Miracle with meat - fry without oil! A selection of miracle recipes with meat from different types of dough in a pan and in the oven: the flavor of the Caucasus


Miracle - a dough product with different fillings.

Feature is baking or frying without oil.

A huge number of filling options for a miracle.

The dish is cooked with cottage cheese, potatoes, pumpkin, onions, cabbage, but the dough with meat has always been and will be the combination.

This is so delicious!

Miracle with meat - general principles of cooking

The dough for a miracle is most often made fresh with or without rippers. Sometimes the dish is made from yeast dough. And modern housewives even adapted to use puff pastry. And that is their right! But the tastiest thing is obtained from home dough.

For the filling, minced meat is used. It is always laid in raw form. Most often it is beef or lamb. You can find recipes with chicken. In addition to meat, various vegetables can also be added to the filling, mainly potatoes.

They sculpt a miracle in the form of pasties or round cakes. We are guided by a prescription. Pies are mainly baked in the oven, and products in the form of semicircles are often fried in a pan, but without oil. Ready miracle, while it is hot, generously lubricated with butter.

Recipe 1: The Miracle of Unleavened Meat

The simplest version of the Caucasian dish is a miracle with meat filling. It is advisable to use fat mutton for minced meat to feel the traditional taste of the dish.


• 600 grams of meat;

• 3 cups flour;

• 1 spoon of vinegar (preferably wine, apple);

• large onion;

• salt and spices;

• 200 ml of water;

• 2 eggs;

• butter (how much will go, but not much).


1. Beat eggs with a fork with salt until the latter dissolves, add water and flour. Perhaps it will take a little longer. Knead an elastic and cool lump, the dough is for dumplings. Cover and forget about it for twenty minutes.

2. While the dough is lying down, you need to twist the meat, add chopped onions, spices and be sure to pour vinegar. Knead thoroughly with your hand so that the mass becomes viscous and does not crumble.

3. We take out our dough, divide it into pieces, the size of a little less than a fist. Round off.

4. Roll out a thin cake, visually divide it into two parts and spread the filling on one half. We cover with the second part, pinch the edges tightly. The technique of sculpting a miracle is similar to chebureks.

5. Heat the pan and fry the miracle on both sides, each about three minutes.

6. Take out into a bowl and grease liberally with a piece of butter. This must be done while the product is hot.

7. Cover the bowl with a lid and bake on. Products are stacked on top of each other as they are cooked and well-oiled. They will soften, become very tender.

Recipe 2: The Miracle of Meat in the Oven

This recipe eliminates the need to stand at the stove, as a miracle with meat is cooked in the oven. The dough is kneaded on kefir. Baking soda is used as a baking powder.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• ½ tsp soda;

• a pinch of salt;

• 3 cups flour.


• 400 grams of minced meat;

• 2 onions;

• clove of garlic;

• salt;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• black pepper.

As usual, to lubricate the finished dish, you need to prepare a piece of butter.


1. Pour baking soda into kefir, stir. Put salt and flour. Knead the dough thoroughly. It should stick off the hands, be elastic, but soft. Let him lie down under cellophane for half an hour.

2. For the filling, chop onion with garlic, add minced meat, add salt, pepper and knead with vinegar.

3. We take out our dough, divide into 6 parts. From each roll a cake and form a cheburek with meat.

4. Put on baking sheets, send to the oven.

5. A miracle is baked at 220 degrees to a ruddy color.

6. We take out, quickly grease the products with oil, put on each other and cover with a kitchen towel.

Recipe 3: The Miracle of Meat and Raw Potatoes

Raw potatoes are often used in various cakes, so why not cook a miracle with it? This is one of the most common fillings, of course, after meat.


• 3 medium potatoes;

• 300 grams of meat;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 50 grams of onions;

• 1 egg;

• salt;

• pepper and vinegar.


1. Shake the egg with salt and an incomplete glass of water, add the flour and knead a cool bun. We remove it for rest, stand on the table for half an hour.

2. We twist the meat into minced meat, add chopped onion, spices.

3. Peel potatoes and grate. This must be done immediately before the formation of the products. Otherwise, the potatoes will turn black.

4. Combine potatoes with meat filling, pour a teaspoon of vinegar and mix vigorously.

5. We take out the dough, divide it into pieces, roll out cakes and sculpt a miracle.

6. Fry products on a dry frying pan on both sides.

7. Lubricate with oil, put in a pile and cover to soften with a napkin. You can cover with an inverted bowl.

Recipe 4: The Dargin Miracle of Meat

The Dargin miracle dish is distinguished not only by the recipe, but also by its appearance. The product is not molded in the form of a cheburek, but is a round pie for cutting, which is baked in the oven. Baking with the addition of raw potatoes is being prepared.


• 0.4 kg of potatoes;

• 0.5 l of kefir;

• 500 grams of flour;

• 20 grams of vegetable oil;

• 400 grams of minced meat;

• 30 grams of butter;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. Salt kefir, add flour and knead the usual, cool dough, at the end pour a little vegetable oil. Let’s lie down under a bowl.

2. For the filling, chop the peeled onion finely, add to the minced meat.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin plates, send the UK minced meat and mix well. Do not forget to spice the filling with spices, chopped greens can be added.

4. We take out the already settled and softened dough, divide it into two parts. We do one a little more, it will go to the bottom.

5. Roll out a piece of dough, which is larger in size. Spread on a baking sheet.

6. Now evenly distribute the filling layer, leaving two centimeters from the edges unaffected. If the meat is not fatty enough, you can rub a little butter on top of the filling.

7. Roll out the second cake, cover the cake, tightly twist the edges. Now we are sure to make a hole in the center of the miracle, round. Steam will come out through it.

8. We set the temperature in the oven at 220 degrees. As soon as it warms up, set the pie and bake for about half an hour.

9. We get out, grease with oil and let it soften.

Recipe 5: The Miracle of Meat and Walnuts

A special feature of this miracle recipe is the insanely flavored meat filling with walnuts. Similarly, instead of meat, you can use chicken, it also turns out delicious.


• 300 ml of water;

• 2 eggs;

• flour.


• 400 grams of meat;

• 150 grams of nuts;

• 2 eggs;

• spices;

• vinegar;

• butter.


1. From water with eggs and flour, knead ordinary fresh dough, do not forget to salt it. Let lie until the filling is prepared.

2. We twist the meat into minced meat, season with spices, add a few drops of vinegar.

3. In a dry frying pan (possible in the oven), we dry the walnuts. Cool well and crush. But not to dust. Small pieces should come out.

4. Combine meat with nuts.

5. Divide the dough into pieces, roll the cakes and form a miracle with the filling in the usual way, you can see the recipes above.

6. Now fry the stuck cakes in a pan on both sides. But they can also be baked in the oven, spread out on a baking sheet.

7. In any case, grease the finished products with plenty of butter while they are hot. We give 15 minutes to lie down.

Recipe 6: The Miracle of Yeast Meat

Another option is a miracle in the form of a thin pie stuffed with meat and potatoes. This time, yeast dough is used. You can take ready-made, but it will be much tastier if you knead it according to this recipe. Two pies are obtained from this quantity of products, but you can proportionally divide everything and cook one.


• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 500 grams of meat;

• 2 teaspoons of yeast;

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 100 grams of water in the filling;

• 0.7 liters of water for the test;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• salt;

• flour.


1. Immediately mix the dough. To do this, we dilute yeast with sugar in warm water, put salt, pour in vegetable oil and introduce sifted flour. Leave for 3 hours in the warmth, let rise at least twice.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, chop the meat finely. Add diced onion. Season the filling with spices.

3. We get the risen dough and divide in half into two pies. Then each piece into two parts, one more than the other somewhere around 200%.

4. From the greater part we roll the cake to the bottom of the cake, from the smaller piece we make the top.

5. Put a thick cake in a mold or just on a baking sheet, distribute half the filling, cover with a second cake. Make a hole on top and bake until cooked at 200 degrees. About 35-40 minutes. Lubricate with oil. Similarly, we form and bake the second pie.

Miracle with meat - useful tips and tricks

• A miracle can be greased not only with a piece of butter. Tasty with ghee. And if there is nothing at hand, then you can walk on the surface with greasy sour cream or cream.

• If the miracle has been fried outside, but remained moist inside, then just put them in the microwave for three minutes, and then grease again.

• The miracle is characterized by a light crackling of onions. That is why they prefer to chop it, rather than twist it with meat. But if you don’t like the crunch and taste of a semi-finished onion, then you can always twist it. Or fry a little and only after that add to the filling.

• For frying a miracle, it is best not to use a Teflon-coated pan. It is believed that cast iron is best suited for this purpose.

• Vinegar is a very important element of mincemeat for a miracle. But it is not necessary to put the usual essence. You can use apple, wine and any other fruit vinegar.


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