Life hacks: how to replace kitchen devices with your own crafts


The kitchen is a real laboratory where masterpieces are born in clubs of smoke and mouth-watering aroma. But sometimes, for this or that work to be born, tools are needed. Hence our desire to stock up on a huge arsenal of mechanisms and devices. Of course, you can buy rugs, mixers, spatulas, molds ... no! It is impossible! Everything that is made to facilitate our work in the kitchen is simply unrealistic to buy! This is expensive, and it will take up so much space that you have to take the whole house under all the tools!

So why not come up with substitutes for kitchen devices in the form of simple mechanisms or designs? This may be temporary supplies. But it can become permanent. And the main condition is that such crafts will cost us very, very cheap. They will not be sorry to throw. And when the need arises again in them, in just a few minutes they can be made from improvised means.

These "gadgets", devices, and just little things were made in the production process. You know, when you make mayonnaise, and there are squirrels, you start to think where to put them. So, in parallel with mayonnaise (from which it all began), along the way, a biscuit, marshmallows and a coulebyak appear.

So, the path to creating basic things.

Tubing molds

In order to make them, it took:

  • Baking paper;
  • Foil.

We master:

  1. First, cut the rectangles out of paper. Approximately 30 cm long with normal width.
  2. Fold the paper in half.
  3. Turn into a bag.
  4. We fix our structure by bending into the edges. When we bend, we make sure that we are fully satisfied with the size of the cones both in length and in width.
  5. Wrap foil on top. And again we strengthen by wrapping the edges inside the bag.

By the way! You can safely use these cones for a year. They keep their shape well, even if they are actively exploited.

Cellophane Cooking Bags

I think that I will surprise someone with the fact that this is a universal tool!

One rule! Packages (integer) should be 2 (!). The bag is inserted into the bag, the mixture is poured inside and sent to hot water.

With this "design" excellent omelets are boiled (without flour, by the way!) They turn out to be lush, incredibly tender and suitable even for baby food or those who are on a diet. And how cool stuffed liver rolls are!

But the most beautiful and delicious poached eggs are cooked in packages! I even want to boast of it. And most importantly! WITHOUT TROUBLES! 4 minutes, a little time to cool down and ready !!!

Cellophane Roll Forming

We continue the topic of packages. I think that without them life in the kitchen would be not just boring, but complicated.

We will reveal the use of simple packages for stuffed dessert and snack rolls. For a long time I did this with a bamboo rug. But once I realized that there is cheaper material, which is more convenient to work with, and you can simply throw it away after use.

Tips for working with packages:

  1. Cut the package.
  2. If we are preparing a dessert, moisten it slightly with water.
  3. If it is a snack, for example, a liver roll with butter inside, grease the bag with vegetable oil.
  4. We spread the material on the package, align it (a little, without fanaticism). On the edge from which we begin to spin, the filling.
  5. Raise the edge of the film with the material.
  6. Smooth with your hands and peel off the bag. And so we turn off to the end.
  7. Knead the sausage so that the surface is flat.
  8. We place the roll with the package in the refrigerator. After 1-3 hours, we take out and remove the package.

The result is always better than after the rugs.

Scissors for a pattern

See what cute "patterns" can be made with scissors for the test:

Interestingly, such patterns can be made for Hedgehogs and Christmas trees. And for other goodies for kids.

Handles for the pattern on the test

Immediately I will call another tool. Simple pen prints can make the surface of the dough textured. No longer need to buy rolling pins with patterns.

Ice cream spoon for forming fashionable curd balls

Use the devices that you have to create more dishes.

Here is an idea for you! Coming up with a salad for the New Year, I wanted to decorate it somehow unusual, so that the idea was new. We offer these pretty people!

Just do not forget to grease a spoon with plain water, so that the curd easily lags behind.

Here's what happened:

Syringe for small jobs or liquid cream patterns

You can buy a culinary syringe. However, not so often we use it. And when you need it, you can use a simple medical syringe.

Glasses for shaping cheese baskets

A simple glass, and for such a delicious snack, like a basket of cheese, this is an indispensable thing!

You can use glasses for thin baking (dough) to make tartlets.

Plastic jars

What useful molds! I did it at a time, but they got accustomed to me. Now I am preparing various desserts with such a form, both mousse and cottage cheese, and based on them a “potato” cake.

It is only necessary to cut the bottom, align the edge. And that’s all!


I will continue to talk about forms. An ordinary tin can is an excellent tin in which you can bake (!)

But only after opening it is not necessary to remove a strip of metal from the edge. Otherwise, the edges will be very sharp. Just press it with pliers.

Toothpick Packaging

If you have an empty toothpick box and its shape is quite interesting, for example, with a heart, use it to make cookies.

Drywall Profile

The amazing thing is this profile! In fact, it is a thin metal that can be bent as you like, into any shape. And so create cookie cutters.

Tetrapak Cheesecake Mold

A very convenient thing is tetrapacks! We drank juice, cut the bottom. The second bottom was also cut out, but at the same time they made small walls - 1.5-2cm. and with such a device you can make a great cheesecake!

The shape of the bottom of the plastic bottle

You just need to cut the curly bottom of the bottle, and the mold is ready. Cookies will be in the shape of a flower.

In the first models, I made holes, pushed through the bolts, fixed them with nuts. But believe me, the form and without all this perfectly pushes the dough and the dough does not stick, calmly removed from the mold. So the latest models are just the cut off bottom of the bottle and that’s it.

Sifter for sifting flour

This strainer just helped me out. And all due to the fact that the teapot broke. A strainer is very convenient to sift flour directly into the dough directly during cooking.

By the way, from the teapot as a legacy to me, there was also a lid. It is convenient for me to squeeze out round blanks for dumplings.

Chocolate Balls

Instead of silicone molds, I have long been using simple balloons. And believe me, it turns out no worse! And they are removed quickly, and the balls themselves are a penny!

Ball Pump

I was prompted to create such a pump because I bought unrealistically small balls that simply could not be inflated: my cheeks were inflated, and the balls did not even budge. What to do?

I had to urgently create just such a simple design.

For her it took:

  • 1.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • Insulating tape;
  • A pen;
  • Knife.

How I made the pump:

  1. I made a hole in the lid to fit the handle (without paste).
  2. I stuck a pen in it.
  3. Twisted the lid.
  4. I shook it around the handle to fix it, with electrical tape.

It remains only to put balls on the handle and press on the bottle so that the air from it moves into the ball.

All these tools are simple to manufacture and use, do not need instructions.


Watch the video: 27 UNUSUAL COOKING HACKS (June 2024).