How to get rid of anxiety: doctors, psychologists and ordinary inhabitants know ... so far it does not concern them. Is it possible to get rid of anxiety myself


It so often happens: night, all things are finished, a person tosses and turns in bed, who is prevented by something from falling asleep.

And, it seems, the dishes are washed, the children are fed, the shirts are ironed - in general, conscience is clear.

But something else is gnawing a person - some kind of unconscious anxiety, or a hunch, or a sediment, or two-in-one.

And the morning of such a person, who on the eve of the grief in half still fell asleep, will begin with the same thing as the evening ended: with incomprehensible anxious sensations. And they have no end, no edge.

A familiar story?

How to get rid of anxiety: reasons

Joking as a joke, but, besides the explanation “I'm such an anxious and suspicious person” and “I have a black streak in my life”, the causes of anxiety can be less harmless phenomena than simple excuses and everyday interpretations.

From a psychological point of view, your anxiety can be explained by:

• stresses (say, an anxious neurosis may form due to fear of a change of work, housing, partner; uncertainty, danger);

• deep emotional drives of different origin, including sexual ones, activated under the influence of certain factors.

From a physiological point of view, your anxiety can be explained by:

• a violation in the endocrine system and, accordingly, hormonal failure in the adrenal glands and some parts of the brain whose products - hormones - are responsible for fear and anxiety;

• exorbitant physical activity;

• severe illness.

How to get rid of anxiety: doctor's advice

If you feel that your anxiety does not succumb to your own tricks and self-belief, then a visit to the doctor is inevitable.

Only one specialist can diagnose this condition - a psychiatrist. Often, the very word “psychiatrist” already makes the average person feel that he’s about to be “buried” in Kashchenko, and there will be no turning back. But the devil is not so terrible as the consequences of neglected anxiety states. Try to test yourself before contacting a professional.

Check and remember:

• How "persistent" your symptoms are: increased anxiety, fear, disturbances, etc .;

• How long the symptoms persist: if several weeks or longer - it is best to "give up" to the doctor

• Did the symptoms “grow” from scratch: nothing threatens your life and health, your loved ones are in order, there is no war going on;

• Do you have along with anxiety attacks of angina pectoris (they are easily confused with a panic attack);

• Have you been examined by a general practitioner for a long time;

• In what conditions does anxiety appear, what provokes it, what foods or drinks do you eat.

Diagnosing anxiety disorders is usually not a very difficult task. An experienced psychiatrist will easily determine its presence, variety and prescribe the right treatment.

How to get rid of anxiety: a professional treatment for the disorder

Anxiety is treated both with rational conviction and with medicines, and sometimes with a combination of the first and second.

Psychotherapy helps to understand the causes and teaches to deal with them gradually. Any means are used: relaxation, biological feedback, meditation.

Psychotherapy anxiety states allows you to detect the real cause of the development of the disorder. Special techniques developed by psychiatrists reduce sensitivity to factors that trigger an exacerbation of anxiety, and the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the patient's desire to correct the situation.

Medication is the same includes various drugs, including those widely advertised on TV. In this case, television advertising can harm a patient with a real, not far-fetched problem. Drugs that help a person get rid of extreme fussiness, muscle tension, or the inability to sleep can be safe and effective if prescribed by a qualified doctor. The same means will only aggravate the problem if you take them, following the advice of neighbors, passers-by and television "doctors."

A number of drugs that you can’t even see in advertising and can’t just be sold in a pharmacy, can self-medicate to make a relatively healthy person deeply ill: at least dependent on pills. Therefore, antidepressants, tranquilizers and adrenergic blockers, which are designed to save your sleep, soul and a quiet life, should also be prescribed by your doctor, not a neighbor from the second floor or a colleague from the office opposite.

How to get rid of anxiety: advice from psychologists and other experienced smart people

If not thousands, then certainly hundreds of books have been written on the topic of getting rid of anxiety. These are the works of experienced psychologists and people who have gone through various stages of such disorders and who have endured useful experience.

• Book Andrew Page "Anxiety and fear ... how to overcome" teaches "alarmists" and "anxiety" to cope independently with obsessive anxiety. Here, the reader finds clear and consistent instructions for following the slow breathing technique, which has already helped many to cope with the disorder without drugs and doctors.

• All his life studying the psychology of games Stuart Brown, I am convinced: only the game will save your sound sleep and a positive daily mood. He believes that even physical exercises should not be work, but a game for a person, he advises playing more often with friends, surfing the Internet, turning off the computer and phone.

• Canadian writer Robert Sawyer believes news is one of the main sources of anxiety. News, reality shows, horror films lay in our subconscious mind the informational "seed", which later gives unprecedented and dangerous sprouts. Yes, and our, Russian literature in the person of the great professor Preobrazhensky in "Dog’s Heart" voices the opinion of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov: "Do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner."

Psychologists advise:

• Spend more time sleeping.

• Take the phone away from bed for the night to avoid the temptation to check your mail before going to bed.

• Ventilate the room: the air in the room should be fresh and the best temperature should be 20 degrees.

• Curtain, put on a sleep mask - provide darkness to help you fall asleep.

• Limit yourself to alcohol, nicotine and other substances that affect the nervous system.

How to get rid of anxiety: unconventional methods and tools

Have you tried to become a psychologist yourself?

Sometimes a disturbing precipitate remains after recently suffered unpleasant events that ended successfully. Play the projection mechanics: scroll today back like a film strip.

It happens like this: the unpleasant news received in the morning disturbed you all day. In the evening, you found that everything was decided in your favor, the head calmed down, and the nerves stretched over the day continue to support the alarming “lump” in the throat and chest. Moreover, you have no obvious reason for the experience.

After rewinding the "film" back until the morning, remember all day every minute, and pay special attention to the moment when the issue was resolved positively. Perhaps this technique will save you many hours of causeless insomnia.

How to get rid of anxiety: not without meaning, but sometimes conflicting advice that you can hear from neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances

• Stop thinking and planning too much. Imagine that everything you were afraid of has happened long ago.

• Calm down, take a deep breath and imagine that everything that happens around you is for your own good.

• Do something household: cleaning, washing dishes, sewing, knitting. Buy an old neighbor's products.

• Refuse meat for a month or two. Many vegetarians are very calm.

• Read “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.” Dale Carnegie

• Do more physical activity, take a walk.

• Try drinking green tea or mate - it helps a lot.

• Check your heart, blood vessels, and thyroid.

• “Drink” the Afobazole course.

• Do not drink Afobazole - it helps for a while.

• Go to a dating site to find a new partner.

• Go to the gym.

• Suffering is natural for a woman.

How to get rid of anxiety and no longer worry

Psychologists advise:

1. "Speak" the problem out loud or "to yourself."

This method is called affirmation. Its essence is a short life-affirming statement that does not include particles of "not." Affirmation directs thinking in a positive direction and calms well. Psychologists recommend repeating any affirmation for three weeks, so the statement will become your good habit.

2. Respiratory practices and muscle relaxation.

During an anxiety attack, a person breathes often and superficially. Breathe slowly and deeply, so you will relax faster and find peace. Perform the following exercise: slow breath, breath holding, counting to ten and long, two times longer than the inhale, exhale. Massage of tired muscles per day will enhance the effect.

3. Take a break to clear the alarm.

Focus on something positive, read good literature (Anna Karenina, or any book by Edgar Allan Poe will not do) or watch an entertainment program. If you combine this technique with affirmation and breathing practice, the effect will not take long.

4. Take a break!

We always run somewhere, “launching” our health, nutrition and psychological state. Fuss creates stress and tension, which, without quality sleep and rest, become masters of the situation, developing into anxiety disorders.

Go in for sports, go to the theater or a movie, often walk before bedtime.

Anxiety will recede if you wish to get rid of it. Be healthy and do not worry!


Watch the video: Is generalized anxiety disorder real ? Mega Health Channel & Answers (June 2024).