Baked leg - easy! 8 best recipes of baked drumstick for a family dinner, an evening with friends or a festive table


If you want not just to feed your family, friends or invited guests, but to surprise them with your culinary abilities, while spending very little time, effort and money, then the recipes of baked drumstick will be a real boon for you.

Baked drumstick - general principles and subtleties

To bake a shin tasty, there is no need to invent something supernatural, it is enough to choose a marinade suitable for poultry or additional ingredients, and now the delicious dish is ready. The meat in the legs is very tasty, juicy and tender, it is almost impossible to overdry it, and spices, spices, herbs will give only interesting and unusual notes to the legs.

Before cooking, the legs are thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel or napkins. If desired, you can remove the skin, but it gives the effect of the very appetizing golden crust, although without it the meat turns out to be deliciously tasty. Since the shank is taken to eat with your hands, you can pre-wrap the edge of the baked shin with foil, this will keep your hands clean.

Marinade can be sour, spicy, sweet, sour-sweet, spicy. Whole and not to list, most often used for pickling soy sauce, honey, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise or sour cream, lemon juice and much more. Also put spices such as paprika, sesame seeds and mustard seeds, rosemary, curry, turmeric, oregano, marjoram, thyme, garlic, and of course salt and pepper. This is not all of the listed ingredients, each person has his own taste preferences, so our recipes are so good that you can modify any of them by removing or adding something.

It is possible to bake a shin with vegetables, grain and even fruit. Almost any product goes well with chicken. You can bake meat not only in the oven, but also in the microwave.

Ceramic or cast-iron dishes are considered ideal for baking, the fact is that it is heated simultaneously from all sides, which means that the probability of burning a product is reduced to almost zero. Also use foil, parchment paper or sleeve.

1. Baked shin "American"


1. chicken drumsticks - 2 kg;

2. a glass of vegetable oil;

3. 50 grams of mild mustard;

4. pinch of ground cinnamon;

5. 30 ml of vinegar 6%;

6. two cloves of garlic;

7. pepper, salt, thyme - to taste;

8. two or three bay leaves.

Cooking method:

1. For the marinade, beat butter and mustard in a small bowl until the state of mayonnaise.

2. Chop or rub the garlic on the smallest segment of the grater.

3. Stir marinade with salt, thyme, cinnamon, chopped garlic.

4. Rinse the drumsticks thoroughly and place the meat in the marinade. Add bay leaves. Set aside for 30 minutes to stew and sate with spices.

5. Grease a baking sheet with butter, place the prepared shins on it.

6. Warm up the oven to 180 degrees, set a pan with a bird.

7. Bake for about 40 minutes, once, while cooking, turning the chicken legs over to the other side.

8. Serve baked drumsticks with cereals, mashed potatoes, and stewed vegetables. And greens and fresh vegetables only emphasize the aroma and taste of tender meat.

2. Baked drumstick with onions and garlic


1. Shin - 10 pieces;

2. five shallot bulbs;

3. four cloves of garlic;

4. a couple of leaves of fresh thyme;

5. pepper, salt - to taste;

6. 100 grams of Dijon mustard;

7. 30 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the garlic, chop it with a knife, you can use a garlic press for this purpose.

2. Cut the peeled shallot onion into small cubes. This ingredient may well be replaced by ordinary onions, but only as soft and delicate as shallots.

3. Thyme thoroughly rinse, shake off the water, finely chop. Do not use the spice in larger quantities than indicated in the ingredients, otherwise the strong taste and smell of the herb will kill the aroma and taste of the baked drumstick.

4. Put garlic, thyme, shallot in a small container, add Dijon mustard. Stir.

5. Wash and dry chilled or previously thawed shins.

6. Put the chicken drumsticks in a bowl of the right size, rub them thoroughly with marinade.

7. Cover the container with a lid, remove the meat for 30-60 minutes in the fridge to marinate.

8. Line the baking sheet with the foil with the shiny side up, and place the pickled chicken legs on it in a neat row.

9. The remaining marinade in the bowl, grease the upper part of the legs.

10. Sprinkle everything with olive oil.

11. Bake your shins for 20 minutes at 220 degrees, then another 10 for 180.

12. For half an hour that the meat is cooked, take out a baking sheet a couple of times and pour juice on the legs with juice formed during baking.

13. Serve with any traditional side dish, sprinkled with fresh chopped greens.

3. Baked shins in kefir


• chicken drumsticks - 1.3 kg;

• liter of kefir;

• granulated garlic - to taste;

• oregano, turmeric, salt, pepper mix - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the drumsticks, remove the coarsened skin from the end of the leg, dry.

2. Fold the drumstick in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt, spices, add granulated garlic. Stir all the dry ingredients into the meat.

3. Pour the legs in spices with kefir. It should completely cover the legs.

4. Marinate the meat in a cold place for about an hour.

5. Remove the container with your shins on the table, let them warm slightly at room temperature. At this time, you can heat up the oven.

6. Put your shins in a deep baking dish, pour kefir marinade.

7. Cook at 200 degrees 50 minutes.

8. Baked drumsticks in kefir can be served with vegetables, herbs or without any side dish.

4. Baked leg with honey and sesame


• chicken legs - 800 grams;

• sesame seeds - 100 grams;

• 50 ml of soy sauce;

• 30 grams of buckwheat honey;

• two cm of ginger root;

• 40 ml of olive oil;

• pepper and salt;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the ginger root, grate it on the smallest grater.

2. In a deep bowl, pour soy sauce, add liquid buckwheat honey, grated ginger. Mix everything well. If you like garlic flavor a lot, you can put a small amount of minced garlic here, just don't overdo it, it should not drown out other tastes.

3. Put the chicken drumsticks, dried with napkins, in salt bowl, salt, pepper, pour in marinade. Stir and clean for an hour in the fridge, although 30 minutes will be quite enough.

4. While the legs are being pickled, you can take up sesame seeds. Pour them into a dry frying pan and lightly fry over medium heat until pleasant golden brown. Then pour into a clean, dry plate, if you leave the sesame in the pan, while cooling, several seeds can burn, which later spoil the taste of baked drumsticks.

5. Pour olive oil into another pan, fry every leg on it on all sides for five to seven minutes.

6. Pour the marinade, cover the pan with a lid. Bake your shins for about 15 minutes.

7. Put the finished meat in portions, sprinkle with herbs and sesame seeds.

5. Stuffed Baked Tibia


• eight large chicken drumsticks;

• four medium sized tomatoes;

• one Bulgarian pepper;

• 100 grams of hard cheese;

• fresh parsley, basil - to taste;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut a large, fleshy Bulgarian pepper into 1-1.5 cm cubes, pre-rinsing it and removing seeds from it.

2. Blanch tomatoes, cut no larger than pepper.

3. Mix the peppers and tomatoes, add grated grated cheese with large holes, and finely chopped washed and dried fresh greens.

4. Salt and pepper filling.

5. Rinse the drumsticks, dry them, put them on a large chopping board.

6. Using a sharp large knife, make an incision on each leg in the middle to the very bone.

7. Grasping the meat on both sides with your hands, increase the incision, separating the meat from the bone. Note that the connection in the lower and upper shin should not be broken.

8. Stuff each drumstick with prepared, prepared stuffing, fasten the pieces tightly with string, twine or regular toothpicks.

9. Put the stuffed drumsticks on the oiled shape of the stuffing up. The meat itself is slightly salted, pepper if desired.

10. Bake 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

11. Serve the baked stuffed drumsticks, after cutting the twine and removing the toothpicks, with boiled potatoes or rice.

6. Baked drumsticks with vegetables


• chicken drumstick - 500 grams;

• three onions;

• one carrot;

• 30 grams of tomato paste;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• two tablespoons of dried paprika;

• 25 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse onions, peel, cut into thin quarters into rings.

2. Cut the garlic into slices and carrot into thin slices.

3. Dry thoroughly the dried leg, put it in a bowl, sprinkle on all sides with one spoon of paprika and salt. You can add at your discretion and other spices.

4. Take a stewpan of such a size that in the future it can be placed in the oven. Pour the vegetable oil, put onions, fry. Add the remaining paprika and 100 ml of water, mix. Put the carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Add chopped garlic, tomato paste, and salt to the pan. Stir.

6. Lay out the crushed leg spices.

7. Place the saucepan in the oven, which is heated to 180 degrees.

8. Bake your shins for 20 minutes on one side, then the same amount of time on the other side.

9. Remove the prepared drumsticks, mix the sauce well, and bring it to the plate for five minutes until cooked.

10. Serve the baked shins, watering them with vegetable sauce with any side dish.

7. Baked drumsticks in a slow cooker


• kilogram of chicken drumstick;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 50 ml of olive oil;

• 60 ml of soy sauce;

• 50 grams of light mayonnaise;

• 20 grams of acute adzhika;

• salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Put the drumsticks in a bowl, having washed and dried them beforehand.

2. Add chopped garlic, adjika, mayonnaise and soy sauce. Salt, pepper and mix. Marinate for 20-30 minutes.

3. Set the "baking" mode on the slow cooker for 20 minutes, pour olive oil. Heat it slightly, then fry the pickled drumsticks on both sides, closing the multicooker with a lid. It will take no more than 15 minutes.

4. Turn on preheat mode for 15 minutes. Bring the baked shins to readiness.

5. Serve mouth-watering nice-red chicken legs with mashed potatoes.

8. Baked drumsticks with pepper in lemon juice


• kilogram of shins;

• one large onion;

• two red onions;

• one red bell pepper;

• one green bell pepper;

• two sprigs of rosemary;

• 30 ml of vegetable or olive oil;

• salt, pepper, bay leaves - to taste;

• half a lemon;

• garlic head.

Cooking method:

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

2. Lay out the washed legs in a deep shape.

3. Salt, pepper, put a few bay leaves.

4. Spread each leg with vegetable oil with a regular cooking brush.

5. Next to the chicken drumsticks lay peeled and cut into four pieces of onions and red onions, large strips of Bulgarian pepper, rosemary sprigs.

6. Sprinkle meat and vegetables with lemon juice, add chopped garlic.

7. Bake 40-50 minutes.

8. Serve baked drumsticks with baked vegetables.

Baked drumstick - tips and tricks

• If you have purchased frozen, not chilled shins, thaw them, either from the evening in the refrigerator or in the microwave.

• It is best to use non-powdered spices for baking shins; spices that are independently ground in a mortar convey the full flavor and aroma of the dish much more brightly.

• When lubricating your lower legs with marinade, rub the mixture in as long as possible and carefully. You can even make several cuts with a sharp knife so that the legs get soaked much better.

• In order to marinate the legs before baking, in principle, half an hour is enough. If you lower the meat in the marinade for the night, then reduce the baking time by 10-15 minutes.

• If the recipe has soy sauce, do not get carried away with salt, otherwise you can easily salt the meat.

• Use only high-quality soy sauce, a cheap product with a lot of flavorings and other non-natural elements will not give you the result that you expect from the dish.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Chicken Recipes (June 2024).