Spicy eggplant appetizers for the winter: lettuce, saute, Spark. Options eggplant spicy appetizers for the winter with tomatoes


Considering eggplant exotic vegetables has long been not accepted. They are abundantly represented both fresh and in the form of various canned snacks. However, relying on someone else's taste is optional. Choose a recipe from our article and try a snack before canning.

Do you like it? Stock up to ten kilograms of young eggplant and other vegetables for the season, cook and preserve - spicy eggplant appetizers are almost always delicious in any form.

General principles for preserving eggplant spicy appetizers for the winter

• It is advisable to choose medium-sized eggplants. Firstly, such fruits are easier to chop neatly, and secondly, large ones contain more seeds. The peel of the vegetable should be elastic and smooth, with a light glossy shine. Set withered fruits immediately to one side, sluggish pulp will fall apart during heat treatment.

• In snacks, it is important to preserve the desired shape of the eggplant so that the pieces do not lose it when heated. To do this, it is advisable to strictly observe the recommended time in the recipe and not to peel the vegetable.

• In eggplant in excess contains corned beef, because of which the vegetable has a characteristic bitterness, in addition, this component is harmful. It is easy to get rid of it, and this can be done in two ways: pour the slices of the vegetable with salt and leave for half an hour, put in a colander or sieve, or soak them in saline for an hour. At the end of the eggplant process, it is important to rinse thoroughly to remove the bitterness that has been released. For a saline solution in two liters of water you need to take four teaspoons with a slide of salt.

• Spicy eggplant snacks for the winter, most often canned with tomatoes. From tomatoes, in combination with other vegetables, a dressing is prepared, which is filled with already fried, boiled, baked pieces of eggplant or stewed in it.

• Piquant snacks achieve hot pepper and garlic. Choose seeds from peppers or not - you decide, the severity of the snack depends on it. It is the seeds that contain substances that noticeably increase bitterness.

• When preserving eggplant snacks for the winter, cleanliness is very important. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed before processing, and glass containers should be washed with warm water and soda and sterilized over steam. Metal lids with elastic bands are boiled for 10 minutes and dried well, laid out on a towel, with the inside up.

Simple spicy eggplant appetizer for the winter "Mushrooms"


• five liters of water;

• half a liter of table 9% vinegar;

• eggplants, medium-sized - 5 kg;

• half a glass of salt;

• half a liter of refined oil;

• three large heads of garlic;

• two hot peppercorns.

Cooking method:

1. Inspect and wash the eggplant, cutting the stem and not removing the peel, cut into cubes no larger than a centimeter. Hot pepper, and after it we twist the garlic in a meat grinder, remove the seeds from peppers or not, at our discretion.

2. Fill a large pot with water, dissolve the salt and put on an intense fire. Stir until boiling to dissolve the remaining salt.

3. Pour vinegar into the boiling liquid, lower the crushed eggplant. After boiling again, boil the slices of the vegetable for no more than five minutes. The brine should not boil intensively, otherwise the eggplant cubes will quickly boil and lose their shape - the snack will have an unpresentable appearance. Discard blanched vegetables on a sieve and leave in it, the water should completely drain.

4. Pour all the oil into a bulk non-enameled container and set to warm. As soon as a slight crackling starts and the haze begins to rise, put the eggplant in it and immediately add a mixture of bitter pepper and garlic, stir.

5. Boil eggplant in oil for three minutes, try not to stir often, so as not to damage the pieces.

6. We lay out the finished snack in sterilized half-liter jars, roll it up.

"Saute" - spicy eggplant appetizer for the winter


• four kilos of sweet pepper;

• three kilograms of tomato;

• 300 grams of selected garlic;

• eggplant, medium size - 5 kg;

• 100 grams of coarse salt and hot pepper;

• liter of refined oil;

• 9% vinegar - 500 ml.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the washed eggplant in circles, two centimeter thick. In five liters of cool water, stir the salt, fill the eggplant with a solution and let stand for two hours. During this time, saline will draw all the bitterness out of them.

2. Wash the tomatoes and the whole pepper, peel the garlic. We carefully extract the seeds from the sweet pepper and leave it in the burning pepper. We collect the meat grinder, twist all the peppers, tomatoes and garlic into a large bowl, carefully stir. We put it on the fire, boil the hot mixture for no more than a minute, turn it off, pour in the vinegar and stir well.

3. The eggplants that have stood in saline are laid out in a colander or sieve, and dried well.

4. On medium heat we heat vegetable oil. We pour a lot, hoping that the rings of eggplant cover themselves in half.

5. Fry the eggplant on both sides until soft. In turn, remove the finished ones with a fork, dip them into a sharp dressing and immediately put them in dense layers in a jar, trying not to leave gaps.

6. We fill the filled cans with metal lids without elastic bands, place on a baking sheet and place in a cold oven. We turn on the heating, bringing the temperature to 120 degrees, hold the cans with a snack in the oven for ten minutes, and turning it off, let the temperature drop to a minimum.

7. We get containers with a snack, cover with boiled lids and tightly close them with a rolling key.

Spicy eggplant appetizer for the winter with Sparkle tomatoes (without sterilization)


• 2 kilos of bell pepper fruit;

• 5 kg of eggplant;

• two and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

• 100 grams of coarse, salted salt;

• three peppers of hot pepper, preferably red;

• half a glass of table vinegar;

• one and a half glasses of oil;

• 200 gr. sugar

• 100 grams of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Pour tomatoes, and both types of pepper, into the water. After waiting a quarter of an hour, we rinse with a stream of water. We cut the stem from the tomatoes, carefully select the seeds from sweet and hot pepper. We twist the vegetables in a meat grinder and stir the resulting mass.

2. After washing the eggplant, and removing the stalk, cut the fruits into large short straws.

3. Pour salt into the vegetable mass, stirring, inject vegetable oil. Add eggplant, mix and put on heat. As soon as it begins to boil, lower to a level below average, cook a snack with a slight boil for a quarter of an hour.

4. Add the garlic, boil for ten minutes, pour the vinegar. Mixing thoroughly, remove the snack from the stove and put it into pre-sterilized jars. Roll up using boiled caps and turn over.

Eggplant hot appetizer for winter: recipe for salad with beans


• a pound of beans;

• two kilos of unripe eggplant;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• half a kilogram of carrots;

• fruits of bell pepper - 500 gr.;

• 50 gr. salts;

• two pods of hot pepper;

• three large heads of garlic;

• 150 ml of 9% vinegar;

• half a liter of lean, frozen out oil.

Cooking method:

1. Beans are poured with water in the evening, remove soak in a cool place. After 12 hours, rinse and boil until tender. After boiling, cook over low heat so that the bean shell does not burst. Throw boiled beans on a sieve.

2. Thoroughly wash all the vegetables. We cut the eggplants coarsely, into cubes, carrots coarsely in three, and cut the sweet pepper into longitudinal strips.

3. We spread the prepared vegetables in a spacious container, press the garlic and minced hot pepper into the meat grinder through a press. Salt, pour sugar, pour vinegar and oil, mix.

4. Bringing the mass to a boil, then boil over low heat for half an hour. Add beans, wait for boiling again. We cook a savory appetizer of eggplant with beans before a quarter of an hour, after which we put it in sterilized jars.

5. Roll up containers with prepared (sterile) caps. Turning over, wrap conservation and leave until completely cooled.

"Mother tongue" - spicy eggplant appetizer for the winter


• selected eggplant - two kilos;

• fresh meaty tomatoes - 500 gr.;

• a pound of Bulgarian, preferably red pepper;

• garlic;

• 150 gr. hot peppers;

• vegetable oil, non-aromatic;

• 120 ml of vinegar, food;

• granulated sugar - 25 g .;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the stalk from the eggplant, cut the fruit into longitudinal plates. We try to make them come out with a thickness of not more than 5 mm. Put in a bowl, fill with a weak saline solution, leave to soak. After an hour, rinse the plates with water, dry them, put them in a colander or sieve.

2. Peel the garlic, remove and rinse the seeds from the bell pepper. Grind the bitter and sweet peppers along with tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. Pour sugar into the cooked vegetable mass, pour in the oil and vinegar, salt and, thoroughly mixed, set aside.

3. In a frying pan, in heated oil, fry the eggplant plates on both sides. We do not bring to rosy, we stand on medium heat each side for no more than a minute - it is important that the pulp becomes soft.

4. In sterilized liter jars, pour two tablespoons of the vegetable mixture, put three plates of fried eggplant, pour the vegetable mixture again and layering the eggplant. Jars must be filled, not reaching 1.5 centimeters to the neck, the last layer is filled with vegetable sauce.

5. We put jars with appetizers in a large container with a rag covered with a bottom, cover them with sterile lids and pour warm water. Banks should be covered with water on their shoulders, not higher.

6. We sterilize preservation after boiling water for half an hour, if half-liter containers were used, then 20 minutes.

7. Carefully remove the jars of appetizer from the water, roll the lids with a seaming key. Turning it over, leave it under the covers until it cools.

Winter eggplant spicy appetizer with garlic and carrots


• carrots - three small root crops;

• eggplant - 2 kg;

• three onion heads;

• two hot peppercorns;

• half a liter of unsalted tomato juice;

• two heads of garlic, about 10 large teeth;

• three tablespoons of food vinegar;

• Refined oil - 1/4 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the stems of the eggplant, cut along, lay on a baking sheet with the slice up. After lubricating the surface with vegetable oil, put the vegetables in a preheated oven. Bake for half an hour, the flesh of the eggplant should become soft. Before you get out, check the readiness with a puncture, the wooden skewer should go in easily. Cool eggplant.

2. Finely chop the garlic and onion, rub the carrots coarsely, cut the hot pepper into thin rings. The most acute in such pepper is seeds, you can control the severity of the snack by removing them completely or leaving only a part.

3. In the onion warmed with butter and fry until it loses its matte shade. We spread the carrots, simmer the preparedness. At the end we add, add one and a half tablespoons of salt and always one sugar. Having mixed hot pepper and garlic in vegetable frying, remove from the stove.

4. We spread the sautéed vegetables on the baked eggplant, level it and, slightly pressing it with our palms, condense. We connect the halves of eggplant to each other, you should get a whole eggplant with a filling. We fill in cans prepared for preservation with semi-finished products. We install it loosely, leaving small gaps so that there is a place for pouring.

5. After stirring two teaspoons of sugar and three salts in tomato juice, bring to a boil over medium heat. After boiling for three minutes, pour hot on the banks. We don’t reach the neck by two centimeters.

6. As in the previous recipe, place the containers in a suitable pan, the bottom of which is pre-lined with cloth. Covering the appetizer with lids, pour warm water into the free space. We sterilize preservation after boiling for a quarter of an hour.

7. We take out, pour a tablespoon of vinegar under the cover and roll it with a key. Then turn over and wrap tightly.

Tricks of cooking spicy eggplant appetizers for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• For tomato pouring, choose well-ripened meaty tomatoes, then it will not be rare.

• After rolling the lid, turn the jar upside down and make sure nothing comes out from under it. If at least a small drop of liquid appears, roll again - it did not help, replace the cover.

• The duration of sterilization depends on the selected volume of cans. Half-liter containers with spicy eggplant appetizer should be boiled for 20 minutes, liter for at least half an hour.


Watch the video: Fried Halloumi, chickpea & Roasted Pepper Salad (June 2024).