Tea with cinnamon: the positive properties of a delicious drink. Possible harm to drinking cinnamon tea


With the advent of cold weather, I often want to drink something warming, exotic, which could add rich colors to a winter morning or evening. No, not rum and not calvados. Cinnamon tea can be a great helper. This ancient seasoning has an easily recognizable aroma and is widely known in the world, but let's still decide what useful properties it hides in itself.

Cinnamon Properties

Cinnamon originates from the shores of the Indian Ocean: Sri Lanka, India. The most characteristic feature, the hallmark of cinnamon is its smell. It is distinguished by its relaxing properties of the psyche. Cinnamon is also famous for its use as a component for cleaning products and cosmetics.

This exotic spice is a rich source of magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamins C and B1. It effectively treats diarrhea, indigestion, bloating and even strengthens the immune system. Cinnamon is also used as an expectorant and can relieve unpleasant symptoms of respiratory illness.

Cinnamon can help in the fight against excess weight, increasing the body's ability to burn fat. It contains antioxidants that slow down the process of natural cellular degeneration and reduce the effect of free radicals. These antioxidants prevent the entry of fat into the arteries, which helps fight cardiovascular disease. Cinnamon tea can help control bad cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.

Consuming cinnamon on a regular basis improves digestion and eliminates gas. It also helps treat anorexia by stimulating appetite. Cinnamon is a powerful anticoagulant, that is, it prevents the accumulation of blood platelets above a normal level.

Cinnamon stimulates the brain, especially in the elderly. It improves the processes in the brain that are responsible for attention, visual memory, recognition and processing speed. It also helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Due to this, cinnamon can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

External use of cinnamon is possible as an antiseptic, a disinfectant for the skin due to its ability to eliminate fungi and bacteria. It can be used to treat foot and nail fungi, as well as mouth ulcers and vaginal infections.

You can continue to describe the positive properties of cinnamon for a long time, but the word "tea" is present in the title of the article, so the discussion will be about cinnamon tea.

The benefits of cinnamon tea for humans

As already mentioned, cinnamon is a spice with many qualities useful to humans. One of the best ways to consume cinnamon is in tea. Thus, the active components of the spice are preserved and dominate. In addition, the digestive system will be the easiest way to absorb cinnamon, and a person will receive all the benefits in the shortest amount of time.

Tea contains hexylcinnamic aldehyde, which is an active ingredient in all types of cinnamon, and this biologically active compound can have a number of beneficial effects on the body. This particular compound is supplemented by coumarin, linalum, cinnamic acid, proanthocyanidins, catechins and other powerful substances that can be obtained through a cup of tea.

Cinnamon contains vitamin B1, which stimulates insulin receptors and inhibits the enzyme that activates them. This increases the body’s ability to process glucose. One cup of cinnamon tea can stabilize blood sugar, which may seem like a real treasure for diabetics.

Lower sugar levels in turn cause the body to store less fat and lose weight. A significant advantage of cinnamon tea is that the positive effect is not long in coming.

Also, cinnamon tea is very useful for the digestive system, in particular for the stomach. Tea reduces gas in the stomach, helps prevent ulceration, stops nausea and stops vomiting. In general, by stimulating the stomach with cinnamon tea, food will be easier and faster to digest.

In addition, cinnamon can stop diarrhea and regulate the intestinal rhythm. Cinnamon tea will help prevent intestinal inflammation, relieve irritation and arouse appetite.

In addition, cinnamon contains fiber, iron and calcium, which help to remove bile salts from the body, which can be harmful to the colon.

It will be beneficial for women that cinnamon prevents irregular menstruation and evens out the cycle due to its anticoagulant properties. Drinking cinnamon tea can push the onset of menstruation if it has been delayed for some reason. Also, cinnamon will relieve pain at the initial stage.

Cinnamon tea lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides. This prevents the formation of atheroma and blood clots, which slow down blood flow.

Cinnamon is able to suppress the flu. This is truly invaluable in the cold season. For the simple reason that seasoning is an antibiotic. It reduces inflammation, fever, cough, and also relieves headaches.

How to make cinnamon tea?

Making tea is very simple. It is enough to boil one or two sticks of cinnamon in water for 15-20 minutes, then let it brew for another 10 minutes. You can brew ground cinnamon, combine with black or green tea, as well as add honey, herbs and other spices.

A drop of tar in cinnamon tea. Contraindications

And, although cinnamon tea has many advantages, it should be understood that you can not drink it too much. Do not be greedy. For the simple reason that everything is good in moderation.

Cinnamon contains coumarin. The mere name of this substance alludes to its properties. For this reason, excessive consumption of cinnamon tea can be very dangerous for the liver and can even cause liver failure, so do not abuse it.

During pregnancy, avoid drinking cinnamon tea, and in general any kind of cinnamon. Coumarin stimulates blood flow and can lead to uterine contractions, which can harm the fetus. Also, cinnamon should not be consumed by nursing mothers, as this can cause allergies in the baby.

Avoid cinnamon if you have stomach or intestinal ulcers. Eating cinnamon will irritate them even more. It is best to avoid cinnamon in this case.

Cinnamon has the ability to slightly increase heart rate. For this reason, people with known heart conditions should not drink cinnamon tea. Otherwise, it can increase your heart rate and put your health at risk.

Cinnamon is a natural antibiotic, so do not mix it with any other artificial antibiotic. The properties of cinnamon can interfere with the work of other medicines. Avoid it anytime while you are taking regular antibiotics.

Cinnamon is a wonderful seasoning that can bring many benefits to humans. However, as with any components, additives and seasonings of plant origin, it should not be abused. Otherwise, there is a risk of unpredictable side effects. Remember that one or two cups of cinnamon tea per day is the optimal dosage.


Watch the video: 6 Side Effects of Too Much Cinnamon (June 2024).