk beat off with a hammer. This must be done very carefully so that the chop does not tear. In the process of beating, the table will remain clean if the meat is wrapped with cling film. The beaten meat is seasoned on both sides with salt and spices.

Ceramic form or baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil and spread chicken chops in one layer.

Peeled and thinly sliced ​​vegetables or fried mushrooms are spread on the meat.

Top all smeared with mayonnaise and covered with a layer of grated or sliced ​​cheese.

Chicken is put in the oven for half an hour, after preheating it to 180 C.

Serve chicken in French with a side dish of boiled vegetables or cereals. Semi-dry or dry wine is served as an aperitif to the dish.

Recipe 1. French Chicken: Step by Step Cooking


two chicken breasts;

100 ml of pure distilled water;

four onions;

ground black pepper;

100 g of hard cheese;


30 ml apple cider vinegar;

200 g mayonnaise;

30 ml of table vinegar 6%.

Cooking method

1. Start cooking with onion preparation. Using a sharp knife, peel the onions of thin peels and rinse them under running water. Dip with a paper towel to get rid of excess moisture. Now put the onion on a cutting board and chop it in half rings or rings no more than five millimeters thick. Transfer chopped onions into a deep bowl. Pour distilled water, apple and table vinegar into the chopped onion, lightly salt. Lightly knead the onion with a clean hand. Leave to marinate for half an hour. This procedure will make the onion softer, more aromatic and remove bitterness.

2. Turn on the oven. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. Lubricate the ceramic mold or pan with vegetable oil.

3. Now start preparing the chicken. Separate chicken breast from bone, cut off excess fat, film and cartilage with a sharp knife. Rinse the meat under a stream of cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut each breast into four slices of the same thickness. Put a slice of chicken on a cutting board and lightly beat it with a hammer. To keep the kitchen clean, cover the meat with cling film before beating. Do not fight back for a long time. Remember, we do not cook chops, but baked meat. Rub each slice of chopped meat with a mixture of salt and pepper on both sides. Put the prepared chicken on a baking sheet in one layer.

4. Remove the hard cheese packaging. Cut a paraffin crust with a sharp knife and grind the product on a grater with medium or large holes. Put the cheese chips on a plate.

5. Mayonnaise can use bold or light. But it is better to make it yourself from refined oil, egg yolks, spices and mustard. So you get a quality natural product.

6. Squeeze out the pickled onions and spread them evenly on top of the chicken meat. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise, spreading it with a tablespoon over the entire surface. Sprinkle everything on top with cheese chips so that the cheese evenly covers the entire dish.

7. Check if the oven has warmed up to the required temperature. Then send the chicken form to the middle level. Bake the chicken for forty minutes, until the cheese is melted and covered with a golden crust. After the allotted time, remove the baking sheet with meat from the oven. Lay the chicken on plates at the rate of one slice per serving with a kitchen spatula. Serve hot chicken with a side dish of cereals, steamed or boiled vegetables, salad.

Recipe 2. Chicken in French: step by step cooking with mushrooms and sauce


a pinch of table salt;

clove of garlic;

50 g butter;

large onion;

180 ml of wine;

large fresh meaty tomato;

20 ml of lemon juice;

two chicken breasts;

30 g of wheat flour;

120 g of mushrooms;

270 ml of broth;

30 ml of clean filtered water.

Cooking method

1. Cut the root part with a sharp knife from the onion and remove the thin peel. Wash the onions under running water and dip them in a paper towel. Put the onion head on a chopping board, cut in half and chop in half rings no more than five millimeters thick. Put chopped onions in a small bowl. Combine filtered water with lemon juice, lightly salt and pour onion with the mixture. Leave to marinate for half an hour.

2. Rinse the chicken breast. Scrape off cartilage, excess fat and films. Cut the breasts in half lengthwise. Dip in a paper towel. Put the chicken on a chopping board. Cover the meat with cling film and lightly beat off with a hammer. Fight back so that the chicken does not turn out too thin. Thus, beat off all the chicken slices. Then rub each chop with a mixture of pepper and salt.

3. Pour wheat flour into a shallow plate. Place a wide cast-iron pan on the stove. Put a piece of butter in it and turn on a medium heat. Roll the chicken slices in flour and put in a pan with melted butter. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Put the fried chicken on a plate.

4. Wash the mushrooms. If you use champignons, just wipe them with a damp sponge, as these mushrooms quickly absorb moisture. Use a sharp knife to remove the thin skin from the hats. Cut the legs. Cut the prepared mushrooms into small cubes.

5. Peel the garlic clove from thin husk, cutting off the tip. Grind garlic with the smallest grater or garlic squeezer.

6. Put the frying pan where the meat was fried again on the stove and turn on the heat to medium level. Put mushrooms in it and fry, stirring regularly, until all the moisture has evaporated. When the mushrooms are browned, add chopped garlic.

7. Wash the tomato. Pour boiling water over it and remove the thin skin. Cut the pulp of a tomato into small pieces. Put the chopped tomato in a pan with mushrooms. Send the onion here. Pour in all the broth and wine. Shuffle. Turn the heat on and simmer the sauce until it becomes thick.

8. Place the mushroom sauce in a deep dish. Put the chicken in it. Top with the same sauce. Put the chicken form in the oven to the middle level. It must first be warmed up to 180 degrees. Cook the french chicken step by step for half an hour. Serve chicken with a side dish of vegetables, cereals or spaghetti. Put the side dish on the plate. Put a piece of chicken next to it and pour mushroom sauce on it. You can serve dry or semi-dry wine to the dish.

French chicken step by step - tips and tricks

Do not use frozen chicken for cooking, otherwise the dish will turn out tough.

Lay the meat tightly together to make the dish juicy.

Pre-marinate the onion, this will add spice to the taste of the dish.

To make the dish less nutritious, replace the cheese with cheese.

Use homemade mayonnaise, so you will be sure of its quality.


Watch the video: Chicken in White Wine & Cream Sauce. Knorr Chef Einav (June 2024).