Why a headache in the temples: to find and neutralize the cause! What to do and how to be treated if a headache in the temples?


Periodic pain in the temples occurs in every sixth inhabitant of our planet.

According to the World Health Organization, it is this ailment that is the main cause of temporary disability of workers of any specialties.

How to protect yourself from the appearance of intolerable pains in the temple area and what to do if the problem has already overtaken?

Why a headache in the temples: reasons

The pain in the temples can so badly spoil the mood that instead of communicating with children or grandchildren, you only want one thing: lie down and suffer intolerable torment. Official medicine known several reasons why a person suffers from such an unpleasant ailment:

• Violation of the tone of venous or arterial vessels

• Migraine or intracranial hypertension

• Blood pressure (especially in the elderly)

• Infectious diseases: tonsillitis, flu, etc.

• Headache in the temples can be ill after intoxication, in the so-called hangover

• Mental fatigue, disorders and stress

• Complications of the menstrual cycle (especially during puberty)

• Climax in women

• Inflammation of the arterial walls

• Disruption of the nerve canals of the craniocerebral zone

• Pathology of the temporomandibular joint

Very often, patients with a headache in the temples problem do not find the true cause of the disease. Competent doctors, examining in detail this ailment, in some cases can not establish an accurate diagnosis. This state of affairs, of course, does not please patients.

What is the peculiarity of soreness in the temples?

“My head hurts in my temples” - thousands of men and women complain about each other like that, but only a limited ten of them decide to visit a doctor. Acute pain in the temporal part of many decide to eliminate the usual analgesics, while muffling the pain, but not eliminating the problem itself. Some are afraid to go to the hospital, others - to identify a more serious disease. Whatever the reason for refusing to visit medical workers, it is incredibly false. Only an experienced neuropathologist can make the correct diagnosis, cure your body completely, the more that the sooner the reason is understood, the more chances there are for a speedy recovery.

A home-based independent treatment method cannot be compared with prescribed medications. Self-medication results in complications such as allergic reactions, gastrointestinal upset, and liver and kidney stress. The most ideal and correct option, of course, remains the appeal to a highly specialized doctor. This will help avoid other side ailments.

Temples during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the period when the causes of pain in the head as a result of hormonal fluctuations are practically nullified. However, often pregnant women complain that their head hurts in their temples. Why does this excruciating symptom arise?

• Migraine is the very first cause of soreness in the temples. During this disease, it is simply not possible to avoid headaches.

• Diseases associated with visual impairment.

• The use of products that provoke pain in the temporal part: chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits.

• Headache in the temporal region can also occur due to changes in weather conditions, an unpleasant odor, a bright light or an annoying sound.

With early toxicosis, many pregnant women lower blood pressure - this applies to the first trimester of pregnancy. Because of this, unbearable headaches in the temples may appear, which relaxation and sleep often helps to get rid of. If headaches in the temples cause toxicosis at a late stage, it is worth taking a test for protein in the urine, since there should not be toxic intoxications at this time.

Migraine and pain in the temples. How interconnected?

Migraine - a neurological disease, which is mainly chronic. In addition to nausea, dysfunction of the digestive tract, drowsiness, irritability and depression, the person also suffers from headaches. Usually, with migraine, the pain is localized in one half of the head and is pulsating in nature.

Headache in the temples with migraine can hurt because of sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds and smells. About 70% of patients diagnosed with migraine notice that headache in the temples creates incredible suffering, as attacks can last from 2 minutes to 2 days. When migraine does not occur, a decrease or increase in blood pressure does not also affect the diagnosis of head injuries or brain tumors - the causes of pain lie in neurological abnormalities.

Neurologist - A specialist who helps to cure pain in people suffering from migraine. It is noted that migraine is a hereditary disease that usually affects the female half of the population. Not every patient succeeds in thoroughly recovering and completely getting rid of periodic pain in the temples. In such cases, the doctor prescribes analgesics, antidepressants, receptor and channel blockers.

How to avoid headaches in the temples?

The main cause of headaches in the temples is the prolonged tension of the ligaments, upper shoulder girdle, muscles and tendons. Each day, a person makes such a number of “forbidden” movements that receptors and nerve endings begin to become irritated and an intolerable headache occurs, including in the temporal part.

"Correct" postures and movements, as well as useful recommendationsthat prevent head soreness in the temples:

• Never press your chin to your chest

• It is necessary to sleep only on a soft, comfortable pillow so that the spine does not bend, but is perfectly flat

• Do not slouch and lean on the armrests of the chair as little as possible. Take breaks more often, walk around the office if you're at work, or around the room

• If you are coughing, remember that a long cough can cause unpleasant pain in the temples. Take antitussive drugs at this time

• Try to never frown or wrinkle your forehead.

• Walk outdoors regularly

• Exercise every morning, including turning your head, neck

• Include in your diet foods rich in B vitamins (sprouted wheat grains, liver, bran, legumes, oysters, brown rice)

• Avoid foods with preservatives, food additives, and flavor enhancers

• Refuse strong tea and coffee

• Lead a healthy lifestyle - completely eliminate the use of alcohol, nicotine and drugs

What to do if headache in the temples? Folk remedies

Traditional medicine, as always, has several useful tools that will help someone who constantly has a headache in their temples:

• If you experience pain in the temples, the most effective method is to warm your legs. It is in the legs that most of the receptors, points of "life" are contained. Warm baths will help to relax, the pain will go away by itself

• Burdock, cabbage or coltsfoot leaves will help you reduce severe pain. It is necessary to impose them on the back of the head and region of the temples

• Stroking the head clockwise or from the forehead to the back of the head is also useful.

• You can drink a decoction of nettles if you want to quickly get rid of headaches. One tablespoon of nettle should be brewed with half a glass of boiling water. Broth take three tablespoons three times a day

• Cut the lemon into rounds and attach to the temples. The resulting irritation must be lubricated with any baby cream. The same procedure can be carried out with beets.

• With pain in the temples caused by migraine, lingonberries can help.

• If headaches are caused by stress, prepare an infusion of equal proportions of peppermint, valerian, and motherwort.

Official medicine helps those with headaches in the temple area

Any medication should be taken only after a full examination, which you prescribe a doctor-neurologist, he also prescribes a prescription for drugs.

The most popular drugs used in case of a painful condition in the temple area are analgesics. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Citramon - Here are a number of pills that can stop the pain and slightly improve your condition.

In order to avoid a stroke (which can also cause pain in the temples), the doctor may prescribe vascular smooth muscle blockers, for example, Vazobral. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the permeability of blood vessels, reducing the possibility of thrombosis, increases mental and physical performance.

Although these pills help to cope with pain, they cannot eliminate its cause. In order for the drug to act purposefully on the source of pain, it must first be identified. Surveys such as MRI, ultrasound, and others will help you with this.

If the pain in the temples interferes with living - go to a specialist, do not waste your time looking for miracle remedies!


Watch the video: Instant Migraine Headache Relief Binaural Beats Migraine Cure (June 2024).