Tomatoes varieties "Intuition": photos, advantages and disadvantages. Features of growing tomatoes of the variety "Intuition"


Gardeners prefer to grow high-yielding varieties of tomatoes that do not require special care, take a minimum of effort. Among the variety of species, tomato of the Intuition variety has become popular. It has all the necessary qualities, suitable for summer-autumn cultivation.

Description of the hybrid tomato variety "Intuition"

The Intuition tomato hybrid was bred by Russian breeders in 1998. It is suitable for cultivation in the central regions of the country and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

According to the fruit ripening period, the hybrid belongs to the mid-early species. Harvesting begins in mid-July and continues until the end of September.

Growing this hybrid is not difficult, even a novice gardener will cope with this. Tomato "Intuition" refers to unpretentious varieties, does not require special care. Stable fruiting in all weather conditions.

Fruit characterization

Tomatoes of the Intuition variety are distinguished by aligned, rounded fruits, the average weight of which reaches 100 g. All fruits are the same size, with smooth dense skin.

Unripe fruits of saturated green color, without spots and cracks. As the skin ripens, it acquires a bright red color.

The pulp of tomatoes is dense, fleshy, with a low content of seeds. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. If you leave the fruits to ripen in the garden, then they acquire a sweeter taste and sugar content. In the process of ripening, the fruits do not crack, do not fall, are not affected by diseases.

Tomatoes are suitable for summer consumption, whole-canning and processing for juice, lecho. This is one of the few hybrids whose fruits retain their qualities in dried form.

Photos and features varietal bush tomato "Intuition"

The bush is tall, to form the crop will have to pinch the top. The stems are powerful, thick, reach a height of about 2 m. The leaf cover is sparse, saturated green. The tops are wrinkled, not pubescent.

The type of flowering is carpal, flowers are simple. The first flower brush is laid after 8-9 sheets, then every 2-3 sheets. In each brush, up to 6-8 fruits are tied, which allows you to collect a rich harvest.

The root system of the tomato is powerful, but superficial. Lateral roots spread half a meter to the sides.

Tall bush needs support and garter, grow it on a trellis. Experienced gardeners recommend growing in one or two stems, removing unnecessary stepsons. Thus, it is possible to increase the yield of the bush, from 1 square. m. collect up to 35 kg of tomato.

The variety is suitable for cultivation in open and protected ground, has good immunity against various diseases, and is resistant to pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tomato variety "Intuition"

A hybrid has a lot of advantages that make it popular among gardeners:

· High germination of seeds, almost 100%;

· Good taste;

· Friendly return of the crop;

· Stable fruiting;

Good keeping quality;

Immunity to various diseases;

· marketable condition.

Under certain conditions, ripe fruits do not lose their qualities for several days. To do this, the room should be dry, warm and dark. With sharp fluctuations in temperature, the tomatoes begin to deteriorate.

There are practically no shortcomings in the hybrid, if any deviations in the characteristics are manifested, then they are insignificant. The only negative is the inability to get their seeds for future use.

Preparation and sowing seeds for seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are planted from mid-February to early March. They are pre-soaked in a nutrient solution, which increases the yield of the bush, and then dried. Soak the seeds in sodium or potassium humate.

For growing seedlings, special containers or disposable containers are used. They are filled with nutritious soil mixture, which is suitable for planting vegetables. It is prepared on its own or purchased in a store.

Seeds are planted in grooves to a depth of 2 cm, about 3 cm are left between grooves. Sprinkle seeds on top of loose soil, spray and sprinkle with a film. After that, the containers are cleaned in a warm place, where they maintain the temperature not lower than + 20 ° ะก. Sprouts appear on the 5th day after planting. The film is carefully removed from the containers and allowed the plants to breathe.

Care for seedlings of tomato varieties "Intuition"

Water the seedlings carefully, it is unacceptable to excessively moisten the soil or dry it. From this, plant growth is disrupted, they are sick and can die.

Hybrid tomatoes need a pick, which is carried out in the phase of 2-3 real leaves. Plants dive into separate containers with a volume of at least 0.5 l, otherwise the root system will not fully develop. Soil for picking is used the same as for planting seeds. In the first two weeks after the picking, tomatoes do not need to be fertilized. But before planting in the ground should be fed a weak solution of mineral fertilizers.

Features of planting and growing tomatoes in the ground

Plants are transferred to a permanent place in the second half of May. If weather permits, then sooner. It all depends on climatic conditions. If tomatoes grow in sheltered soil, then the timing of planting depends on how the soil warms up.

Tomatoes are not demanding on the composition of the soil, so they are grown on any site. However, after a while, the plants become poorer in the land, and they recommend fertilizing for digging. Since the fall, you can make humus or compost.

Seedlings are planted in holes up to 10 cm deep, about 30 cm are left between plants. It is best to place the plant at an angle, and not directly. As the seedlings grow, they are tied to a support, individual tall bushes can be tied up immediately.

Care for tall tomatoes of the Intuition variety in open ground

To get the crop declared by the manufacturer, you need to properly care for tomatoes.

First of all, pay attention to watering. Tomatoes love moisture, but it should not fall on leaves or stems. During the period of active growth, the soil is moistened twice a week, but in the summer, daily watering is required. If the weather is rainy, then the soil is moistened as necessary.

Good results are obtained by spraying bushes with special infusions that will prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners recommend using an onion husk infusion or Bordeaux liquid. Preventive treatments should be carried out once a week until the fruit sets.

An important point is the pinching of tall bushes. This is necessary in order to get a high yield of large fruits, to prevent bush thickening and the appearance of diseases or pests. Remove extra lateral shoots, breaking them out of the sinus. If the bush is grown in one stem, then all the side shoots are removed.

Apparently, there is nothing difficult in planting and caring for the Intuition tomato. Variety of universal purpose, happy with a stable harvest, good fruits, suitable for beginners and amateurs.


Watch the video: Tomatoes, The Best Varieties? (June 2024).