April 2: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 2.


Holidays April 2

International Children's Book Day

Who among us in childhood did not like to plunge into the world of books: to look at colorful pictures in them, read fairy tales, not noticing anyone around and with anticipation waiting for their end? Children's books are a whole world for toddlers, from where they draw all the most important for the development of an experience that they will surely come in handy in later life. Books help to shape character, to recognize the line between evil and good, fiction and reality. It is a pity that children's books were not always. Literally two or three centuries ago, they did not exist, and the children were forced to leaf through adult literature.

Everything changed in the 19th century, when the public finally recognized that children should have their own books, organized according to children's perception - interesting, understandable, developing. So began the heyday of a children's book, which, incidentally, was very popular among adults - for a lively accessible language, wild imagination and humor. One of the greatest storytellers of all time is recognized as Hans Christian Andersen, on April 2, he has a birthday. Based on this event, the International Council for Children's Books decided to establish the International Children's Book Day on April 2.

Unity Day of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia

On April 2, 1996, between Moscow and Russia, the two countries signed the Moscow Agreement "On the Education of the Community of Belarus and Russia." A year later, Boris Yeltsin and Alexander Lukashenko signed the second agreement on the union of the two states, which gave a new impetus to the process of integration of the two countries. And in May 1997, the government adopted the Charter of the Union of Belarus and Russia. While the agreement on the union of the two states lost its relevance, another agreement "On the creation of the Union State", signed in December 1999, entered into force.

This document clearly reflects the intentions of the two chapters on a firm determination to continue the planned phased movement towards the unification of states into the Union, naturally, while maintaining a sovereign status. However, recently such a desire among politicians has weakened significantly and is rapidly declining.

April 2 on the folk calendar

Fotigna Well

On April 2, in the Orthodox world, the memory of St. Photina of Samaria is celebrated - the heroine of the famous biblical giving. This is the same woman who gave Christ water from the well of Jacob. After talking with Jesus, she turned into Christianity, and a little later she died a martyrdom for faith - the enemies threw her with her family into the well.

In Russia, well water was especially revered that day. People believed that at Photinho she gained healing power. Therefore, its use began from the very awakening: the morning toilet, drinking and applying compresses to painful areas were necessarily carried out using such water. On April 2, another ritual was also carried out for therapeutic purposes: a prayer was written on a small piece of paper, curled up and tied to the neck of a sick person. Three days later, a piece of paper with a prayer was burned on a candle, and ashes were eaten with water. In especially severe cases, prayer was applied for nine or more days.

In Fotinho, flax was also famous - the main supplier of fabrics in the Russian economy. In the morning beautiful things were exhibited on the street, they were hung on ropes, woodpiles, branches and fences. Birch trees growing in the courtyards were decorated with rushnyks. Young girls wrapped themselves in linen towels and drove round dances together. It was believed that such a ceremony attracted worthy and wealthy suitors.

Historical events of April 2

April 2, 1792 - The first mint was founded in the USA

Today, this mint is the only manufacturer of American banknotes. Its task is to provide the United States with the necessary amount of coin money, as well as the distribution of banknote coins between all Fed banks. Every day, the American Mint produces up to fifty million copies of the most varied denominations. According to the law adopted back in 1792, American coins on one side should depict the symbol of Liberty with the year of minting, and on the other - an eagle with the inscription "United States of America". The United States holds a leading position in the world in the production of commemorative and jubilee coins. They, as a rule, do not have wide popularity in other countries, however, they are in great demand inside the native state.

April 2, 1982 - Argentine troops captured the Falkland Islands

Before Argentina, the islands were owned by Britain, but the former did not want to put up with the situation and decided to seize dominance, crushing the British resistance, consisting of eighty marines. Argentinean President General Galtieri, thanks to the interception, strengthened his political position. But that was not the end! After some time, after careful military training, the non-resigned Great Britain regained the islands.

April 2, 1991 - In the Soviet Union there was a sharp jump in prices

According to the Decree of the then head of the USSR and the Ministerial Decree, prices on the territory of the USSR were raised several times (in some places - even ten times). Groceries and shops were subjected to a radical invasion, people, fearing the disappearance of products, bought up literally everything. The price per kilogram of meat has quadrupled; milk and bread have tripled. Mass strikes began in the country. With a shocking increase in prices, wages increased by only thirty percent, and compensation in the amount of sixty rubles looked ridiculous.

After the price hike, social tension grew to extremes, hundreds of labor collectives organized mass strikes and hunger strikes, demanding both Gorbachev’s resignation and restoration of the country's economic order. In just a week, the number of strikers exceeded one million people. They stopped only after the government agreed to make concessions, transferring part of the enterprises to republican jurisdiction, as well as stopping the transfer of the main profit to the union budget.

Born on April 2

- Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) - a great children's storyteller, writer, playwright and poet. He earned world fame thanks to fairy tales - reworking of world folklore, written in an accessible, simple and close to colloquial style language. Hans Christian Andersen gave the children the joy that they had previously been deprived of - the worlds of children's tales: "The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans", "The Little Mermaid", "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen" and many others.

- Charlemagne (742-814 gg.) - King of the Frankish, founder of the Carolingian dynasty. Through numerous campaigns, which were carried out for conquering purposes, Karl was able to create a huge empire, actually covering most of Western Europe. During his reign, culture massively developed, educational institutions at the monasteries opened, and judicial-military reforms were carried out. However, after the death of the ruler, the empire collapsed almost completely.

- Walter Zapashny (1928-2007) - Soviet circus artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR, animal trainer. Together with his pets he participated in the filming of some films: Ruslan and Lyudmila, Three Plus Two, Dersu Uzala.

April 2

April 2 will be celebrated: Amphian, Ivan, Peter, Alexander, Urban, Alexandra, Anatoly, Victor, Vasily, German, Euphrasia, Domnina, Iconium, Joseph, Claudia, Cyril, Maria, Maxim, Matron, Nikita, Miron, Patricius, Rodion , Svetlana, Sebastian, Theodora, Sergey, Juliania.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).