Ducan Diet - Description and General Principles. Reviews of the Ducan diet and examples of recipes.


Although they say that there should be a lot of good people, you cannot console modern women with this expression. And now, the venerable madam or young lady, having typed a couple, or a little more kilograms, begins to suffer the question - how to get rid of her fatty layers and folds as quickly as possible. Someone is trying to solve the problem with a plastic surgeon, but it is expensive and unsafe, someone in the gym, but it is difficult and requires free time, most of the future Thumbelina trying to lose weight with the help of diets. And she wants to find one to eat full, tasty and lose weight at the same time. Paradoxically, such diets exist. One of them is the Ducan diet.

Ducan Diet - Description and General Principles

The principle of this food system is quite cheerful: if you want to eat, you will lose weight! True, not all in a row, but certain products. The diet is divided into four stages, each of which has its own duration and performs its task.

The first stage, to which Monsieur Ducane gave the name "Attack", lasts from 2 to 7 days (no more than ten), depending on how many kilograms you need to get rid of - on average 3-4 days. During this time, it takes from 1.5 to 4 kg. This is a very important point in psychological terms: you see how quickly weight is lost, which makes you not to stop and move on. The diet is dominated exclusively by protein foods, which can be consumed without restriction. But for the smooth functioning of the body, in particular, the work of the kidneys and the brain, missing carbohydrates and glucose are extremely important. Therefore, the body, experiencing carbohydrate starvation, and being in a state of stress, is looking for a way out. And he finds - splitting fat cells, synthesizes from them the elements he lacks. Thus, with protein nutrition, body fat is rapidly reduced.

It is impossible to keep the body for a long time without harm to health on one protein meal, it needs minerals, amino acids, trace elements, vitamins. Therefore, starting from the second phase of the diet - Cruise, vegetables are introduced into the diet. At this stage, fat reserves are also reduced, though not as fast as during the Attack. Very few fats and carbohydrates come from food, they are processed and removed from the body before they become fat deposits. Therefore, the body, as in the first stage, breaks down fat accumulations, extracting the substances it needs. On average, one kilogram "melts" per week. Thus, the duration of the stage depends on the number of extra pounds - the more they are, the longer the Cruise. That is, if you need to lose, for example, three kilograms, you will have to go on a “cruise” for three weeks.

What is the insidiousness of most diets, is that after they are over, with such difficulty, thrown off kilograms begin to return. Therefore, the achieved results must be consolidated. Dr. Dukan foresaw this moment, and therefore, as soon as the necessary weight has been reached, and the balance arrow has stopped at the long-awaited figure, the third phase begins in the power supply system, which is called Fastening. This stage is a transition between a strict diet and the time when it will be possible to do without restriction in nutrition. Sweets, pasta, cereals, cheese are gradually introduced into the diet in small amounts. Its duration is also individual, and depends on the number of kilograms thrown off. The calculation is - for one kilogram gone - ten days of fastening. It is easy to calculate if, for example, five kilograms are lost on the diet, the Fastening phase will be almost two months - 50 days.

At the end of the third stage, the final phase begins - Stabilization. This period, Monsieur Ducant recommends continuing as long as possible, especially since there are no nutritional restrictions. So that the weight does not increase, it is only necessary to fulfill three conditions:

1 - make daily twenty-minute walks. It can be evening boardwalks, the road to work, to the store, the forest, anywhere. The main thing is to walk;

2 - Devote one day a week to a protein diet, i.e. eat as in the first phase of the attack;

3 - daily use 3 tablespoons of oat bran. From them you can cook pancakes, bread, biscuits, bake a cupcake.
That’s all the limitations of the fourth phase. Not so much to feel great, to have a beautiful figure, to catch admiring glances.

How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins during weight loss.

Nutritionists consider Enterosgel an enterosorbent to be a necessary step in any weight loss program. It actively absorbs toxins and toxins, which enter the body in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. When fat deposits are intensively broken down, toxins enter the bloodstream, causing exacerbation of chronic diseases, nausea and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, gastritis and stool disorders, dull skin with acne and spots on it. People mistakenly believe that these phenomena are associated with a decrease in the calorie content of food, but in fact the problem is precisely in the toxins!

It is also important that Enterosgel fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, and at the same time absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes. So their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach is neutralized, that is, weight loss does not end with gastritis.

Ducan's diet - what foods can be eaten

So we came to the most interesting moment. What can you eat during a diet? Each stage has its own products, but there are moments that are the same for all phases:
- daily drink (in addition to tea and coffee) 1.5-2 liters of water;
- daily use of oat bran (not cereal) - at the first stage - 1.5 tablespoons, at the second - 2, at the third - 2.5, fourth - 3 tablespoons. Bran improves intestinal motility, lowers cholesterol, and removes toxins. If they are taken with food, then drink a glass or two of water (otherwise there will be no effect).

At the first protein stage, you can eat all kinds of seafood, beef, poultry without skin (except duck and goose), beef tongue, fish, eggs (boiled and raw), low-fat ham, low-fat: cottage cheese, milk, sour-milk products and yogurt .

Products must undergo heat treatment without adding fat, i.e. boil in water, steam, grill. Lemons, salt, garlic, onions, pickles, salt (limited), sweeteners, chewing gum (sugar free) are allowed. Of the drinks - green, black tea, on herbs, coffee (all without sugar), mineral water.

At the second, protein-vegetable stage, the above products are added: any cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, tomatoes, celery, bell pepper, green beans, zucchini, asparagus. Crab sticks are allowed (six to eight pieces a day), canned fish (natural), 50 g of dry wine, a spoon of non-fat cocoa, a little olive oil (just a few drops). At this stage, if you want to lose weight less than 10 kg, you need to alternate protein and protein-vegetable days according to this schedule: every other day, three in three, or five in five. If you need to lose from ten kilograms and above, it is recommended to alternate days on a 5/5 schedule, i.e. five days protein diet - five days protein-vegetable.

In the third stage, fixing the results, 100 g of fruit (except grapes, bananas, cherries), a little cheese, bread (2 slices per day), adjika, vinegar, soy sauce, gelatin, mustard, spices are added to the products of the first and second stages 2 times a week in one portion - potatoes, rice, beans, pasta, peas or lentils. At this stage, there is a pleasant innovation: once a week (not all day, but one meal) you can afford absolutely everything, any product, regardless of calories and the amount of carbohydrates. In the third phase, one (any) day of the week should be devoted only to protein foods, as in Attack.

The fourth period, as noted above, has no restrictions, with the exception of observing one day a week protein diet.

Ducan's diet - what foods can not be eaten

It is impossible in the first place - sugar, sweets, pastries. Exclude fatty meat, butter, spirits, fast food in the first three stages. Cereals and other powdery and starchy foods are allowed in limited quantities from the third phase. Of fruits, carbohydrate and high-calorie ones are not allowed - bananas, grapes and cherries.

Ducan Diet - Diet Examples

The food system includes three full meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks in the form of a second breakfast and afternoon snack. This menu is approximate, it is recommended to focus on it, but you can compose and change products to your liking.

Stage 1 (Protein) - Attack

- 2-3 boiled eggs (as an option - scrambled eggs with milk and herbs, poached eggs);
- a piece of ham or salted fish;
- coffee or any tea.

- yogurt and bran (or cottage cheese).


- boiled lean meat (or baked fish, sprinkled with lemon juice, or chicken with garlic);


- boiled squid or shrimp sprinkled with spices.


- boiled tongue (or lamb, rabbit) or grilled fish;

- kefir

Stage 2 (protein-vegetable) - Cruise


- omelet with tomatoes, bell pepper, herbs;

- squash pancakes;

- cottage cheese;

-coffee with milk.


- eggs made by any method other than frying in oil;


- boiled fish (or chicken);

- a salad of green beans, eggs, bell pepper and canned fish, seasoned with yogurt, sprinkled with pepper.


- boiled chicken breast;

- vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice;

- green tea.


- grilled vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant) or stewed cabbage;

- boiled meat (fish or tongue);

- kefir.

Stage 3 - Fastening


- cheesecakes with vanilla (or cinnamon) with sour cream;

- coffee Tea.


- fruits, yogurt.


- steam chicken cutlets;

- vegetable salad with a drop of oil.


- cheese with bread (or cottage cheese with sour cream).


- shrimp (or other seafood) with rice or pasta and soy sauce.

Ducan Diet - Menu Examples

Recipe 1: Salmon Head Ear


For Attack:

For 1 liter of water:
1. salmon head - 1 pc.,
2. onion - 1 pc.,
3. bran - 1-2 tbsp. l.,
4. salt, black pepper, peas, bay leaf and spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Put salmon head in water and bring to a boil, remove the foam.
2. Immediately after this, add onion to the pan, which we previously cut into cubes, salt to taste, black peppercorns, spices and cook for about 40 minutes on low heat (so that the bones become easily left behind).
3. Having taken the head out of the broth, we separate the flesh of the fish from the bones and return it back to the broth.
4. Bringing the contents of the pan to a boil, add bran, bay leaf and parsley to it when it boils again, remove the soup from the stove and insist with the lid closed for about 10 minutes.

For Cruise

Bran can be replaced with finely chopped carrots, bell peppers and cauliflower inflorescences (without frying). Cauliflower will make the soup thick and give it a new flavor. At the last stage, you can add a slice of lemon, you can also experiment with spices.

Recipe 2: Tender Chicken Breasts


1. chicken breasts - 1 kg,
2. soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.,
3. mustard - 1 tbsp. l.,
4. pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken breasts into small pieces.
2. We make marinade from soy sauce, mustard, pepper and salt.
3. Stir the chicken breasts with marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
4. Taking out of the refrigerator, bake slices of breast in the oven for about an hour at medium temperature.

Recipe 3: Muesli Ice Cream


1. milk - 250 gr.,
2. oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.,
3. sugar substitute - 3 tbsp. l.,
4. eggs - 1 pc.,
5. fat-free sour cream - 30 gr.,
6. soft cheese - 30 gr.,
7. zest of 1 orange, a little vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Bring milk to a boil, add vanilla, bran and a spoonful of sugar substitute, then cook over low heat with constant stirring until the mass thickens.
2. Beat the egg, add it to the mass with bran, then stir well and remove from heat.
3. In a bowl, mix sour cream, cheese and the rest of the sugar substitute with zest, add everything to the mass with bran.
4. After allowing this mixture to cool for about half an hour, pour everything into glasses and put it in the freezer, where it is kept for 4 hours, stirring every hour.

Dukan Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

Both women and men can adhere to Ducan’s diets, without prejudice to health, not starving themselves. But, despite the sparing diet, the diet has some contraindications. Passing the protein phase, some people may experience hormonal disorders or exacerbate chronic diseases. Therefore, there are limitations and contraindications.

Dukan diet contraindications

- for pregnant and lactating;
- children under 18 years old;
- with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- in case of metabolic disorders;
- with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout, diseases of the liver, kidneys;
- with intense mental stress.

Ducan diet benefits

- the most important thing: the system works - kilograms leave, and quite quickly, and do not return;
- Throughout all time, hunger is not felt. Craving for certain foods may be present, but not hunger, which is very important;
- the diet is safe, because Dukan's nutrition system is based on natural products;
- during the diet you can not just eat, but eat tasty, which gourmets will especially appreciate;
- there are no restrictions on the time of eating and its quantity;
- dieting is easy everywhere: at work, at home, even in a restaurant or cafe, you can order diet meals.

Nutritionist advice

Most diets are accompanied by an obsessive feeling of hunger, associated with a sharp restriction of calorie intake. It is it that becomes the most common cause of "failure" - early termination of the diet. How to overcome it will tell Olga Torozova, a dietician at the Bormental clinic: "Willpower in such cases, as a rule, is not enough, the body needs help - a direct effect on the center of hunger in the cerebral cortex. For example, with the help of the drug Cefamadar: its effective the substance acts directly on the receptors of the center of hunger, reducing cravings for food. Due to the absence of sibutramine in the composition, its action is mild, without negative side effects. After the reception is complete, there is no sharp increase in appetite and new Abor weight. "


Andrey 12/15/2016
An interesting diet, it will be necessary to try somehow. Here it is well described.

Juliet 12.12.2016
I have been on this diet for almost two weeks, the weight is gradually leaving, I have lost 3 kg, it makes me happy, because with proper nutrition, the weight stood for a long time, now, seeing the results, I want to continue and continue))) especially since there is an example before my eyes, one good friend lost 30 kg)))

Catherine 12/08/2016
She lost 12 kg in 3 months. Thanks to Ducan.

Svetlana 11/14/2016
Is it possible to eat mushrooms in the second stage? And on the third buckwheat?

Natasha 10/28/2016
super diet, I lost 7 kg in 1 week. At first I didn’t believe it, but when I tried it, I just slandered


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