Useful tips from experienced Lovelaces


Every woman dreams of a big sincere love. And when she meets the man of her dreams, it turns out that he is a banal lovelace. She is horrified to realize that she was the next trophy in his track record. Cruel disappointment, feelings of betrayal, heartache - this is an incomplete list of feelings that exhaust the lady who bit the nature of the Lovelace.

But male seducers admit that the woman herself allows herself to be deceived and willingly rushes into well-placed networks of love. Everything happens on a voluntary basis and the lady herself wants to be in the hands of an experienced man in love.

The secret of the charm of these men is quite simple: they subtly feel the psychology of women. Many ladies complain that their companions of life do not pay them proper attention, do not want to hear them and constantly spend their evenings around the TV. Lovelace understands this perfectly well, so he will do everything exactly the opposite: he will listen to the girl and look at her in such a way as if he feels her problem in the depths of his soul. In addition, he is gallant, polite and surprisingly mysterious. Lovelace has enough energy and charm for every woman to think so.

Men - Lovelace men shared some effective methods of seduction.

  • "I will listen to her, be interested in all her problems, but I will tactfully keep silent about my life!“The seducer draws information from the“ victim. ”His phrases have the principle: more impression - less specifics.
  • "I agree with her in almost everything so that she feels a soul mate in me!"The girl surprisedly notes that she and her boyfriend like the same dishes, hobbies, and even their attitude to life is absolutely the same.
  • "I give her what she lacks in life!"He finds out that the girl is worried at the moment and is trying to fulfill her hidden desires. If a lady has problems at work, the gentleman will skillfully distract her from unpleasant thoughts.
  • "I try to beautifully achieve intimacy!"The experienced lady in love understands that if a lady permits to approach her, then he has completed half of the work."
  • "I will be hidden and mysterious for her!". He wants to always be surrounded by a halo of mystery and mystery, providing an opportunity for women's imagination to create the final image of his person.

A lovelace man is able to give women unforgettable moments of happiness. But it will be short-lived and very soon will get another lady.

It is the ladies' men who often use the method of "pressure on female pity." But the most amazing thing is that many ladies understand this perfectly. They are intelligent, successful, self-sufficient, but for some reason, they allow themselves to be lured into the trap of temptation. They themselves show the lovelace with their "sore points", and then complain that he turned out to be a banal womanizer.

Is it possible to keep a man in lovelace?

Lovelace rarely becomes an exemplary family man. Even if he enters into a marriage, he will always set aside time in him for "marches to the left."

Such a man can be kept if you offer him something unusual and surprising, which is impossible to find in another place. But to unravel that it can not every woman.

Lovelace is a gentleman in perpetual quest. He is always looking for something out of reach. But when he does, he becomes a classic monogamous man.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


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