How much does life cost in the most expensive cities in the world


According to a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit, it turned out that Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. Bread, if the yen is converted to Russian currency, will cost 271 rubles, a pack of cigarettes - 167 rubles, gasoline - 59. The Economist analyzed the price range in ruble terms in the cheapest and most expensive city in the world. At the time of compiling the rating, 400 prices were compared for 160 services and products in the 131st city of the world. Note that Moscow has not entered the top ten neither the cheapest nor the most expensive cities.

Researchers analyzed the prices of drinks, personal hygiene products, food, utility bills, clothing and funds that residents of a particular city spend on schools, babysitting and entertainment. As a basis, they took the cost of living in the city of New York (USA).

Here are the first ten most expensive cities: Tokyo comes first, Osaka comes second, then Sydney, Oslo, Melbourne, Singapore, Zurich, Paris, Caracas and Geneva. Ten of the cheapest cities: Tehran, Jeddah, Panama, Colombo, Bucharest, Algeria, Kathmandu, New Delhi, Mumbai, Karachi.

With ruble wallet

In Tokyo, a kilogram of bread will have to pay a little more than 9 dollars. If counted on the Russian currency, this will amount to 271 rubles. A pack of cigarettes costs 5.57 dollars - 166 rubles. One bottle of wine (0.75) in the Japanese capital will cost $ 15.95, that is, 477 rubles. Almost 2 dollars or 60 Russian rubles must be paid for a liter of gasoline in Tokyo.

In Osaka, bread costs about $ 8 (237 rubles), cigarettes - $ 5.57 (166 rubles), $ 17.56 (525 rubles) for wine. The cost of gasoline is 1.96 dollars per liter (58.6 rubles).

In Sydney (Australia), a kilogram of bread costs $ 5 (150 rubles), a pack of cigarettes 15.48 dollars (463 rubles). Wine will cost significantly more than in Osaka and Tokyo - 25.38 dollars per bottle (759.4 rubles). A liter of gasoline - 1.5 dollars (about 45 rubles).

In the cheapest city in the world - Karachi (Pakistan), bread will cost $ 1.76 or 52.66 rubles, a pack of cigarettes costs $ 1.74 (51.7 rubles), you need to pay $ 14.79 for a bottle of wine, i.e. 442, 5 rubles. Gasoline will cost 1.23 dollars per liter (36.8 Russian rubles).

Asians lead in the ranking, Australians have to catch up

This year, the capital of Japan was again the most expensive city in the world. Recall that in the past Zurich occupied the first line in the ranking. In total, Asian cities are leaders in the twenty most expensive. And just ten years ago, the scales tipped toward Europe. The drafters of the rating note that the cost of living in Australian cities is also growing. This is due to currency fluctuations, rapid economic growth and inflation.


Watch the video: Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live In (June 2024).