What is the dream of a big fish: live, gutted, in a river or in an aquarium? Basic Interpretations - Why Big Fish Are Dreaming


Dreams are very diverse. They can bring a person various emotions and sensations.

Why dream big fish? What does such a dream mean?

What big fish dream of - the main interpretation

In a dream, fish always appears as a symbol of something new, unusual. But it’s important to remember all the details of sleep, decide on the main events of the dream:

• How, where did the fish come from in your dream;

• How many fish were in your dream;

• Have you cleaned the fish;

• Have you spoken to the fish?

• What emotions have visited you in a dream.

If a girl dreams of a fish, this is a sure sign that she may soon become pregnant. But, if she dreams of a big fish - such a dream also means a new acquaintance, new strong feelings.

If the fish seems to her too huge - do not be afraid of partner activity. A girl can meet a very active man who simply will not give her a pass. But the girl had long wanted to attract attention, she almost succeeded.

If a girl dreams that she is walking on the riverbank and a huge fish jumps out of the water, such a dream promises her unexpected troubles associated with her past. Something will surface, something that she has been hiding for a long time.

But do not panic in advance, it is better to keep secrets with you. If several giant fish jump out of the water at once, a real scandal will break out and the girl will try to regain her reputation for a long time to come. In this case, you should choose a wait-and-see attitude and not show your concern.

If you dream that a man catches a fish and a giant individual catches him, you can also become prey for a cunning and treacherous young man. He pursues his cunning goals and wants to take advantage of you. Do not unconditionally believe promises and make plans for the future without recognizing the person. It is important to remember that happiness is worth the wait and needs to be achieved.

The dream in which you hold a huge fish in your hands promises you great success in business. But you should be careful, listen to your inner voice and your well-being. At the slightest ailment, you need to see a doctor, otherwise you may be so immersed in work that you will not have time to take care of yourself. This can lead to exhaustion and excessive nervousness. And then your success will become small and inconspicuous.

You will cease to enjoy life. You will get tired more and indulge in dreams of relaxation. If you dream of a huge fish in the aquarium - remember why you have so closely watched in reality recently. What do you sincerely want, and that you do not allow yourself.

If this is some kind of thing - it's time to allow yourself. If this is some kind of entertainment, do not deny yourself it. Then you will greatly regret the missed opportunities. Try to learn how to live here and now, so as not to regret missed opportunities.

If you look after a big fish through the glass of the aquarium, and it causes horror in you - try not to be afraid of anything in reality. If soon after a dream a huge amount of work falls upon you - do not be upset, just do it, try to do it in a quality and conscientious way, then at work you will be appreciated.

If after such a dream a flurry of calls and suggestions falls on you to have a good time, do not refuse. Devote this time to yourself. Allow yourself to relax as you have long dreamed. Try not to overload the body if you see a dream in which the fish beats against the walls of the aquarium. You will also get tired, and will try to find a way out of the routine. You will not be enough oxygen, you will need to find a way out of this situation.

If a fish in a dream breaks the aquarium from the inside, you will also try to break out of everything that happens to you. You will succeed. But do not stop halfway. Try to cultivate more and more. If you want to go somewhere - feel free to go, if you want to meet someone - feel free to make an appointment. If you wanted to break off relations with someone, you should also not put off this decision. The time has come.

If in a dream you feed fish - you will get the opportunity to make new friends and receive gratitude from those people who are near you. This gratitude will come to you in the form of their pleasant and gentle words, their joyful smiles. Try to appreciate such moments of life and not waste yourself on relationships in which there is no sincere understanding and support.

The dream in which you clean a huge fish of scales - promises you a desire to cleanse yourself from the past. You will feel guilty and desire to return everything as it was before. But this desire will not bring real results. It's too late to repent. You could offend someone badly and now not find a place for yourself. Dream interpretation promises you anxiety and restlessness.

If in a dream you fry huge fish - on the contrary, you will endure with honor all the problems and troubles. Gossipers will be left with nothing. And you will have a wonderful reputation. Do not even worry. It will be enough for you to think over your actions and continue not to do so.

Why dream big fish according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that a big fish in a dream speaks of big problems in sexual terms. You are so clamped and shackled sexually that it is difficult for you to let into your life a worthy partner. You try to be gentle and affectionate, while being emotionally shut off from your partner, you cannot fully understand him.

If you see in a dream how you fish and cannot even catch a small fish - such a dream promises you anxiety due to your own sexuality. You will be afraid to become a bad lover, you will be afraid to become not such a partner for a man. Try not to transfer your anxiety to your partner, he simply will not understand the causes of anxiety.

If in a dream you try to stun a big fish - in reality you will also try to build a relationship with a man of a different level. You should not lower your bar, but wait for a man to grow up to you is also not worth it. A reasonable decision in this situation will be to find a man to match himself.

What is the dream of a big fish in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what a big fish is dreaming of. Such a dream promises new important events that will suddenly burst into your life. It is important to remember all the details of sleep, perhaps you caught a huge fish yourself. Then all the changes in your life will occur precisely thanks to your efforts.

If a huge fish was presented to you as a dried fish, you will think and remember for a long time, you will try to live by the rules of the past that the people around you have imposed on you. This will only lead to frustrations and problems.

If you see a huge rotten fish - your most ambitious plans will be destroyed. Do not panic, the best solution to this problem will be a sharp jerk forward. You can overcome problems and fears. Become stronger and wiser.

If you dream that you eat rotten fish, you will have to come to terms with the circumstances. Your problems will be so great that you will have no choice but to meekly continue to go with the flow.

If you dream that a huge fish swallowed you, some event will simply swallow you. You will immerse yourself in everyday problems and questions. The dream book advises you to try to ignore the situation and not take everything into your personal account.

Why dream big fish in other dream books

In the Women's Dream Book, if a pregnant woman dreams of fish, it is a sure sign of a good pregnancy and a successful birth. If she dreams of a dead fish - it is worth taking care of her health.

In the dream book, Grishina says that the big fish that was thrown to the land is a collapse of hopes and problems in everyday life. You will fight like a fish on ice, on your problems and they will not be able to resolve in any way. You should wait for the right time and make every effort to resolve the problems.

The dream in which you caught a huge fish promises you great success. But such a chance is worth learning to use. Try to use all the opportunities that life will give you in the near future. Do not refuse new acquaintances, communication. Even a truce with the enemy can do you good. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths and trust yourself. Dreams will tell you which solution will be right.


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