Baby salads are the best recipes. How to cook a children's salad correctly and tasty.


Baby salads - general principles and methods of preparation

Children love salads, it is unlikely that parents will argue with this statement. Such dishes are prepared from fortified foods or ingredients that contain healthy minerals and trace elements. Children's salads often include vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, cheese and eggs.

Sour cream, olive oil, kefir, honey, lemon juice are perfect as dressings for dishes intended for babies, although you should not use foods that your child is allergic to when choosing salad dressing.

Children are more likely to eat salads, which are interestingly decorated, spending a few extra minutes to create a funny composition, parents will enjoy their child.

Baby salads - product preparation

Products that are placed in a children's salad should be fresh, if it comes to vegetables or fruits, they should be thoroughly washed. With poor processing, vegetables may leave worm eggs, and fruits may have harmful substances that have been used to process fruits for better growth.

Provided that vegetables are added to raw children's salads, they must be washed, then scalded with boiling water and washed again in cold water.

Cucumbers and tomatoes do not like hot water, they should be doused with cold boiled water after the "water procedure".
Cabbage (white cabbage, kohlrabi) must be put for half an hour in salted and acidified water, so you can get rid of caterpillars and their larvae.

Recipe 1: Dragon Baby Salad

"Dragon" - an original children's salad, delicious and satisfying, in addition to excellent taste, kids enjoy the appearance of the salad.

- 200 grams of chicken breast;
- 40 grams of hard cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 2-3 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

To decorate:
- half of red bell pepper;
- 1 cucumber;
- 1 avocado;
- 2 cloves.

Cooking method

While the chicken and eggs are boiled, we proceed to prepare the decoration for the salad. We cut avocados into two parts, and one should be much larger than the second. A larger slice of avocado will mimic the body of a dragon. In the trunk we make a small incision. From the second piece we make oval paws, a head, from a cucumber - a tail, from pepper - ears, a mouth, in general, imagination can be limitless. Parts of the dragon that require fixing must be secured with toothpicks. When the decoration is ready, proceed directly to the preparation of the salad. Cut the chicken into cubes, grate the eggs (leave a little yolk for decoration), do the same with cheese. Dress the salad with yogurt. Put the salad on the dish, sprinkle with yolk, put the dragon on top.

Recipe 2: Kids Fruit Salad with Yogurt

Children love yogurt and fruits, why not combine these ingredients and prepare a delicious fortified salad?

- 3 sweet apples;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 100 grams of raisins;
- 5-6 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Cooking method
Wash raisins, soak for 30 minutes in water and dry.
We clean the apples and three on a fine grater, add raisins cut into halves, pour yogurt.
We put the salad on a plate, so that we get a circle and a small tail. We cover the salad with cheese, grated on a fine grater, we make the "salad hero" ears of two small pieces of cheese. As eyes, you can use blueberries or currants, the nose is made from boiled carrots (cut a triangle). Dill tendrils will look funny.

Recipe 3: Children's Salad of Zucchini and Cucumbers

Zucchini is good for children's health, it improves digestion and is rich in vitamins.

- 1 young zucchini;
- 1 cucumber;
- green onions;
- dill;
- yogurt, kefir or sour cream

Cooking method
We clean the zucchini, cut into cubes, do the same with the cucumber. Cut onion and dill. We combine, mix and season all the ingredients with yogurt.

Recipe 4: Children's Vitamin Cabbage Salad

Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as protein and fiber.

- 200 grams of cabbage (white cabbage);
- 1 orange;
- 1 apple;
- 30 grams of raisins;
- sour cream.

Cooking method

Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and mash it with your hands. Disassemble the orange into slices, each cut into 3-4 parts. Three apple on a coarse grater. We mix all the ingredients, including raisins, add sour cream.

Recipe 5: Baby Beetroot Salad with Prunes

Beets are a healthy product, they are often given in kindergartens, seasoned with vegetable oil. At home, boiled beets can be made differently by adding prunes and nuts, kids will like this salad.

- 150 grams of beets;
- 30 grams of prunes;
- 30 grams of walnut;
- some vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Boil beets, bring to readiness using a double boiler. Rinse prunes, chop finely, chop nuts in a blender.
Mix the ingredients and season with vegetable oil.

Salads for children - useful tips from experienced chefs

Vegetables in water should not be kept for more than 10 minutes, otherwise all vitamins are washed out of them.

Sprouted and green potatoes are dangerous for the child, it should not be part of children's salads.

Salads must be eaten before the main meal, this activates the stomach and intestines.

Do not put spicy spices in salads or salt.


Flower 08/28/2016
On her first birthday, the son made out all the dishes in a children's style. I made an interesting salad Tiger cub, it turned out cute //xn--7sbba6btbb1bm.xn--p1ai/zakyski/311-2017
