Diet "Minus 60" - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of the diet "Minus 60" and examples of recipes.


Diet "Minus 60" - a description and general principles

Ekaterina Mirimanova developed her diet for herself. Just imagine - lose 60 kilograms, while maintaining the elasticity of the skin. The fact that she managed to succeed is the main evidence of the effectiveness of the Minus 60 diet. In fact, this is another propaganda of separate nutrition, supplemented by temporary restrictions on food intake. After 18-00 meals are completely excluded! This is a real food system, which for many becomes a way of life.

Much attention is paid to the psychology of losing weight, because it is obvious that adopting a healthy lifestyle will require a review of habits and abandonment of many of them. Developing new, positive eating habits takes time and enormous effort. The use of these factors in combination with physical exercises allows you to become alert and healthy, and redirect your energy to achieve other goals.

Over time, the absence of dinner does not cause any discomfort, since the needs of the body will be satisfied throughout the day. A feature of the diet is that there are no dietary restrictions, but only up to 12 hours. You can eat everything that your appetite requires, and in any quantities. This is followed by a break, lunch from certain dishes and a light dinner until 18 o’clock. Over time, the body adapts to this mode. This diet is suitable for weak-willed people who find it difficult to follow more stringent options.

Diet "Minus 60" involves three basic rules:

1. If you need to lose weight, do not start doing it on Monday, the first day, from the new year, etc. You need to start now - this is the only right start to the diet and the key to its success.

2. Engage in a consistent restructuring of your eating habits, introducing healthy foods into your diet and discarding unhealthy foods, and discard large portions.

3. Choose products according to the time of day. Until 12 noon there are practically no restrictions, except milk chocolate. Starting from lunch, some restrictions are introduced, which must be fulfilled.

Diet "Minus 60" - what foods can be consumed

The good news is that you do not have to completely abandon any significant products. The usual vegetables and fruits, meat dishes, cereals, potatoes and so on will remain. In any case, breakfast is needed, even if you always replaced it with just a cup of coffee. It is better to eat tightly, and it is simply necessary that active metabolic processes in the body begin. Until noon, you can afford everything, of course, without overeating too much. At first, for "owls" this can be difficult, as you have to completely rebuild the regime of the day and nutrition.

You can console yourself by not having to give up your favorite dishes at all. Potatoes, pasta, favorite sweets - all these are allowed products, but only until 12-00. In the dinner menu, you can include, for example, rice, vegetable salads, dairy products. Diet Minus 60 does not imply a refusal or restriction in salt - add it as much as you want. From alcoholic beverages, you can leave dry wine - it enhances the metabolic processes in the body. You can make a cocktail of freshly squeezed juices by adding a few strong drinks.

Diet "Minus 60" - which foods should not be consumed

Will have to limit sugar. Despite the fact that a complete rejection of sweets is not required. You can first reduce the number of spoons of sugar in tea or coffee (for example, from one to two). Sweet and semi-sweet wine is replaced by dry or semi-dry. Only milk chocolate should be discarded completely. In extreme cases, you can replace it with black.

You can diversify your diet, first of all, by changing the side dishes. Do not abuse pasta and potatoes - you will remember that there are still many possibilities - these are vegetables and cereals, which can be combined and cooked in different ways. Boiled, stewed, baked dishes - but only until 18-00.
What remains for the evening? Since juices stimulate appetite, eliminate them completely in the evening. Fruits should not be used as snacks - it is better to eat them during meals. It is forbidden to use potatoes, pasta, corn, pumpkin, avocado for dinner. Mushrooms are also not welcome, even as part of any dishes.

Diet "Minus 60" - examples of the menu

A few words about water. Nutritionists recommend consuming at least 2 liters of water during a diet. However, the "Minus 60" diet does not have big restrictions on products - for the whole day you will have time to eat as much food as your body requires. Therefore, you should not drink water by force only because it is so necessary. Trust your body and drink as much as you like.

Lunch is considered the main meal in this diet.

Lunch "Minus 60": Ovens with minced meat in the oven

Ingredients: Zucchini (2 pcs.), Minced meat (pork and beef, 120 grams), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Hard cheese (50 grams), olive oil (1 spoon), garlic, spices (oregano, ground black pepper) salt.

Cooking method

Cook the minced meat - onion and garlic, passer in vegetable oil, add the minced meat, dry herbs and fry for several minutes. Pour boiling water over tomatoes and peel. Dice and add a third to the minced meat. Salt, pepper. Zucchini cut into pieces of 3-4 cm, take out the middle with a spoon. We lay out the remaining tomatoes in a layer in a mold and add, on top we place zucchini filled with minced meat. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees. About 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese, and when serving the finished dish - thyme.

Dinner "Minus 60": Braised vegetables with cottage cheese (4 servings)

Ingredients: vegetables - zucchini (4 pcs), sweet pepper (2 pcs - green and red), tomatoes (2 pcs), onion (1 pc), garlic (2 cloves). Cottage cheese (200 grams), eggs (2 pcs), fruit vinegar (6 tablespoons), chopped herbs, salt, black pepper.

Cooking method

Prepare the vegetables. Cut the peeled onion into rings, and cut the zucchini in circles (they should be small). Remove the core of zucchini. We clean and cut the peppers, take out the seeds and cut into squares. Cut the tomatoes into slices.

In a wide stewpan, lay onion, pepper and zucchini in layers, add salt, pepper and add vinegar. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes. Mix the cottage cheese thoroughly with garlic (pass through the garlic) and eggs. Add spices, and put the mass on vegetables on top, without stirring, about 15 minutes before cooking. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Other options for a light dinner menu:
- meat without a side dish (100 grams);
- buckwheat porridge, or rice with vegetables;
- Dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
Sometimes it happens that some things knock down a meal schedule. If you are several hours late with dinner, you can only use the latter option.

Diet "Minus 60" - useful tips and reviews

Skin care

Those who have seen people lose weight by a large number of kilograms know that the skin can react to weight loss very unexpectedly. Therefore, the author of the diet gives advice to women on face and body skin care. Use special creams for wrinkles, take care of the skin around the eyes. Anti-cellulite products, scrub, aloe juice, cocoa butter are welcome.

Physical exercise

It is not necessary to overload yourself with intense strength exercises, but you need to devote several minutes a day to gymnastics and exercise. And also need to combine exercises with walks in the fresh air. Choose the type of physical activity that you like - it can be fitness equipment, a bicycle or simple walks in the park - in the complex you are sure to achieve excellent physical shape. And it’s best to alternate sports classes - for example, on one day classes on the simulator, on the other - dancing.

Psychological advice

The main reason for failures at the beginning of the diet is lack of faith in one's strengths. That is why we postpone its beginning, looking for a special occasion, a suitable case. Do not torment yourself with doubts - start now! Before you become slim, you need to try to accept yourself in the way you are now. Losing weight should be only for your own pleasure, and not for the sake of fashion or other people. You can lose weight, but you can not lose weight - this is your choice, and only the person himself has the right to decide what to do. But if you still chose the "Minus 60" diet, you should know that thousands of women have already gone this way and achieved their goal, which means that you can. The main thing is not to skip lunch and dinner at first, so that they become an urgent need. Of course, lightning-fast results should not be expected, but conditions should not be tightened. Love yourself as you are, and become even more beautiful!

The pros of the diet "Minus 60" its effectiveness, balance and gentleness can be attributed, so even pregnant women and nursing mothers can use it.

By cons should include its durability. That is, those who are tuned for instant results will be disappointed. But the effect of the "Minus 60" diet is long, and the lost kilograms with the right lifestyle will not return after its end.


Leon 11/28/2016
cool!! I lost thirty kg in four months with this system!

Leon 11/28/2016
cool!! I lost thirty kg in four months with this system!

Kristina 08/08/2016
If I understood correctly, then you can eat only 3 times a day. Right7

Larisabel 03/23/2016
I always thought that if I want, then immediately lose weight without any problems. And when I discovered that I was just fat, I began to try different methods, but it turned out that losing weight is very difficult! Weight drops and regains weight. Now I will try this diet, I don’t think that everything will happen in a faster way, in general, at least someday become slim. You should always take care of yourself, even when it seems that you are normal!

Maroussia 03/23/2016
I couldn’t pick up a diet for myself, that is, I calmly maintained all of them, but the expected effect did not work. I even went to a nutritionist. She picked up some other diets for me, but the result was that the cat was crying. And here, the husband’s sister, moved to our city, and I shared my problem with her, she advised this diet. For a month I eat, as it is written here, a bunch of results! And all are positive! Try it and it will work out!


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