Diary of a starving person, or how I was on a diet


"You are not fat!" - Once again, the best friend will exclaim at your critical review of your own body. But what to do, since you yourself feel extra pounds. You need to pull yourself together, because spring is coming!

Having timidly knocked into the psychologist's office, I went inside: “The fact is that I want to go on a diet. But first of all, I’ll tell you that I have a long and deep complex to my own figure. Therefore, in addition to diet and sports, I need advice” . The psychologist's verdict was as follows:

- The power of self-hypnosis is a big force. Once you are determined to lose weight, I am sure you will succeed. But for some small weaknesses (in the form of a cake) you cannot punish your own psyche. That is, in any case, do not call yourself fat. You have to block this thought completely. Do not get involved in strict diets and forget that food is the only source of energy necessary to maintain the body's performance. Hard dietary experiments on the body come to nothing. No stress! Choosing a diet, focus on your well-being and take into account physical activity. And during unbearable bouts of hunger, you have to come up with an exciting experience.

The first day

Monday is a great time to start a new life. Having studied the relevant literature, I singled out for myself a diet called "Japanese", and instead of the gym I decided to go in for modern dances, as I had always dreamed of dancing.

For more confidence in resisting temptation, in the evening I hooked to the refrigerator door an image of Hollywood beauties with their incredible figures. As you look, you immediately want to be at least a step closer to this perfection.

The menu for today: breakfast - black coffee, diet cookies; lunch - two boiled boiled eggs, cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. tomato juice; for dinner - fried or boiled fish.

At 7 pm training. Whole hour. It hurts the whole body, I want to eat. Mood is below average. Falling asleep, I imagine myself in the summer on the beach. Despite the hunger, the smile stretched to the ears.

Second day

Hmm ... pretty weird. Last night I thought that I would eat an elephant in the morning, but it turned out that the feeling of hunger for the night had even faded.
Menu on Tuesday: for breakfast, green tea with crackers, for lunch - fried fish, vegetable salad. And for dinner, drink kefir with a slice of black bread. To calm myself a little, I lie on the couch and watch a youth comedy.

Third day

The most difficult, as all nutritionists say. And it is true. I woke up in a nightmarish mood, was late for a minibus, I had to go in a close bus like a sprat in a bank. Here! Even the bus is compared to food ... Horror. Or maybe her, this diet? People love us for who we are. But - no, or in vain did I suffer for two days? The internal struggle was short, won mind.

For breakfast - rolled oats on skim milk, for lunch - carrots with cheese, for dinner - fruits. And - sleep, sleep ...

Day four

I slept well, I feel lightness in the whole body. Classmates said that my face shines. What a fine fellow I am! Breakfast - tea, large apple. For lunch, I ate an omelet with fresh cabbage salad. And dinner yogurt and mandarin. The training went great, the trainer said that I dance well. Happy day today ... On the way home, I went to the store and bought jeans a size smaller. Now I will definitely not leave my path. Jeans cost a lot ...

Fifth day

Dressing in the morning to study, she noted that the belt was fastened one hole further. Looking in the mirror, I felt attractive. It is high time! Breakfast, lunch, dinner - repeat the menu of the first day. From 6 to 8 days - repeat the diet from the beginning. Stand it!

Visit to a psychologist

“Well, well ... I congratulate you heartily, but now you must not retreat.” It often happens that way - I lost weight, and with joy you think: "I will reward myself with a cake, I'm such a clever girl!". Then another, and another ... Gain weight twice as much as they dumped. When the diet is over, you will need to constantly refrain from an extra piece. Are you ready to make such sacrifices? "

My mind screamed, "No!" All the power available to him. I said out loud: "Yes!". And my body was only glad.


Watch the video: My Eating Disorder. (June 2024).